What I did at the weekend…

On Saturday I went to the Progress political weekend. It was very nice. Jim Murphy spoke, and so did Liam Byrne, and Caroline Flint, and Douglas Alexander. Andrew Adonis also spoke. He was very nice and told us all about Birmingham. I have written a couple of posts about it on Labourlist. One was meant to be funny. The other one was serious. For some reason it felt a good idea to write this post in a “What I did on my Summer Holidays” style. I suspect this was a mistake.

(I want to come back to Douglas Alexander’s speech a bit more later on, because it was very good)

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21 Responses to “What I did at the weekend…”

  1. Brian Hughes

    At the weekend I mostly enjoyed the Spring sunshine (best in the west), made satisfactory progress on our newly-terraced vegetable garden, realised why my comment on Stupid Historians had gone into moderation and, shamefully, didn’t go canvassing.

    Also very nice.

    Not sure that Labourlist readers really get humour. Life’s too long for laughs…

  2. pregethwr

    You have achieved fame at last. Toby Young has had a pop at you on his blog, although he seems to be under the mistaken impression that you are a ‘nom de plum’.

    As a French philosopher might have said: If Hopi Sen did not exist it would be necessary to invent him.

    • duncanseconomicblog

      An amzing Toby Young post… The comments are excellent to:

      “”Hopi Sen” is an anagram of “Phonies” “

      • hopisen

        The Phonies thing is way funnier than the blog..

        Though there is a far more embarrassing anagram of my name..

  3. Newmania

    Phonies , god that is a bit spooky , you are real aren`t you Hop ? I am taking cover before a huge passive aggressive sulk is detonated

  4. AB

    I can exclusively report that an anagram of Hopi’s name (entirely affectionately) occasionally did the rounds at university in which the first word was “Oh”, the second started with “P”, and you can work out the rest yourself. And it wasn’t “Oh, pines”.

    But give Toby Young a break: it’s hard to tell whether a name is genuine when the blog itself says “My name is Hopi Sen. Really” RIGHT AT THE FUCKING TOP OF IT. I only hope standards of scholarship will be higher in his school.

  5. Brian Hughes

    Poor Toby is more to be pitied than despised, in his update he berates you for failing to see “the blogosphere as an arena in which activists can speak truth to power – as Conservatives do – …”

    Dream on Toby, dream on.

    I’ve always said Tories never cared much for evidence.

    And his name’s an anagram of toy boy gun.

    • AB

      I have no views on his school either way, but Mr Bony Gouty certainly does appear a touch humourless.

  6. Newmania

    Ha ha ,how did I miss that, I should imagine there were prayers and invocations at Dionysian festivals that started that way .Nice vocative touch.

  7. Newmania

    ..mind you Mr. Young does kinda have a point , I think , to be fair its a conundrum that Hopi has himself identified. I see it when he uses the word”aspirations” but then glosses it as the aspiration to have better public services .

  8. Gilliebc

    Toby Young is a tw*t of the first order and an ugly b*stard to boot.


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