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Washington D.C., 20036
(202) 331-4090 - info@ncadp.org

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NCADP is grateful for the support of Working Assets/CREDO as a 2009 grant recipient. Click here to learn more about Working Assets/CREDO and become a customer. Help us become a 2010 grant recipient by nominating us here.

NCADP Affiliates

State Affiliates · National Affiliates · International Affiliates

The nation's oldest and largest anti-death penalty organization, the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty is a partnership of more than 100 state, regional, local and international affiliate organizations in almost every state.  It includes large anti-death penalty state organizations as well as smaller, no less dedicated groups, all of whom share a common goal: abolish the death penalty.  Included among our supporters are individual activists, attorneys, religious communities, murder victim family members, law enforcement representatives and young people committed to working toward this social justice milestone.

For our affiliates we provide strategic planning, technical assistance and leadership development to help with anti-death penalty campaigns and legislative issues.  In addition to being a clearinghouse with information about the movement, NCADP engages in its own advocacy at the national and international level and serves as a media information source when the death penalty is part of the national news.  In turn, our affiliates provide us with information about developments and progress made on the death penalty at the local level, which we share with other NCADP affiliate members.

For more information about the benefits of NCADP affiliate membership and how anti-death penalty groups can become an affiliate, contact Abe Bonowitz, Director of Affiliate Support.

Aug 2: Manuel Valle, FL - Stayed
Sep 6: Manuel Valle, FL - Stayed
Sep 8: Manuel Valle, FL - Stayed
Sep 13: Steven Woods, TX - Executed
Sep 15: Duane Buck, TX - Stayed
Sep 20: Billy Slagle, OH - Stayed
Sep 20: Cleve Foster, TX - Stayed
Sep 21: Lawrence Brewer, TX - Executed
Sep 21: Troy Davis, GA - Executed
Sep 22: Derrick Mason, AL - Executed
Sep 28: Manuel Valle, FL - ACT NOW!
Oct 5: Marcus Ray Johnson, GA - ACT NOW!
Oct 18: Joseph D.Murphy, OH - Commuted
Oct 20: Christopher T. Johnson, AL - ACT NOW!
Oct 27: Frank Garcia, TX - ACT NOW!
Nov 9: Hank Skinner , TX - ACT NOW!
Nov 15: Reginald Brooks, OH - ACT NOW!
Nov 16: Guadalupe Esparza, TX - ACT NOW!
Jan 18: Charles Lorraine, OH - ACT NOW!
Jan 26: Rodrigo Hernandez, TX - ACT NOW!
Feb 22: Michael Webb , OH - ACT NOW!
Mar 7: Keith Thurmond, TX - ACT NOW!
Mar 18: Briley Piper, SD - ACT NOW!
Apr 18: Mark Wiles, OH - ACT NOW!
Jun 6: Abdul Hamin Awkal, OH - ACT NOW!
Jul 26: John Eley, OH - ACT NOW!
Sep 20: Donald Palmer, OH - ACT NOW!
Nov 13: Brett Hartman, OH - ACT NOW!

Ogletree on Davis
Professor Charles Ogletree's Letter to the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles on Behalf of Troy Davis.   September 16, 2011 Mr. James E. Donald, Chairman Georgia State Board of ...
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Watch the McKinney & Associates' 20th Anniversary Video

Troy Davis lost his life, will he win the PR battle
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Copyrighted images marked with a red asterisk are used with permission by Scott Langley.
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All non-attributed and non-state affiliate content is © 2011, National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty