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Friday 7 October 2011 Home
Brendan O’Neill
In defence of Steve Jobs
The idea that Jobs and his brilliant Apple gadgets were responsible for alienation in the West and for ‘slavery’ in the East is i-nonsense on stilts.
Nathalie Rothschild
The iMourning for Steve Jobs
The reaction to the death of the Apple boss shows how thoroughly mainstream Princess Di-style public weeping has become.

Duleep Allirajah
The limitations of the Barroom Bosman
The European court ruling that pubs can show cheap Greek coverage of English football wasn’t so significant after all.

David Bowden
Why are C4 punishing teenagers with Hollyoaks?
This soap would just be laughably kitsch if it wasn’t so keen on getting teens to phone helplines afterwards.

Thursday 6 October 2011
Brendan O’Neill
Meet the PC oligarchy that now rules Britain
The Tory conference confirmed that politics has been colonised by experts, hacks and snobs who are utterly insulated from the madding crowd.

Rob Lyons
A game of economic Pass the Parcel
Three years after the collapse of Lehmann Brothers, the debt crisis hasn’t been resolved, just reformulated.

Nathalie Rothschild
The wannabe tyrants of Wall Street
Disdainful and conspiracy-minded, the protesters claiming to speak for all Americans are acting like teenage despots.

Wednesday 5 October 2011
Frank Furedi
Let’s stop kowtowing to the cult of transparency
The demand that every corner of officialdom be thrown open to public view has only made politics a more deceptive, less principled sphere.

Patrick Hayes
A licence to kill freedom of expression
Licensing journalists was a bad idea in John Milton’s day - so why are politicians and editors keen to revive it now?

Niall Crowley
Message to MOBOs:
ditch the victim act

Ahead of tonight’s awards, isn’t it time we stopped making a concrete distinction between ‘black’ and ‘white’ music?

Tuesday 4 October 2011
Mick Hume
Euro-crisis: dictatorship of the bean-counters
The bankrupting of democracy is too high a price to pay for the Euro-elites’ scheme to save their system through more austerity and integration.

Rob Lyons
This obsession with fat is really taxing
Denmark has introduced a ‘fat tax’ - but what business is it of governments to tell us what we should eat?

Richard de Lacy
Face it, the FSB is just not that into you
Why do Western journalists working in Russia always end up convinced that the state is out to get them?

Monday 3 October 2011
Brendan O’Neill
The Melancholia of the middle classes
Lars von Trier’s new film brilliantly teases out the link between the rot of the bourgeois mind and the rise of apocalyptic fantasies.

Nigel Scott
Knox: victim of an Italian soap opera
A supporter of the Injustice in Perugia campaign reports on the absolute dearth of evidence against Amanda Knox.

Tim Black
The culture war over ‘Foxy Knoxy’
The pro-Amanda Knox campaign is far from saintly, what with its Italy-bashing and whispers about backward European men.

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Instead of playing the blame game over Michael Jackson's physician, we need to accept that the cause of Jacko's death was neither black nor white. more...

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7 October 2011
In defence of Steve Jobs
4 October 2011
Euro-crisis: dictatorship of the bean-counters
The new parenting catfight: Tiger Moms vs Fun Slobs

3 October 2011:
The Melancholia of the middle classes

7 October 2011:
Why are C4 punishing teenagers with Hollyoaks?

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