What would happen if Christians devoted the same discipline and self-sacrifice to nonviolent peacemaking that armies devote to war?

CHICAGO – Peacemaker Congress XI: Bill Wylie-Kellerman among enticing line-up of workshop presenters

Bill Wylie-Kellerman, pastor, author and activist, returns to Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) Peacemaker Congress to lead workshops on “Detroit Rising: Grassroots Alternatives to Corporate Empire” (Check out his Sojourners article on the subject) and “Speaking Truth to Power: People of Faith in Today’s Babylon.”
Wylie-Kellerman was a keynote speaker at CPT’s first ever Peacemaker Congress held in Chicago over New Year’s weekend 1993-94.
Other workshops at CPT’s 25th anniversary Congress this 13-16 October in Chicago include:

·         “Telling the Stories: Vignettes from CPT’s First Quarter Century” facilitated by Ched Myers and Elaine Enns, Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries …

Upcoming CPT Events

Video Introduction to Christian Peacemaker Teams



If you're interested in a DVD of the video, email sophiac@cpt.org and make a donation of whatever amount you choose to help cover the costs.

About CPT

Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) is a living answer to the question, "what would happen if Christians devoted the same discipline and self-sacrifice to nonviolent peacemaking that armies devote to war?"  It is an evolving challenge.

Partnering with nonviolent movements around the world, CPT seeks to embody an inclusive, ecumenical and diverse community of God's love.  We believe we can transform war and occupation, our own lives, and the wider Christian world through:

  • the nonviolent power of God's truth
  • partnership with local peacemakers
  • bold action

CPT places teams at the invitation of local peacemaking communities that are confronting situations of lethal conflict.  These teams seek to follow God's Spirit as it works through local peacemakers who risk injury and death by waging nonviolent direct action to confront systems of violence and oppression. 

CPT understands violence to be rooted in systemic structures of oppression. We are committed to undoing oppressions, starting within our own lives and in the practices of our organization.

Featured CPT Partner

The collective village of Hardan is made up of 450 families from thirteen villages internally displaced by bombing. Hardan collective formed in December 1995 after Turkish bombings forced villagers to move. During the first two years people lived in tents. In 1997 each family received six hundred concrete blocks and ten bags of cement with which to build their houses. Turkish attacks subsided between 2003 and 2007, during which bridges and roads were rebuilt in 2004, allowing people to return to their homes to plant and rebuild. In February 2008, however, Turkey resumed bombing in the village areas and destroyed five bridges. People depended on these bridges to visit other villages as well as to bring their crops and animals to market. Hardan collective awaits the day they can safely return to their original homes.

CPT’s Work: CPT accompanies communities like Hardan, documenting their experience, and advocating with decision-makers for a cease to state-sponsored violence and bombing.