11 October 2011

US-backed Egyptian junta massacres peaceful protesters

By Johannes Stern, 11 October 2011

The Egyptian military is attacking protests as mass opposition to the regime grows.

More on North Africa & the Middle East »

Anti-Wall Street protests

Occupy Wall Street protests spread to hundreds of cities

The protest movement against social inequality and unemployment has spread to every region of the United States.

Video Report: Youth at Occupy Wall Street speak on the Democratic Party and socialism

By Andre Damon and C. W. Rogers, 11 October 2011

In this video, shot last weekend at the Wall Street Occupation, young people speak about the political issues and tasks confronting the growing social movement against the banks.

Occupy Wall Street: “At this point a social revolution is necessary”

Hundreds join Occupy Toledo rally

Student march backs Occupy Boston

Washington anti-Wall Street rally: “This country has slipped out of the hands of the people”

More on the anti-Wall Street protests »

Merkel, Sarkozy want to give the banks more capital

By Peter Schwarz, 11 October 2011

The French and German heads of government are determined to recapitalize the banks, but they have profound disagreements as to how this should take place.

Obama ramps up pressure on Pakistan

By Peter Symonds, 11 October 2011

The protracted US-led war in Afghanistan has transformed that country into a hornet’s nest of political intrigue and profoundly destabilised the entire region.

President Piñera unleashes repression against Chile’s student movement

By Luis Arce, 11 October 2011

Using mounted police charges, rubber bullets, teargas and water cannon, the right-wing government of President Sebastián Piñera violently suppressed a student march last Thursday in Chile.

British Conservatives pledge continued austerity

By Robert Stevens, 11 October 2011

The Conservative Party met at its annual conference in Manchester last week with the threatened implosion of the eurozone and the wild gyrations of the world stocks markets as its backdrop.

Berlin social democrats seek coalition with the conservatives

By Christoph Dreier, 11 October 2011

Berlin Mayor Klaus Wowereit (Social Democratic Party) is now seeking a coalition with the conservative Christian Democratic Union after he abruptly ended coalition negotiations with the Green Party.

New Zealand government amends surveillance laws after “anti-terror” case collapses

By John Braddock, 11 October 2011

The Video Camera Surveillance Act and a new Search and Surveillance Act establish vast powers for a web of state agencies.

Pseudo-left “Unity List” backs new right-wing Danish government

By Sybille Fuchs and Johannes Stern, 11 October 2011

In line with support given by petty-bourgeois “leftist” groupings to right-wing governments throughout Europe, the aim of the Unity List is to make the Danish people pay for the economic crisis.

Spain’s main parties attempt to re-introduce censorship of public broadcasting

By Alejandro López, 11 October 2011

The administrative board of the state-run Spanish Radio and Television Corporation (Corporación Radiotelevisión Española, RTVE) has agreed a plan to give themselves access to the corporation’s iNews system.

New in French

L’UAW interdit au World Socialist Web Site d’assister à une conférence de presse

Par Shannon Jones, 11 octobre 2011

Le syndicat United Auto Workers a interdit au World Socialist Web Site d’assister à sa conférence de presse du 4 octobre annonçant l’accord conclu avec Ford.

New in Romanian

Criza economică intensifică tensiunile la nivel mondial

De Nick Beams, 11 octombrie 2011

Guvernatorul Băncii Angliei, Mervyn King, a încercat să explice decizia de săptămâna trecută prin care se extinde aşa-numita "relaxare cantitativă"- procesul prin care băncile centrale cumpără titluri de stat de pe pieţele financiare, în scopul de a reduce ratele dobânzilor pe termen lung . Comentariile sale indică o adâncire rapidă a crizei financiare globale şi creşterea consecutivă a tensiunilor internaţionale.

New in German

Wirtschaftskrise verstärkt weltweite Spannungen

Von Nick Beams, 11. Oktober 2011

Die Agenda der herrschenden Klassen steht bereits fest: Unterdrückung der Arbeiterklasse, Rücknahme der Zugeständnisse, die sie im 20. Jahrhundert gemacht haben, Handels- und Währungskriege und letzten Endes militärische Konflikte.

