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COP 17


Climate Justice Protests at the US Consulate


Electricity prices and runaway trucks will embarrass Durban’s COP17
Patrick Bond (Mercury Eye on Society column) 27 September 2011

Environment minister Edna Molewa announced yesterday at the International Convention Centre provincial climate meeting, that the Durban climate summit starting in just two months will be “a conference of hope,” generating an “outcome all of us will be happy about.”

Climate-dumb Durban's greenwash manual
Will the host city for the November-December world climate summit, COP17, clean up its act? The August 23 launch of a major Academy of Science of South Africa (Assaf) report, Towards a Low Carbon City: Focus on Durban – offers an early chance to test whether new municipal leaders are climate greenwashers, attempting to disguise high-carbon economic policies with pleasing rhetoric, as did their predecessors.

Click the cover page for the manual:
Towards a low carbon city

Why we question COP17: Climate Justice for Durban?
The Climate Justice movement in Durban is trying to ensure the COP17, from Nov 28 to Dec 9, isn’t simply another failed, elite summit-hop. It will be that, because:

Fighting the minerals-petroleum-coal complex’s wealth and woes in Durban
Patrick Bond and Khadija Sharife 19 July 2011

When African National Congress youth leader Julius Malema recently proposed the mining industry’s partial nationalization – and last week asked, quite legitimately, ‘what is the alternative?’ to those in the SA Communist Party (SACP) and Business Leadership South Africa who threw cold water at him – a debate of enormous ideological magnitude opened in public, which workers, communities and environmentalists have already joined in their myriad struggles.

Leaving oil in the soil, from Durban’s coast to Ecuador’s Amazon

By Patrick Bond, presentation from CCS Seminar 2 April 2011

There’s no way around it: to solve the worsening climate crisis requires we must accept both that the vast majority of fossil fuels must now be left underground, and that through democratic planning, we must collectively reboot our energy, transport, agricultural, production, consumption and disposal systems so that by 2050 we experience good living with less than a quarter of our current levels of greenhouse gas emissions.


The second Young Researchers Philanthropy Initiative report is based on a research project focusing on understandings of Ubuntu and local level forms of giving in Maphumulo, KwaZulu-Natal. It was carried out in 2010 by SDS Masters Student Siphamandla Chili and SDS PhD Student Anne Murenha. It is entitled ‘How and why poor people help each other: A perspective from the Maphumulo rural community in KwaZulu-Natal’.

The great billion dollar drug scam: Part 2
Part two of a two-part series examining methods used by multinational
drug corporations to control markets - and lives.

Khadija Sharife 29 Jun 2011
Vaccines are often priced 40 - 100 times more than the cost of
production, and drug companies cite research expenses as the culprit [EPA]

This is the second of a two-part series examining the methods by which
multinational drug corporations inflate their expenses and justify their
pricing strategies. The first part revealed how, far from costing the
reported (and widely accepted) $1bn to bring a drug to market, actual
costs may be less than a fifth of that, thanks to accounting tactics and
corporate tax breaks.

South Africa’s coming fight over capital flight
Patrick Bond 16 September 2011

At a time South African trade unions are under fierce attack from big business for winning above-inflation wage increases through strikes, and for opposing both informal labor outsourcing and a state-subsidized sub-minimum wage for youth, the sibling of former president Thabo Mbeki is helping restore balance. According to businessman-intellectual Moeletsi Mbeki, speaking last week to the white-dominated opposition party, “Big companies taking their capital out of South Africa are a bigger threat to economic freedom than African National Congress Youth League president Julius Malema.”
International Monetary Fund analysis of SA: the 2011 'Article IV Consultation'

Women’s organisations and the struggle for water and sanitation services in Chatsworth and Inanda, Durban: The Westcliff Flats Residents Association and the Didiyela Women’s Group
Shauna Mottiar, Orlean Naidoo and Dudu Khumalo

Read Publication

Palestine solidarity

Erez (Gaza border) protest on Nakba day, 15 May 2011

Will neoliberal financiers paralyse Palestine and chill the Arab Spring?
Patrick Bond 1 June 2011

Part 1: Washington’s seeding of the Arab democratic revolution
An incident two and a half years ago in Carthage spoke volumes about power politics and economic ideology. As he was given the country’s main honour, the Order of the Tunisian Republic, on account of his “contribution to the reinforcement of economic development at the global level,” International Monetary Fund Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn returned the favour, offering the dictatorship of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali a warm embrace, which turned out to be the kiss of death.

Hypocritical Washington raises Middle East tensions
Can democracy activists undo US and IMF damage?
Patrick Bond 23 May 2011

Here in Palestine, disgust expressed by civil society reformers about Barack Obama’s May 19 policy speech on the Middle East and North Africa confirms that political reconciliation between Washington and fast-rising Arab democrats is impossible.


