Ammo For Sale

October 12, 2011

Holder subpoenaed

By House Oversight Committee over fast and furious.

Horton Hears The Call of Cthulhu


Gun Porn

Nolwin 1911 style 9mm

Schrodinger’s Carry

Concealed or not?

Seen in the wild

Strange AR magazines in the Philippines.

Aimpoint Micro H1 Review

From Tom.

Quote of the day

I’m not into religious wars and such. But in the event someone decided to threaten me with death because their invisible man in the sky can beat up my invisible man in the sky, this is pretty much how I feel about it:

Jihad works both ways.

Update: Her blog is here.


Couple lost in corn maze calls 911. You know you can walk right through corn, right?


I’m kind of interested in one of these Chromebooks, an internet only type of netbook. Anyone play with one?

Gun Safety Class

Pics from a school in 1956. How times have changed.

Via John.

Zombie movie raided

Brad Pitt’s World War Z set raided for weapons violations.


Stephen has some.

October 11, 2011

7 new guns

At Shooting Illustrated

I bet that hurt

Cop stops guy from shooting him by jamming his thumb under the revolvers hammer.

Gunwalker stuff

Mention of DEA’s involvement again.

ATF knew sales were a problem

Fighting for gun rights

At OccupySeattle?

Tactical Pens

I like my S&W TacPen but here’s the $5 tactical pen.

1,000 words

A picture

And yet, the competitive shooting sports still don’t get it

Since they ding you for using 9mm. Caleb touches on something I’ve mentioned before, the argument over the stopping power of whatever popular pistol caliber is largely academic. Any more, I’ve been buying 9mm handguns because they’re more fun to shoot. And I say that as someone who mostly carries a 45acp.


In need of tar and feathers

The EU to ban children from blowing up balloons under safety rules.

I think I may have an actionable claim for Signs, Fight Club, and every single Spike Lee Joint

You know, if you can successfully sue every time Hollywood puts out a crappy movie, then the show business industry would go under.


Which Mitt? A fun game.

Big Brother

German government accused of spying on citizens using a trojan.

Zombie Family

I hate those family stickers since we in the Uncle clan walk single file to hide our numbers. But these are funny.

Shall issue NFA

This is why I didn’t go the living trust route.

Gun Porn

I don’t understand their crazy moon language but, hey, guns.

Service revolver shotgun

Speaking of 3D printers

They’re not going to put MagPul out of business.

Criminals and 3D printing

PC World has a look. With some OMG they can make gun parts even though those gun parts were made by hobbyists.

S&W Bodyguard .380 review

Over at Jay’s.

October 10, 2011

The first time I know for sure I was made

Happened this weekend. At a local purveyor of home improvement products and I reached up on a shelf. My shirt came up a bit and exposed my Glock 30. I was made. By two boys about age 10. One kid looks at the other and says Hey, that guy’s carrying a gun. The other kid says That is so cool.

No police. No store security. No upset parents.

Homemade Rifle

A rifle designed at on a computer and finished using CNC:

Very cool. Gun control is no match for technology.

An amazing thing will happen: nothing

Ann Althouse on carry at the WI capitol:

Having seen the effect of the rotunda on the human mind, I worry about ordinary citizens in the Capitol with guns.

Just like all the other times guns went from being restricted to allowed in things like bars, restaurants, capitols, parks etc., nothing happens.

Via Breda.

Bring it, fan boys

Why do we love the 1911?

They are my favorite handgun to shoot but least favorite to carry. YMMV.

Getting a gun in DC

Substitute “gun” with “car”. Heh.

NC Numbers

A look at gun deaths in NC.

Full circle jerk

A federal program gives people free pot. But the DOJ is cracking down on medical marijuana.



Constitutional carry

A call to action in Tennessee.

I’ve told you a million times not to exaggerate

I like the title: A gun in the home is 47 Billion times more likely

Gunwalker round up

No: Do They Not Care About Dead Mexicans?

Holder pleads stupid. Says I know you are but what am I?

Also, no: Dems abandoning ship?

House committee to get its subpoena on.

Congressman Labrador calls for Holder’s resignation.

AZ sheriff calls for independent investigation.

CBS reporter interviewed by O’Reilly.

Now, it’s running ammo.

Government at work

Astronauts returning from moon had to go through customs.

TSA at work

Harassing someone over a gun shaped thing.