Merkel und Sarkozy wollen Banken neues Kapital geben

Von Peter Schwarz, 11. Oktober 2011

Unter Warnungen vor drohenden Bankenpleiten, einem bevorstehenden Bankrott Griechenlands und einem baldigen Scheitern des Euro trafen sich der französische Präsident und die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin am Sonntag in Berlin zu einem Zweiergipfel.

Nato unterstützt eine weitere Übergangsregierung in Libyen

Von Will Morrow, 11. Oktober 2011

Die neue Regierung besteht nahezu ausschließlich aus Ministern der alten Regierung. Der TNC gab zu, dass er sich nicht darauf einigen kann, wer die wichtigsten Ministerposten bekommen soll.

Polen: Regierung Tusk im Amt bestätigt

Von Christoph Dreier, 11. Oktober 2011

Dass Tusk als erster Premier wiedergewählt wurde, hat nichts mit gewachsener Stabilität oder Vertrauen der Menschen in die Politik zu tun, sondern ist Ausdruck davon, dass sich die Mehrheit der arbeitenden Bevölkerung längst vom offiziellen Politikbetrieb abgewandt hat.

Richard Pare im Gespräch mit Tim Tower
Botschaft an die Welt

Von Tim Tower, 11. Oktober 2011

Tim Tower sprach 2008 nach dem Erscheinen von The Lost Avantgarde. Russian Modernist Architecture 1922–1932 und der darauf basierenden Ausstellung am Museum of Modern Art in New York (2007) mehrere Male mit Richard Pare.

New in Portuguese

Ocupar Wall Street
Protestos se espalham pelos EUA

Por Bill Van Auken, 11 de outubro de 2011

Com protestos contra Wall Street se espalhando para mais de 100 centros e cidades dos EUA, o presidente Barack Obama em uma coletiva de imprensa na Casa Branca, na quinta-feira, cinicamente procurou explorar o espontâneo levante de raiva aos bancos e às grandes empresas como um veículo para sua candidatura à reeleição.

União Europeia prepara-se para a falência do Estado grego

Por Peter Schwarz, 11 de outubro de 2011

As instituições europeias claramente mudaram de rumo em relação à Grécia. Em vez do "resgate" ao país, elas agora discutem sua falência e como reduzir o risco de contágio.

New in Spanish

El movimiento "Ocupar Wall Street" y el Partido Demócrata

Por Bill Van Auken, 11 Octubre 2011

Mientras las protestas del movimiento "Ocupar Wall Street" entra a su cuarta semana, estas se enfrentan a fuertes presiones y la toma de decisiones políticas que se centran en la cuestión del Partido Demócrata.

Presidente Piñera reprime movimiento estudiantil chileno

Por Luis Arce, 11 Octubre 2011

Usando policía a caballo, disparando balines, tirando gases lacrimógenos y chorros de agua, el presidente ultraderechista Sebastián Piñera reprimió violentamente la marcha estudiantil del jueves pasado en Chile. Cientos de manifestantes sufrieron heridas y 250fueron detenidos.

New in Arabic

الثورة المصرية في مفترق طرق

بقلم يوهان سترن وأليكس لانتير 4 أوغسطس /آب 2011

الإجراءات القمعية التي اتخذها المجلس العسكري المدعوم من أمريكا وداعميه السياسيين في "المعارضة" الرسمية في مصر هي تحذير خطير للعمال المصريين والشباب.فقوى الثورة المضادة تتحرك لسحق الحركة التي أطلقتها الطبقة العاملة والتي أدت إلى خلع الرئيس حسني مبارك في فبراير الماضي.

Other Languages


Workers’ incomes plummet during the Obama “recovery”

11 October 2011

As the anti-Wall Street protests against social inequality and the tyranny of the financial oligarchy spread across the US, a new study released Monday documents the devastating decline in working class living standards over the past four years.

