
The Press Council of Ireland and the Office of the Press Ombudsman have been set up to safeguard and promote professional and ethical standards in Irish newspapers and magazines. The Press Council is the new independent regulatory body, and appoints the Press Ombudsman. The Office of the Press Ombudsman ensures that  everybody in Ireland now has access to an independent press complaints mechanism that is quick, fair and free. The new structures are designed to ensure that the freedom of the press is never abused, and that the public interest is always served. These are the main principles of independent press regulation all around the world.

The professional and ethical standards involved are those set out in the Code of Practice for Newspapers and Magazines.


presscouncilPress Council of Ireland

The Press Council of Ireland is the new body for press regulation in Ireland, independent of both government and media.  It is charged with the oversight of the professional principles embodied in the Code of Practice for Newspapers and Magazines, and with upholding the freedom of the press. It operates with the support and cooperation of newspaper and magazine editors and journalists, and decides on appeals from decisions of the Press Ombudsman. 



ombudsmanOffice of the Press Ombudsman

The Office of the Press Ombudsman receives complaints from members of the public, considers whethey they are valid, and then seeks to resolve them by conciliation to the satisfaction of everyone involved. Where conciliation is not possible, the Press Ombudsman will make a decision based on the Code of Practice for Newspapers and Magazines. He has the option of referring some significant or complex complaints directly to the Press Council for decision. There is no charge for the services of the Press Ombudsman.



© 2011 Press Council of Ireland and Office of the Press Ombudsman
  • 1, 2 & 3 Westmoreland Street Dublin 2 Ireland. 
  • Phone: +353 1 6489130
  • Fax: +353 1 6740046
  • Email: info@presscouncil.ie