Founder's Career Ends in Disgrace: A Run on Grameen Bank's Integrity
Patrick Bond
Grameen Bank and microcredit: The `wonderful story' that never happened
Patrick Bond and Khorshed Alam
Reputation and reality
Khorshed Alam
As Yunus falls, women’s microcredit hopes sink Khadija Sharife (Eye on Civil Society column)

Climate finance leadership risks global bankruptcy

Patrick Bond 26 April 2011

South Africa’s most vocal neoliberal politician, Trevor Manuel, was just named as co-chair of the Green Climate Fund. On April 28-29 in Mexico City, Manuel and other elites meet to design the world’s biggest-ever replenishing pool of aid money: a promised $100 billion of annual grants by 2020, more than the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and allied regional banks put together.

Commentary from CCS staff
South Africa Hits the Green Wall: The Conference of Polluters

Academic sanctions and global solidarity for Palestinian liberation: A view from South Africa on the need to unfriend Israeli universities


Khadija Sharife on xenophobia
It's dangerous out there!": Struggles of Zimbabwean immigrants in South Africa
by Khadija Sharife

For Zimbabweans who cross into South Africa in search of work, robbery, rape and extortion at the border is just the beginning of their problems.
Read Paper




isiZulu Articles & Translations
Read Articles

Dennis Brutus: A Small Tribute to a Giant Man

Beverly Bell 22 December 2010

The luminary Dennis Brutus ‑ freedom fighter, economic and environmental justice activist, professor, and poet ‑ died last year on December 26. We republish this eulogy because of the transcendent lessons Dennis’ life offers to Haiti, the U.S., and all places where people seek greater justice and humaneness.

'Mubaraking' Muammar, Maliki, Mugabe, Michael...
Patrick Bond 28 February 2011

February 27, 2011 –Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- The late South African anti-apartheid poet-activist Dennis Brutus occasionally used “Seattle”, the name of a city in the northwestern United States, as a verb. We should “seattle Copenhagen”, he said in late 2009, to prevent the global North from doing a climate deal in their interests, against Africa’s.

Anti-Xenophobia Project

Xenophobia Research Page

World Cup Watch

Click on the picture for WORLD CUP WATCH

CCS Reality Tours
When critically‑minded people visit Durban and seek out a 'reality tour'
typically denied by the mainstream tourist circuit, one of the stops is the Centre for Civil Society at the University of KwaZulu‑Natal. Located at the highest point in Durban (the top floors of Memorial Tower Building in Glenwood), the Centre introduces sympathetic visitors to the work of leading social activists and environmentalists. The sites that
kombi‑taxis arranged by CCS reach include an inner‑city tense with resistance to xenophobia and gentrification, the largest petrochemical
complex in a residential area in Africa, a variety of shack settlements and working‑class 'African', 'Indian' and 'coloured' neighbourhoods, the hotly‑contested source of Durban's water at Inanda Dam, and the university environs.

Contacts: Patrick Bond ‑ or Lungi Keswa (27 31 260 3195)

CCS Wired DVD & Community Video Project


Centre for Civil Society report on 2009 activities

As 2009 drew to a close, the formal resolutions we had waited a year for finally passed the university of KwaZulu-Natal Council and Senate, giving CCS permanent status within the school of Development Studies. This followed a very positive 2007-08 UKZN Review and then an inexplicable mid-2008 UKZN Administration threat to close the Centre, in turn rebuffed by the Howard College Faculty Board after local and international outcries, but not without damage to CCS’s staff complement and morale. The team limped through 2009, and only in September were we authorized to grant contracts longer than three months’ duration.

Then on December 26, we mourned the death of our politico-cultural mentor, Dennis Brutus.

The Centre for Civil Society was one of the most fortunate beneficiaires
of Fatima Meer's wisdom, energy and love. We were inspired again and
again, and Fatima's support for us in hard times will never be forogotten.

Recent SA political-economic analysis


New Funder for the CCS Website


Patrick Bond on the Global Economic Crisis


CCS in Crisis
CCS Communiques

Media coverage, UKZN announcements

Should CCS close? Testimonials say no

Centre for Civil Society report on 2007 activities

In a context of dramatic increases in ‘Gatherings Act’ incidents reported by the SA police (10 000 per year in 2005-07, up from 5800 in 2004-05) and worsening inequality, our guiding CCS objective is of even more relevance: the advance of socio-economic and environmental justice through developing critical knowledge about, for and in dialogue with civil society.
Our research work benefits from praxis-based production of knowledge, in which we learn how power relations are challenged by civil society organisations – in the streets, the courts, the media, negotiating fora, theatres and cultural clubs, sportsfields and other sites - thus generating new information about systems and organisational strengths and weaknesses. We then feed back research into the society through both arms-length and participatory analysis, in the forms of books and articles, films and DVDs, tours and lectures.
Read Report

CCS UKZN Review 29 February 2008

CNN Interview with Adam Habib
Banned from the U.S., Professor says He's a Victim of Ideological Exclusion

