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  • Robert started the forum topic Hayek Picture in the group AvatarThe Commons:   15 minutes ago · View

    I’m wondering if anybody around here knows where I can find the full image of this picture . For whatever reason, here the edges have been cropped out. This is of particular interest to me because the book on the table is actually Rothbard’s The Ethics of Liberty , which can be clearly identified by the spine of the [...]

  • vips started the forum topic Austrian Monetary History of the development of finance in the group AvatarMonetary Theory:   5 hours, 35 minutes ago · View

    Hello all,   Did I see a new book recently published which dealt with the development of the financial system since the 1950s-ish to today, explaining the rise in capital markets and various financial derivatives and instruments etc? Or was I seeing things?   I had a look there to buy it but I couldn’t [...]

  • Gavin posted on the forum topic Interestingly Misleading Chart on Wealth in America in the group AvatarPolitics :   5 hours, 39 minutes ago · View

    Here is another chart, which seems to show the data in a slightly different way:


  • Gavin posted on the forum topic If US and EU enter a very long recession, where else would a person want to live? in the group AvatarThe Commons:   5 hours, 44 minutes ago · View

    Thank you.  I have to say , though, I’m not terribly impressed with that short-list.  I’m not entirely sure that your list of places have decoupled themselves from US/EU bubbles and schemes enough to profit from US/EU downturn.

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      Marc · 3 hours, 31 minutes ago

      The EU, the US, and China are the world’s three largest economies, by a league. When they go under (and they all will, in one giant implosion), there will not be a place on earth that is not affected. If you want to protect your wealth, then I suggest buying some gold/silver and dumping it into an anonymous lockbox in HK.

      There will not be any economy that does not get killed in this, but the countries I listed will most likely be the first to recover.

      I did forget to throw the Philippines on there, though. From what I’ve heard, the Philippines is nice, but the people there are totally business illiterate. Good if you wanted to set up a business and didn’t want any smart competition to keep you working.

  • kborer started the forum topic Top Economists and Ethicists in the group AvatarThe Commons:   7 hours, 27 minutes ago · View

    I am looking to get my guitar signed by people in the liberty movement, and I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion of someone who should be added. I currently have:  

    Ron Paul Hans Hoppe Lew Rockwell Andrew Napolitano Jeffrey Tucker Walter Block Bob Higgs Stephan Kinsella Roderick Long Tom Woods Tom DiLorenzo Stephan Molyneux Peter Klein Peter Schiff Guido Hulsmann Bob Murphy Joe Salerno Mark Thorton David Gordon Roger Garrison Doug French Jeff Herbener [...]
  • Marc posted on the forum topic Gold standard and fractional reserve banking? in the group AvatarThe Commons:   22 hours, 32 minutes ago · View

    I agree that you cannot simply eliminate the federal reserve or the legal tender standard. Historical precedent shows why not. In short, if you de-monetize dollars, then everyone holding dollars suddenly goes broke.   In order to transition without a major economic catastrophe, steps must be taken in a logical order such that the money supply [...]

  • Marc posted on the forum topic If US and EU enter a very long recession, where else would a person want to live? in the group AvatarThe Commons:   1 day, 1 hour ago · View

    Well, I’d say that list is definitely not good from an austrian viewpoint. I can name a few, but you’ll have to do your own research to find somewhere most applicable to you. I have not yet found a single country that isn’t host to some form of group-think based stupidity, but some are less [...]

  • Gavin started the forum topic If US and EU enter a very long recession, where else would a person want to live? in the group AvatarThe Commons:   1 day, 6 hours ago · View

    Let’s assume for the moment that the US and EU enter a very long and painful period of shedding bad assets and recovering from its drunken debt binge.  If the governments & central banks of each do what they always do, they will delay and postpone this much-needed purging of the poisons for as long [...]

  • Bogart posted on the forum topic free market and illegal drugs in the group AvatarPhilosophy:   1 day, 13 hours ago · View

    In a free society all individuals, including children, would be able to perform mutually beneficial transactions of just about any type.  Understand the critical part here is MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL.  Your premise is that the minor in this case would be able to find a supplier.  The reality is completely opposite.  In a world without violence, [...]

  • Zak posted on the forum topic free market and illegal drugs in the group AvatarPhilosophy:   1 day, 17 hours ago · View

    I’m going to nit pick a bit, the free market is really only a term for a market that is free of government intervention.  Such a sphere of commerce naturally does not allow or disallow the selling of illegal drugs.  It’s in no place to do so.  The state or society (which, I must hasten to [...]

  • Mitch Kordonowy posted on the forum topic free market and illegal drugs in the group AvatarPhilosophy:   2 days, 7 hours ago · View

    Roman, I think it is also important to think of this fact: Today, if a child so desired, and knew who to contact, could theoretically purchase any drug they wanted to, from a black market dealer. I would be willing to wager that it is already happening.  Now, that is not to say that they [...]

  • J.D. Fogg joined the group AvatarAntiwar   2 days, 8 hours ago · View

  • J.D. Fogg joined the group AvatarRon Paul   2 days, 8 hours ago · View

  • Expedius posted on the forum topic free market and illegal drugs in the group AvatarPhilosophy:   2 days, 9 hours ago · View

    Hello Roman,   From what I’ve read about this problem, one important thing that needs to be settled before an answer can be given is when a child is “free” to choose on its own.   I think that Rothbard argued that a child is considered an independent, free being when he can provide for [...]

  • Mr Smith posted on the forum topic Full reserve banks in the group AvatarMonetary Theory:   3 days ago · View

    It is a minor issue. Many proponents of the Austrian School prefer full reserve banking in order to avoid the adverse effects of monetary unit expansion. There is not prerequisite of full reserve banking for a market to operate in a functional sense. Fractional reserve banking can offer benefits such as a greater rate of return [...]

  • Tyler posted on the forum topic Interestingly Misleading Chart on Wealth in America in the group AvatarPolitics :   3 days, 6 hours ago · View

    Good point on the marginalization of skill sets due to increased technology.  It is unfortunate when people lose their job due to this but this is a natural outcome of increased productivity.  It does not mean they can’t do anything now, but they need to find a new place in the economy.  When productivity increases, [...]

  • roman strawa started the forum topic free market and illegal drugs in the group AvatarPhilosophy:   3 days, 11 hours ago · View


    Hello I have had a one question for a while now and I was wondering if there is anyway this site can point me in the right direction. The question is since the free market would advocate the selling of illegal drugs such as heroin and cocaine would that imply that then the free market [...]
  • schoenberg started the forum topic Full reserve banks in the group AvatarMonetary Theory:   3 days, 14 hours ago · View

    My understanding of Austrian economics is that a bank must hold the full reserve of the depositor. This is unlike fractional reserve banking in that a bank operating under a fractional reserve system must only store a reserve of the deposit, and is able to profit from lending out the majority of the deposit as a [...]

  • Expedius posted on the forum topic Some thoughts on the counter economic life. in the group AvatarCounter-Economy:   4 days, 3 hours ago · View

    Hello Gavin,   And thank you for your feedback. I am sorry to see that no one else is chiming in, but I guess it’s just you and me who are interested in “walking the walk”. ;)   “* Utilizing special purpose legal vehicles for your income.  I like this.  I’d love to know more [...]

  • Frank posted on the forum topic Interestingly Misleading Chart on Wealth in America in the group AvatarPolitics :   4 days, 14 hours ago · View

    The biggest problem I have with charts that shows income “growth” allocation over a 30 year period of time is that for it to have any meaning you would have to assume that everyone remained in the same income groups during that time. When you read the subtext on the chart, they imply that there [...]

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