Apologies for lack of posts over the last day or so. Lots of work on.

Just watching PMQs  – amazed that Northern Rock wasn’t raised by David Cameron in his first three questions. I thought it was the biggest disaster ever OMGWTFBBQ! Nah, it’s less important than Dutch criminals not paying fines.

Also interesting that when Cameron did come on to Northern Rock is was on the tangential question of freedom of information, and done in an incredibly  aggressive way. Cameron really has to watch the nasty, sneering tone that comes into his questions when he’s under pressure. It totally undermines his carefully crafted nice guy image. If you played that last question at PMQs to a swing voter, I think they’d be horrified.

Anyway, I’m claiming my counter-intuition got it right on PMQs. Gordon Brown won, and won handily. I am a seer and a visonary.

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4 Responses to “PMQs”

  1. The Collective

    Well you’ve seared my soul, Hopi, like a tuna steak in La Gavroche of political commentary.

  2. Gareth Williams

    Couldit be that Cameron is unhappy that he will never be in the position of giving his chums dosh to privatise Northern Wreck ?

  3. Cassilis

    I don’t think our agreed arbiter (Nick R)covered last week’s session but such is my good grace that I’m willing to concede you last weeks PMQs (even though ‘draw’ feels a fairer call).

    We’ll ‘double or quit’ on tomorrow and I’ve posted something on this weekly ritual anyway…


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