 Events Index 2011
 Shailja Patel CCS Seminar: Seen And Unseen: Windows On The ICC-Kenya Trials, 18 October 
 Patrick Bond on COP17 mobilisations at PanAfrican Climate Justice conference in Addis Ababa, 15‑16 October 
 Fidelis Allen CCS Seminar: Climate Change, Poverty and Public Policy in Nigeria's Niger Delta, 11 October 2011  
 Patrick Bond on electricity and climate crises, Newlands and Meerbank, 10-11 October 
 Marie Kennedy & Chris Tilly Latin America’s third left: Autonomy and participation in the new political landscape, 6 October  
 Peter Waterman Emancipatory Global Labour Studies and Social Movements, 5 October  
 Patrick Bond on climate and capitalism at the International Labour Rights Information Group Globalization School, Cape Town, 3 October 
 Trevor Ngwane CCS seminar on protest ideology, 30 September 
 John Saul & Trevor Ngwane Wolpe lecture on South Africa's transition, 29 September 
 CCS hosts Democratic Left Front climate conference, 23-25 September 
 Climate Justice Now! South Africa meets at CCS, 22-23 September 
 Patrick Bond on Electricity Prices and Climate Crisis at SDCEA, 21 September 
 Patrick Bond at People's Dialogue on climate politics, 21 September 
 Solani Ngobeni CCS Seminar: Challenges facing scholarly publishers in South Africa: Towards a turnaround strategy or tilting at windmills, cancelled 
 Anton Harber & Ruth Teer-Tomaselli Amnesty International seminar on the Secrecy Bill, 15 September 
 Sarah Bracking CCS Seminar: How do investors value the environment? Why a pile of stones is not a house, 13 September 
 Climate Justice Protest US, Consulate, 9 September 
 Ashwin Desai & Patrick Bond CCS Seminar: The World Conference Against Racism and 9/11 ten years after, 8 September 
 Patrick Bond on climate injustice and the World Bank, London, 5 September 
 Tehmina Brohi CCS Seminar: Contention in response to neoliberal policies in post-apartheid South Africa: The case of basic services delivery in Durban, 1 September 
 Climate Justice Protest at the US Consulate, 31 August 
 Otieno, Wamuchiru, Todd, Lorimer CCS Seminar: In Hot Water ‑ Climate change and water adaptation in Nairobi and Durban, 26 August 
 Wolpe lecture by Mustafa Barghouti on how to free Palestine, 25 August 
 Patrick Bond on climate finance to SADC parliamentarians, Johannesburg, 25 August 
 Shauna Mottiar at the ISTR African Civil Society Research Network conference, 24 August  
 Patrick Bond addresses metalworker shopstewards, Durban, 22 August 
 Kate Skinner seminar on media democracy, 22 August 
 Patrick Bond on climate at the Johannesburg Book Fair, 8 August 
 Paul Routledge CCS Seminar: Translocal Climate Justice Solidarities, 5 August  
 Patrick Bond CCS Seminar: Lessons for Durban from Ecuador's 'leave the oil in the soil' eco/indigenous movement, 2 August  
 Patrick Bond on the 'green economy' at New Global Hegemonies conference, Quito, 21‑22 July 
 Franco Barchiesi CCS Seminar: Labour and Precarious Liberation, 20 July 
 Patrick Bond on climate and Just Transition at National Union of Metalworkers of SA in Johannesburg, 18 July 
 Sarah Ives CCS Seminar: “Rooibos land is high sentiment, low potential: Preliminary Reflections on a Year in Rooibos Country, 18 July 
 Danny Schechter CCS Seminar: Citizen Media Advocacy, 15 July  
 Chene Redwood CCS Seminar: Voices of the Subaltern: Music within community struggles against environmental degradation in South Durban, 14 July 2011 
 Patrick Bond on SA political economy at Renmin Univ (China) conference via skype, 11 July 
 Patrick Bond on climate and justice at UKZN Peace Studies conference, 9 July 
 Philip Rizk CCS Seminar: Critiquing the Nation State: The Gaza Strip, 8 July  
 Philip Rizk CCS Seminar: Multi-media presentation: “The hard hit is still to come”- An Intifada Imaginary, 7 July 2011  
 Ida Susser CCS Seminar: Organic intellectuals and AIDS social movements: jumping scales, postponed 
 Patrick Bond on neoliberal climate policy at Nature, Inc conference (via skype), The Hague, 30 June 
 Patrick Bond input on African economies to International Labour Organisation industrial relations conference at UCT Business School (via skype), 28 June 
 Peter McKenzie & Doung Jahangeer CCS Seminar: People in Spaces Make Places, 28 June 2011  
 Immanuel Wallerstein Wolpe Lecture on the Arab revolt, the US and Africa, 23 June 
 Patrick Bond on SA climate policy at UKZN Business School, 23 June 
 Patrick Bond seminar on the global climate justice movement, 21 June 
 Simphiwe Nojiyeza & Mary Galvin on sanitation politics, 20 June 
 Simphiwe Nojiyeza and Geasphere debate water and climate at Alliance Francaise, 9 June 
 Mvuselelo Ngcoya & Shauna Mottiar Seminar: Understanding horizontal philanthropy in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 2 June 
 Patrick Bond at Univ of Georgia Antipode Institute for Geographies of Justice, Athens, 30‑31 May 
 Orlean Naidoo, Ma Dudu Khumalo, Thandiwe Zondi, Sam Moodley, Mrs Perumal, Lubna Nadvi, Shauna Mottiar Discussion: Women in Social Movements and Community Organizing 30 May  
 Patrick Bond on climate politics at Korean conference, Jinju, 27 May 
 Florian Kunert, Phillip Hol & Justin Davy Wolpe Lecture: Shack Theatre, 26 May  
 CCS and Zimbabweans celebrate Africa Day, 25 May 
 Patrick Bond on dangers of a neoliberal Palestine, at TIDA-Gaza, Gaza City, 19 May 
 Chris Morris Seminar: Notes on Pharmaceutical Patent Lawfare: The Umckaloabo Case, 19 May 2011  
 Durban Community Video Collective workshop, 14 May 
 Patrick Bond at City Univ of NY conference on precarious labour and socialism, 13 May 
 Patrick Bond on environmental justice at Autonomous University of Barcelona, 28 April 
 Mazibuko Jara, Alan Murphy & Orlean Naidoo Wolpe Lecture Panel on the Local Government Elections, 21 April 2011 
 Patrick Bond at Univ of San Francisco sustainability symposium, 19 April 
 Patrick Bond in Montreal for Cochabamba+1 climate justice conference, 15‑17 April 
 Ron Carver Reflections on organising US labour and community campaigns, 13 April 
 Patrick Bond on Palestine & Durban at American Association of Geographers conference, Seattle, 12‑14 April 
 Shauna Mottiar at the International Research Society for Public Management Conference, Dublin, 11- 13 April 
 Wiebe Nauta CCS Seminar: Civic Engagement and Democratic Consolidation in South Korea ‑ Lessons for South Africa, 5 April 
 Patrick Bond on climate politics with Polaris Institute/Ontario Public Interest Research Group at Univ of Toronto, 31 March 
 Patrick Bond climate lecture at Carleton Univ, Ottawa, 29 March 
 Adekeye Adebajo CCS/SDS Seminar: The Curse of Berlin: Africa after the Cold War, 23 March 
 Molefi Mafereka Ndlovu at Keleketla Library Johannesburg, 21-31 March 2011  
 John Devenish Seminar CCS research on protests in South Africa 2009 - 2011, 17 March 
 Nancy Lindisfarne & Jonathan Neale Seminar: Climate Justice, Global Alliance-Building and Climate Jobs, 22 March 
 Patrick Bond in seminar on Palestine, water and the University of Johannesburg, 16 March 
 Seminar: Documentary Screening of 'Zimbabwe's Blood Diamonds, 10 March 
 Patrick Bond gives lectures in Michigan and California, 8-14 March 
 Patrick Bond on climate justice, Northern overconsumption & African resistance at '6 Billion Ways' conference in London, 5 March 
 Wolpe Lecture by Hein Marais: Song & Dance: Power, Consent and the ANC, 3 March  
 China Ngubane hosts Zimbabwe monitoring discussion, 1 March 
 Patrick Bond, Rehana Dada, Blessing Karumbidza & Molefi Ndlovu Seminar on the 2011 World Social Forum, 25 February 
 Patrick Bond delivers Brutus Memorial Lecture, Nelson Mandela Metro Univ, 23 February 
 Danielle Carter seminar on Sources of State Legitimacy in Contemporary SA, 22 February 
 Blessing Karumbidza, Siziwe Khanyile, Bongani Mthembu, Bobby Peek in Wolpe Lecture 'Climate Teach-In', 19 February 
 Niall Bond Seminar: The history of 'civil society', 14 February 
 Molefi Ndlovu, Rehana Dada & Patrick Bond CCS seminars at the WSF, Dakar, 6-11 February 
 Teppo Eskelinen Seminar: Global justice - some emerging topics and responses 25 January 2011 
 Patrick Bond at Zuma's Own Goal booklaunch, Bluestockings, NYC, 24 January 
 Patrick Bond on climate justice in Sacramento, CA, 20 January 
 Patrick Bond at Resource Rights conference and Eskom protest, Washington, 13-14 January 
 Events Index 2010 
 Patrick Bond radio debate on climate justice politics, 22 December 
 Film screening: The Uprising of Hangberg, 14 December  
 Patrick Bond at global climate summit, 6‑11 December, Cancun 
 Pumla Gqola, Andile Mngxitama, Baruti Amisi & others Seminar on Xenophobia and Racism in SA, 10 December 
 Patrick Bond lecture on uneven development, migration and xenophobia to Univ.Delhi conference, 25 November 
 Patrick Bond, Horace Campbell, Patricia Daley and Eunice Sahle panel at African Studies Association, SF, 21 November 
 CCS Wolpe film screenings with Pamela Ngwenya and community videomakers 20 November 
 Cesia Kearns Seminar: Sierra Club's Beyond Coal Campaign: Transforming the US Electric Sector, 19 November 2010 
 Patrick Bond on oil and financial crises with Attac-Norway in Oslo, 18-19 November 
 Baruti Amisi skype seminar on xenophobia to Roskilde University, 17 November 