Glock: The Rise of America’s Gun

Joe has a review of the book:

this is the story of how Aston (sic) Glock came to dominate the handgun market in the U.S

We’re winning

Social coupons for shooting lessons.

Lessons in self defense

From Brigid


US drones get virus.

In Cali

Bill to ban open carry of unloaded firearms signed into law. So much for speculation on his supposed pro-gun attitude.

Gun Porn

SD40 review

Girly gun

Suppressed MKII

Wooden Nagant Replica

October 07, 2011

Bacon, pumpkin and bacon

A list of yummy.

I don’t know that I’ve blogged it but my facebook friends know that I have taken to making my own beer and making wine for the wife. I don’t drink wine myself. Anyway, tomorrow, I’ll begin making my first pumpkin beer. It will contain roasted pumpkin, brown sugar, and some molasses. Should be good, in theory.

Everything is a felony

Three a day is the government recommended daily dose.

In Texas, stealing aluminum cans and a penny is a felony?

And careful picking up spent brass.

Getting a gun in DC

Emily Miller’s second report:

The D.C. Gun Registry office is not where you go for help getting a legal gun; it’s where you go to get more confused by bureaucracy.

Indeed. My sooper seekrit correspondent sent me pics of the registry office and it looks so inviting. Typical government entrance:

Obviously, there’s no bias implied by calling it the Gun Control Unit:

Why not a gun rights section:

Win Gun Stuff

A round up of stuff you can win on the internet.

Zombie Industries

3-D bleeding zombie targets.



Secret panel can put Americans on “kill list’

American militants like Anwar al-Awlaki are placed on a kill or capture list by a secretive panel of senior government officials, which then informs the president of its decisions, according to officials.

I can’t say that I have a problem with killing terrorists. But I can say I have a problem with bureaucrats who spend $900 on a hammer making such decisions.

Quote of the day


. . . the end of gun control is not politically or culturally driven, but was a historical inevitability. . .

Yay, technology.

Color me skeptical

At an Ohio barber shop:

Barber Kurt Voelkel in the Cleveland suburb of Parma says the man was adjusting his clothing and sitting down on Sept. 29 when a 9 mm handgun fell from his holster, struck the ground and went off.

Guns don’t generally discharge when dropped.


Of the word ‘gun’ at MTV. Been doing that for years.

Cracking down on sick people

In Cali, the DOJ has rid the world of terrorism and violent crime and will now crack down on the scourge of sick people smoking weed.

Coal Creek Armory’s New Location

Brick O’Lore has a report of Coal Creek Armory’s new digs.

Challenging the Hughes Amendment

Pretty easy to do if you’re the president.

Modern firearms

A trend toward guns that are hard to shoot and control.

More selective enforcement

Occupy Whatever protesters allowed to break law.

In Gunwalker news

Holder informed of the operation multiple times.

Asked if he was aware, Obama says “Certainly, I was not“.


Burglars find man’s child porn stash and turn him in.

And thieves stole a bridge. Yes, a whole fucking bridge. Scrap is pretty valuable.

The Funky Bunch

Marky Mark: felon in possession.

Selective enforcement is tyranny.

Chicks and guns

A grandmother wants to concealed carry.

Gun Porn

45 LC snubbie. Without a covered trigger.

1911 inspired knife

Advantage Arms 22 conversion for Glock

October 06, 2011

Occupy whatever: part 2

From facebook:

Memo to those in the Occupy Boston crowd flying the Gadsden flag. “Don’t tread on me” is not the same as “Give me more of that guy’s stuff.”

Yup. I’m with them to an extent on some of the trouble with respect to our country, as a policy, privatizes gains but we all share in the loss.

But, seriously, go occupy a frier and a spatula.

But Bush did it too!

Only that is a lie:

When Associated Press reporter Pete Yost uncritically repeated claims by anonymous Department of Justice officials that the Bush-era Operation Wide Receiver was “the same tactic” used by the Obama Justice Department in Operation Fast and Furious and other operations, I called him out, knowing the claim was incorrect.

Doesn’t fit the narrative.

Full Panic

At the Justice Department, over Gunwalker.

the old trick doesn’t result in police busting down a 98 year-old grandmother’s door, shooting her, and planting drugs on her

Rich reconsiders his drug legalization stance. Like most social issues, it’s a complex one. And the one thing I can sure of is I don’t want the government involved in it.

We’re winning: a round up

Editorial sticks up for gun rights for medical marijuana users.

Major paper says homicide rates not linked to gun control.

