True Love and High Adventure
Image hosted by Photobucket.comTrue Love and High Adventure
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"I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library."

Thursday, January 25, 2007
In accordance with the monomania that descends on new parents, blogging has pretty much become concentrated at
Impossible Things Before Breakfast.

It seems strange that I chose the name of the blog before I had a baby and realised how damned apt it was as a description of what parenthood involves. And that the baby would share a name with the heroine of the quote's source...

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Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy New Year! Wow, that week went quickly. What am I saying? That whole YEAR went quickly. Strange to think that I was pregnant for most of it, effectively inhabiting a different body to the one I had before, and to the one I have now...

I actually missed the start of 2007 during a snatched sleep, but Alice kindly woke me up a few minutes in and we celebrated with a very pooey nappy and a bottle of something chilled and bubbly warm formula milk. Sigh.

By the way, photos of Alice are

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Happy Christmas! It's hard to feel festive when you're pacing the floor at 3am with a crying baby, but at the same time it's hard to feel truly unhappy when you can just sniff the head of said baby at any time and be knocked sideways by love hormones.

Matt went to register Alice's birth on Friday, and her first act as an official person was to join the library (well, given that her mum and both her maternal grandparents are librarians and her dad practically lives in the library, it was inevitable really):

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Wednesday, December 20, 2006
We had a baby! Alice Elizabeth was born on 14 December at 6.25 am, weighing a petite 4lb 13oz and making us fall head over heels in love the instant we saw her. She has a cleft lip (like her mum) and palate which will both be repaired in a few months' time.

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Thursday, November 09, 2006
Fantastic present from my coworker and her four year old daughter: a chocolate Venus of Willendorf! Although at the moment you could be forgiven for thinking it was actually an uncanny representation of, well, me.

I think they should go into business mass-producing these. Educational, empowering AND delicious! What more could a woman want?

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