 Patrick Bond at Race, Class & Developmental State conference in PE, via Skype, 16 November 
 Ashwin Desai and Goolam Vahed Wolpe Lecture in Honour of Fatima Meer, 16  
 Patrick Bond seminar on ecosocialism at Inst of Social Studies, The Hague, 16 November 
  Patrick Bond at Historical Materialism conference, London, 12-14 November 
 John Harvey Seminar: US Philanthropy and the Global South: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges, 8 November 
 Patrick Bond at The ‘Progress’ in Zimbabwe Conference, 4-6 November 
 Nicholas Smith Seminar: Lynch Violence and the Governance of Evil, 26 October 
 Ela Gandhi & Dilip Menon Wolpe Lecture: Indians in South Africa: 150 Years, 21 October 2010 
 Patrick Bond seminar on climate justice at Univ of California-Davis, 18 October 
 Mariem el Bourhimi and Peter McKenzie Seminar: Saharawi liberation struggle status, 15 October 
 Rolf Schwermer Seminar: pro-poor technology, 14 October 
 Patrick Bond seminar on climate politics at Trinity College Dublin, 1 October 
 Baruti Amisi lecture on xenophobia for National Association of Democratic Lawyers, KwaZulu‑Natal Law Society, Pietermaritzburg, 30 September 
 Patrick Bond in Ramallah on Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, 26 September 
  Patrick Bond on transition-neoliberalism at Birzeit Univ conference, Palestine, 28 September 
 Patrick Bond and Lungisile Ntsebeza launch Zuma's Own Goal at African Studies Association-UK conference, Oxford University, 19 September 
  Hayley Leck Seminar: Rising to the Adaptation Challenge? Responding to Global Environmental Change in the Durban metropolitan and Ugu district regions, South Africa, 17 September 
  Dudu Khumalo, Baruti Amisi, Molefi Ndlovu,Daniel Ribeiro, Terri Hathaway, Lori Pottinger Seminar: Civil society v Southern African dams, 10 September 
 Patrick Bond and Rick Rowden on the IMF and public health, San Francicso, 7 & 14 September 
 Brij Maharaj, Ashwin Desai, Patrick Bond launch new book Zuma's Own Goal, Elangeni Hotel, Durban, 5pm on 3 September 
 Patrick Bond speaks on rights/commons debate at the International Commission of Jurists Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Camp, 31 August, Johannesburg 
  Margaret Gärding Donor power in the international aid industry, 27 August  
 Makhosi Khoza, Fikile Moya, Patrick Mkhize, Tony Carnie, Pritz Dullay and Brij Maharaj on the Wolpe Lecture Panel: Media Information & Freedom, 26 August 2010 
 Ralph Borland Seminar: Radical Plumbers and PlayPumps - Objects in development, 25 August  
 Patrick Bond speaks at Jubilee South Africa conference on ecological debt, 21 August, Johannesburg 
 Dudu Khumalo and Simphiwe Nojiyeza presentation on sanitation at Umphilo waManzi seminar, 13 August, Durban 
 Patrick Bond at South Africa‑Norway climate research seminar, Christian Michelsen Institute, Bergen, 12 August 2010 
 Patrick Bond at Southeast Asia climate justice seminar, Focus on the Global South, Chulalungkorn University, Bangkok, 10 August 
 Trevor Ngwane at Solidarity Peace Trust report on Zimbabwe, 30 July, Johannesburg 
 Wolpe Lecture: Social justice ideas in Civil society politics, global & local: A Colloquium of scholar activists, 29 July 
 Press Conference on Xenophobia, 28 July  
 Padraig Carmody Seminar: Chinese Geogovernance in Africa: Evidence from Zambia, 20 July  
 CCS and Gyeongsang University Institute for Social Science (Korea) joint seminar on political economy of social movements, 14 July 
 Giuliano Martiniello seminar on Inanda's socio-spatial change, 9 July 
 Pamela Ngwenya Seminar on Video as a tool for outreach, communication, advocacy and community expression, 8 July 
 Anti Xenophobia Rally City Hall 3 July 
 Renee Horne Seminar on Black Economic Empowerment, 2 July 
 Roithmayr, Adonis, Galvin, Bond, Khumalo CCS Colloquium on Water, Rights, Prices, 28 June (skypecast)  
 Blessing Karumbidza seminar on climate change and carbon trading controversies in Tanzania, 24 June 
 Trevor Ngwane and Rehana Dada at workshop on climate advocacy at the South Durban Community Environmental Alliance, 22 June 
 Wolpe Lecture: Durban Social Forum members, 'World Cup for All!', Durban City Hall, 16 June 
 David J. Roberts Serminar: Re-branding Durban through the 2010 World Cup, 14 June  
 Patrick Bond (with Briggs Bomba and Dave Zirin) on the World Cup, Washington, 9 June 
 Patrick Bond on global justice movements, at Grantmakers without Borders conference, SF, 8 June 
 Patrick Bond presents on climate justice at conference, Alter-globalization movements and the alternative ideas of Korea, Seoul, 28 May 
 Patrick Bond lecture on National Health Insurance with Oxfam, 26 May 
 Patrick Bond on 'Poli Econ of the World Cup' in Seoul, 27 May 
 Jessie Lazar Knott Identity/Spatial Relations: scholar‑activism in the greater Kei region of the Eastern Cape, 25 May 
 Patrick Bond at Osisa conference on climate and development in Africa, Pretoria, 21 May 
 Eunice N. Sahle Wolpe Lecture: World orders, Ike's Books, 5pm, 20 May 
 Patrick Bond on energy policy and the World Bank, at Democracy and Development Programme, Durban, 20 May 
  Barak Hoffman & Orlean Naidoo Seminar: Chatsworth politics and municipal advocacy, 17 May 
 Patrick Bond on SA climate policy on TEDxUKZN, 14 May 
 Khadija Sharife & Eunice Sahle Seminar: Oil, minerals and maldevelopment in Africa, 13 May  
 Patrick Bond speaks on climate debt to the Economic Justice Network, Johannesburg, 5 May 
 Erin McCandless & Shepherd Zvavanhu Seminar on Zimbabwe Civil Society, 3 May  
 Nathan Geffen (with Faith ka Manzi) Seminar: Debunking Delusions: The inside Story of The Treatment Action Campaign, 29 April  
  Patrick Bond and Khadija Sharife address African tax authorities, 29 April 2010 
 Alan Freeman & Radhika Desai Seminar on The world capitalist crisis, 23 April  
 Memorial Tribute to Professor Fatima Meer, 23 April 
 Molefi Mafereka Ndlovu facilitates Krogerup College and Durban Sings, 18‑20 April 
 Patrick Bond on carbon trading at Manchester conference on environment and finance, 15‑16 April 
 Patrick Bond in Boston v WB-Eskom loan, 9 April 
 Patrick Bond at Clark University, 8 April 
 World Bank protest, 7 April, Washington 
 Patrick Bond seminar on climate politics, City Univ of NY, 6 April 
 Patrick Bond at NYU on South African political economy, 5 April 
 Patrick Bond in SF Bay Area on World Bank loan to Eskom, 4 April 
 Trevor Ngwane at Marxism 2010 conference, Melbourne, 1-4 April 
 Patrick Bond on water commons, Syracuse University, 29-30 March 
 Trevor Ngwane seminar on activism and global campaigns, Univ of Helsinki, 26 March 
 CCS/VANSA KZN Panel discussion: 'What is Art and what is not?', March 25 
 Patrick Bond on 'Organising for Climate Justice', Left Forum, NYC, 21 March  
 Workers, Zama Hlatshwayo, Trevor Ngwane Seminar on UKZN labour outsourcing crisis 19 March 
 Carol Thompson seminar on resisting agro‑industry, 18 March 
 David Zirin Seminar on Fifa's Looting of SA, 13 March  
 Trevor Ngwane CCS Seminar on SA's social protest wave, 9 March 
 Dennis Brutus memorial, 11 March 
 Molefi Ndlovu and Claudia Wegener seminar at the Centre for Critical Research on Race and Identity, 2 March 
 Patrick Bond testifies to parliament on economic policy, 2 March 
 CCS anti‑xenophobia research workshop, 27 February 
 Patrick Bond speaks on The ebb and flow of water rights, Univ of Cape Town Department of Public Law, 25 February 
  Patrick Bond at Power Indaba privatisation conference, 22 February 
 Press Conference: Keep our South African Coal in the Hole! 22 February 2010 
 CCS Economic Justice course, with Trevor Ngwane, Samson Zondi and Patrick Bond, from 20 Feb‑29 May 
 Climate Justice Now! SA‑KZN chapter hosted at CCS, 13 February 
 Hallowes, D'Sa, Ngwane, Bond , Dada: Seminar on proposed World Bank coal loan to Eskom, Friday, 12 February* 
 Durban renewable energy site visits by Minnesh Bipath, SA National Energy Research Institute with Muna Lakhani and Patrick Bond 10 February 2010 
 Susan Galleymore Seminar: A Dearth of Imagination Leads to Wasting Perfectly Good Waste, 5 February 
 Patrick Bond paper for Socialist Register workshop, 6 February 
 Durban Sings Follow-up and planning session with 8 Editorial Collectives, 4 February  
 Patrick Bond on climate change & Dennis Brutus Memorial at World Social Forum, Porto Alegre, 28 January 
 Rehana Dada & Patrick Bond Seminar: Copenhagen Climate and Eskom Energy Conflicts, 26 January 
 Dennis Brutus tribute, with Social Movements Indaba and Durban community groups, 23 January 
  Peter McKenzie & Doung Jahangeer Seminar: The Saharawi,Warwick Junction and Footsak Politics, 20 January 
 Patrick Bond debates NHI at Idasa, CT, 19 January 
 CCS cohosts Climate Justice Now! on electricity hearings strategy, 15 January 
 Events Index 2009 
 Patrick Bond at SF protest against Danish repression of civil society and Copenhagen climate 'deal', and radio interview, 18 December 
 Patrick Bond addresses climate seminar at Univ of Lund Business School, 15 December 
 Kristine Wasrud Participation and Influence in Water Policy in Durban, South Africa, 11 December  
 Climate Justice Film Festival, 10 December  
 Umesh de Silva Seminar: Traditional farming in Umzinyathi, 9 December 
 Oliver Meth at the CCS Workshop on women & child abuse Cato Crest Library, 8 December  
 Patrick Bond at Roskilde Univ Civil Society Centre, 7 December 
 Patrick Bond keynotes Leeds 'Democratisation in Africa' conference, 4 December 
 Sinegugu Zukulu & John Clarke Seminar: Resilience, Resolarisation and Relocalisation, 30 November  
 Patrick Bond speaks at Mandela Foundation about SA economic disasters, 26 November 
 Nick Smith Seminar Politics of protection/crime/policing, 26 November 
 Seminar on outsourced and contract workers at UKZN, 24 November 
 3rd Climate Justice Now! KZN meeting, 20 November 
 CCS and Durban Sings! at the Global Crisis and Africa: Struggles for Alternatives hosted by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation; Randburg, Johannesburg 19-21 November 
 MAKE SOME NOISE! Concert 6 November  
 Immanuel Wallerstein Wolpe Lecture: Crisis of the Capitalist System Where to from Here?, 5 November 
 Solidarity with Durban's oppressed: Bottom-up resistance strategies of shackdwellers, pollution victims and labour-brokered workers, 4 November 
 The Crises and the Commons: Durban debates on politics, economics and environment 4-7 November  
 Seminar on Problems faced by UKZN workers, Westville campus, 28 October 
 Faith Manzi & Oliver Meth at the Gender Based Violence Workshop, Durban 27 & 28 October 
 Bengt Brülde & Stellan Vinthagenand Seminar: Ethics, Resistance and Global Justice, 26 October  
 Baruti Amisi, Trevor Ngwane & Patrick Bond Anti-Xenophobia research project with Strategy&Tactics; 19- 20 October 
 Durban Sings (Molefi Ndlovu & Claudia Wegener) at National Oral History Conference, 13-16 October 
 Tri-Continental Film Festival Durban community screenings – (hosted by Oliver Meth) at Inanda, Chatsworth, Wentworth, CBD, & Folweni, 1-12 October 
 Patrick Bond lectures at Suffolk Univ, Boston, 29 Sept-2 Oct 
 Helen McCue Seminar: Grassroots Mobilising within Refugee Communities: Perspectives on Palestine and Australia, 18 September 
 Patrick Bond Booklaunch: Climate Change, Carbon Trading & Civil Society, 18 September 
 Dennis Brutus honored by War Resisters League, 18 September 
 Patrick Bond skypecast on climate and ecological debt to Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, Copenhagen, 16 September 
 Oliver Meth People to People International Documentary Conference, 10-12 September  
 Dick Forslund & Patrick Bond Seminar: South Africa's capitalist crisis and civil society, 7 September 
 Dudu Khumalo on the Durban public transport crisis, 1 September  
 Patrick Bond National Health Insurance: Can SA afford it?, 24 August  
 John Berg Seminar: Barack Obama's presidency and civil society reactions, 24 August  
 Norman Finkelstein Wolpe Lecture: Resolving the Israel-Palestine Conflict: What we can learn from Gandhi, 20 August  
 Seminar with outsourced workers at UKZN, 12 August  
 Patrick Bond debates Sampie Terreblanche (Stellenbosch), 6 August, UCT 
 Patrick Bond addresses Ecuador eco-finance conference (videolink), 4 August 
 Dr Essop Pahad Thinking about the Legacy of Mbeki's Politics, 4 August 
 Patrick Bond at the South African Civil Society Energy Caucus Meeting, 29-30 July  
 Barak Hoffman Seminar: Democracy and Civil Society Research in Ghana and SA, 27 July 
 CCS hosts free screenings of Durban International Film Festival, 25 July - 1 August  
 Sean Flynn & Maj Fiil Seminar on water rights, ( SKYPECAST ) 24 July 
 Patrick Bond lecture at carbon trading conference, Johannesburg, 22 July 
 Sein Win Seminar by Burmese prime minister (exiled) on solidarity (SKYPECAST), 21 July 
 Tunde Adegbola A Pan-African Harold Wolpe Lecture & cultural events, 16 July 
 Patrick Bond lecture on SA Political Economy, San Francisco socialist conference, 4 July  
 Orlean Naidoo on participation at DDP seminar, 30 June 
 Patrick Bond speaks on 'World Slump: Financial Crisis and Emerging Class Struggles in the Global South', 28 June, Toronto 
 Patrick Bond on African social resistance to economic crisis, 26 June, Moscow 
 Oliver Meth and Orlean Naidoo facilitate Diakonia Council of Churches Democracy Course, 24 -26 June 
 Alex Callinicos Wolpe Lecture: Economic crisis and prospects for social revolution, 18 June*  
 Blair Rutherford Seminar: Zimbabwe farm labour, social justice and citizenship, 17 June 
 Trevor Ngwane Seminar: Community resistance to energy privatisation and ecological degradation, 11 June 
 DURBAN SINGS central editorial workshops, 8 & 22 June 
 Gaby Bikombo, Judy Mulqueeny, Harry Ramlal, Caroline Skinner Seminar: War of Warwick Junction, 9 June 