Earlier Perspectives »


European Conference against Austerity seeks to rescue capitalism

By Julie Hyland, 11 October 2011

The European Conference against Austerity in London last month underscored how the various “activist” networks and the petty bourgeois ex-left groups have become completely integrated into the political structures of bourgeois rule.

The legal implications of the al-Awlaki assassination

By Tom Carter, 10 October 2011

Obama administration asserts right to assassinate Americans

By Patrick Martin, 10 October 2011

Economic crisis heightens global tensions

By Nick Beams, 10 October 2011

Auto workers struggles

Opposition to UAW-Ford deal

By Jerry White, 11 October 2011

Top officials from the United Auto Workers are fanning throughout the country in an effort to counter rank-and-file opposition and push through a new four-year labor agreement covering 40,500 Ford workers.

India: Wildcat strike erupts anew at Maruti-Suzuki plant, thousands walk out in sympathy

By Kranti Kumara, 11 October 2011

The 3,500 workers at the sprawling Maruti-Suzuki India Limited (MSIL) complex in Manesar, Haryana recommenced their 6-month-long agitation last Friday afternoon by occupying the car assembly plant. Eight thousand other workers at auto industry-related plants have since walked out in sympathy.

“People are tired of this … they’re getting to the breaking point”
Chicago auto workers denounce UAW-Ford deal

By Jerry White, 7 October 2011

Reject UAW sellout at Ford! Establish rank-and-file committees to prepare strike action!
Abolish two-tier wage and restore all pay and benefit concessions!

Statement of the Socialist Equality Party (US), 6 October 2011

UAW bars World Socialist Web Site from press conference

By Shannon Jones, 5 October 2011

More on auto workers’ struggles »

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: The Americas

11 October 2011

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Electricians occupy London’s Oxford Street

By Paul Stuart, 10 October 2011

Unions lead Southampton council workers strike into blind alley

By Tony Robson, 10 October 2011

Southampton council workers criticise union

By our reporters, 10 October 2011

Australia: Union calls off Jeld-Wen strike

By Mike Head, 10 October 2011

Arts Review

Interview with Detroit Symphony violinist: “We went on strike because we didn’t want the orchestra to be destroyed”

By Shannon Jones, 10 October 2011

25 years ago: Forbes counts 26 US billionaires

There were 26 billionaires in the US in 1986, the business magazine Forbes reported in its annual “Fortune 400” list of the richest Americans. The number represented more than a doubling of billionaires since 1982, when the list was first published, as a means of celebrating greed and turning the clock back to the period between “the Civil War to the Great Depression, [when] the very rich came out of the closet and visibly enjoyed their wealth.”

More »

50 years ago: Kennedy escalates Vietnam intervention

On October 15, 1961, US President John F. Kennedy dispatched Gen. Maxwell Taylor and an 11-member team to South Vietnam. The team was commissioned to make “an educated military guess” about whether or not the US needed to commit large-scale combat forces to prop up that country’s pro-Western dictatorship.

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75 years ago: Six-month strike by Palestinian Arabs called off without concessions from UK

The Higher Arab Committee called off a strike by Palestinian Arab workers and businesses on October 12, 1936, six months after it began, as a protest against the British Zionist policy of encouraging Jewish migration into Palestine to create a Jewish state.

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100 years ago: Wuchang uprising sparks first Chinese revolution

On October 10, 1911, thousands of soldiers in the city of Wuchang, in China's Hubei province, staged an uprising against local authorities. The troops secured control of Wuchang the next day, and seized the neighboring cities of Hanyang and Hankou, proclaiming an independent republic of Hubei province.

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A letter from Charlotte, North Carolina on the anti-Wall Street protest

11 October 2011

The World Socialist Web Site publishes here a letter from a reader on the demonstration in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Letters from our readers

11 October 2011

A selection of recent letters to the World Socialist Web Site.