In Green Bay, a victory. I love this: We have people that have gun phobias, that’s all we have here.

Unclear on the concept

NY State Senators on the first amendment: this freedom should be treated not as a right but as a privilege

On the gun ruling

Sullum: Dueling Tests Yield Conflicting Conclusions About the District of Columbia’s Gun Controls

Gunwalker: More crushing of dissent

CBS news silencing its gunwalker reporter?

Shake up at ATF.

Indict Holder

Heh: Extradite the ATF.

32ACP gets serious

An article by Oleg Volk.

Major League Zombie

I think I want this shirt.

Cops behaving badly

Nice to see two things in this article. That major websites are picking up on police abuse. And that layout is the coolest Steve Jobs tribute I have seen.

NFA Hacked

The XO-26. A short AR with no stock and a vertical forward grip and the ATF have said it is neither a Short Barreled Rifle nor an Any Other Weapon. I expect that ATF would change its mind. Apparently, at 27 inches and being designed to be shot with two hands makes it an odd bird with ATF’s arbitrary regulations.

A read on the various complexities here. Act at your peril.

I told you

Said before I thought it sounded full-auto. I was right. It was illegally converted.


In Brady’s highest rated state.

New spin?

Mentioned that SOCOM bought some suppressors a bit back. I did not know that they were called Muzzle Brake Suppressors.

Flow and bucket

Millionaire is not a salary.

On Steve Jobs

No secret I don’t care for Apple’s business model. However, Steve Jobs was an innovative guy. He changed how Americans viewed and used the phone, personal computers, and how the world enjoys music.

Godspeed, Sir.

Tactical Coffee

Ok, then.

Gun Porn

Tiny Menace

Megatron, is that you?

Does this make my butt look big?

October 05, 2011

Cops shoot ‘aggressive’ dog

Caught on tape. The dog was wagging its tail and, generally, being passive. While restrained.

Wish I hadn’t watched that.

When seconds count . . .

The police are minutes away.

iPhone 4S: Look what we stole from Android!

So, it has voice commands like my Android based phones have had for years? Cutting edge there!

Also, this past weekend, my DroidX did a software upgrade. The thing I noticed most about the upgrade is that they tried to make the software look more iPhony with flashy rotating screens, rounded edges, and how the windows move. Much more iPhone in appearance.

Unsurprisingly, they’re blaming Bush

We’ve known for a bit about Operation Wide Receiver, which was a Bush era operation that sent RFID tagged guns to Mexico. Apparently, the latest spin is that, because ATF did it under Bush, that makes it A-OK with everyone:

The federal government under the Bush administration ran an operation that allowed hundreds of guns to be transferred to suspected arms traffickers — the same tactic that congressional Republicans have criticized President Barack Obama’s administration for using, two federal law enforcement officials said Tuesday.

But Issa doesn’t relent:

whether it’s Operation Fast and Furious, Operation Wide Receiver, or both, it’s clear that guns were walked, and people high in the Justice Department knew about it. There’s no excuse for walking guns, and if there are more operations like this, Congress and the American people need to know.

You mean the Glock 7?

What happened the the mythical undetectable plastic gun?

I saw it in Die Hard 2.


At a parade in FL, guns are OK but other weapons are not.

Photo Series: Your house is burning, what do you take with you?

I notice quite a few knives and guns.

Emily Gets Her Gun

A series about a woman getting a gun in DC:

I want a gun. I don’t feel safe living in Washington, D.C. and want to protect myself. I’m starting today by going down to City Hall to find the gun permit office to tell them, “I want a gun.” This series will follow me as I navigate the city bureaucracy and outdated rules in order to legally buy a firearm.

KelTec SUB2000

A good review on the carbine.

New shooters

Pics and a report

Inside the mind of a nanny

Bloomberg on why you shouldn’t be allowed to make your own decisions:

There are powers only governments can exercise, policies only governments can mandate and enforce and results only governments can achieve. To halt the worldwide epidemic of non-communicable diseases, governments at all levels must make healthy solutions the default social option. That is ultimately government’s highest duty

You can just fuck right off.

New anti-gun boogeymen

Now, we’re insurrectionists. I preferred CCW killer.

Get the lead out

No, not really:

The judge also ruled against a suit brought by the Tucson-based Center for Biological Diversity that claimed the use of lead ammunition by hunters in the two areas is poisoning species like the California condor.

Zombie proof your house


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

blog advertising is good for you


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