 Patrick Bond, Abedian, Dumisa, Maharaj et al on 'Zumanomics', UKZN Biz School, 3 June 
 Rehana Dada keynote address to Southern African Faith Communities' Environment Institute AGM, 2 June 
 Patrick Bond on African underdevelopment at Sussex IDS conference (via skypecast), 1 June 
 Trevor Ngwane presents at the International Conference on Ideas and Strategies in the Alterglobalisation Movement, Seoul, 29 May 
 Peter McKenzie cultural seminar on 'Footsak: On the Ball for 2010', 28 May 
 Björn Surborg Seminar: Contesting Johannesburg's extractive industries, 25 May  
 Paul Verryn, Methodist Bishop of Johannesburg: Wolpe Lecture: Poverty and xenophobia, 21 May 
 Robert Jensen, Univ of Texas: Seminar: Whiteness and social change in the US, 21 May 
 Tony Clarke, Polaris Institute: Seminar: The state of the world water wars, 15 May 
 Patrick Bond debates 'The G20 Global Deal' at Wits/Osisa, Johannesburg, 12 May 
 Molefi Ndlovu, Seminar: Azania Rising: The demise of the 1652 class project, 13 May 
 Rehana Dada, Seminar: Climate mitigation case studies, 11 May 
 CCS/DYFS - Anti-xenophobia film screening facilitators workshop, 9 May 
 Orlean Naidoo, Seminar: Chatsworth upgrading struggles and victories, 8 May 
 Patrick Bond, Joburg Wolpe Lecture at Wits Univ, 7 May 
 Patrick Bond at Cosatu electricity workshop, Joburg, 6 May 
 Joan Canela and Helena Olcina Seminar: Social movements in Bolivia and Catalan, 5 May 
 William Gumede Wolpe Lecture: SA’s “Democracy Gap”, 30 April  
 Three representatives of the Tamil liberation movement youth Seminar: The Tamil people under seige, 21 April  
 Leading eco-social spokespersons from political parties and civil society Seminar: Environmental confrontations - Political parties meet civil society, POSTPONED 
 Rehana Dada at York Univ climate ecojustice conference, Toronto, 16-17 April 
 John Minto Seminar: The Legacy of Anti-apartheid Sports Boycotts, 16 April 
 Dennis Brutus celebrations, honorary doctorates conferred at both Rhodes Univ and Mandela Univ, 16-17 April 
 Nelson Muhirwa & Jean Chrisostome Kanamugire Seminar: The Rwandan Genocide 15 Years On, 8 April 
 Oliver Meth Seminar: Wentworth Crime, Gangs and Civil Society, 7 April  
 Ida Susser booklaunch, 'AIDS, Sex and Culture', with Quarraisha Abdool Karim, at Ike's Books, 2 April 
 Dennis Brutus on Reconciliation and Memory in Post-Apartheid SA, Nelson Mandela Foundation, Johannesburg, 2-3 April 
 Sofie Hellberg Seminar: Governing lives through hydropolitics in eThekwini , 1 April 2009 
 Claudia Wegener & Molefi Mafereka Ndlovu Digital Soiree Durban Sings Internet Radio project, 24 March  
 Simone Claar Seminar: Post-Apartheid Political Economy and State Policy, 19 March 
 Oliver Meth presents at the HSRC Violent Crime and Democratization in the Global South Conference, 18-20 March 
 Simphiwe Nojiyeza Seminar: African Development Bank water projects, 12 March 
 Deniz Kellecioglu Seminar: Zimbabwe Civil Society confronts Mugabe's Economy, 11 March 
  Patrick Bond debates ANC economic policy, 9 March, Durban 
 Kalinca Copello Seminar: ICTs and social movements: From Chiapas to Brazil to South Africa, 6 March 
 Lisa Ramsay & Schwarzanne Leafe Seminar & Film: Climate Change and Eco-Social Resistance in South Durban, 27 February 
 Patrick Bond presents to ActionAid/Nepad conference on global financial crisis, 24 February, Midrand 
 Molefi Ndlovu Johannesburg: Market Photo Workshop, 22-28 February  
 Orlean Naidoo & Patrick Bond seminar on Free Basic Water, and screening of Flow, 18 February 
 Ida Susser Seminar: AIDS, Sex, Culture and Civil Society, 11 February 
 Dennis Brutus and Moya Atkinson film/seminar on US anti-war movement, 9 February 
 Patrick Bond seminar on the ongoing global financial crisis, University of Johannesburg, 6 February 
 Durban Sings internet audio and community radio with Molefi Ndlovu and Claudia Wegener, 2-6 February 
 Patrick Bond in dialogue with Jeremy Cronin on financial crisis, Johannesburg, 28 January 
 Dennis Brutus, Lubna Nadvi, Monica Rorvik and Salim Vally Seminar: Should Israel be boycotted? If so, how?, 27 January 
 Giyani Dube, Lubna Nadvi, Kate Griffiths and Timothy Rukombo Wolpe Lecture: Civil Society Internationalism - from Lindela to Gaza to Washington, 22 January 
 Pamela Ngwenya, Molefi Ndlovu, Claudia Wegener Seminar: Participatory community audio/video as a tool for social research, 21 January  
 Dale McKinley, Orlean Naidoo, Dudu Khumalo, Bryan Ashe Seminar on the World Water Forum, 19 January 
 Mavuso Dingani film/seminar on the Zimbabwean exile in Durban, 6 January 

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