Monday, September 26, 2011

Flyers to support the hunger strikers

September 26, 2011 South Brooklyn ABCF

Flyers to support the hunger strikers available for download. Use these to mobilize support for the hunger strike in your area. Customize as needed. . . .

Longer booklet to be used for educating and mobilizing the general public about the hunger strike:

hunger strike leaflet 1

Flyer linking California prison hunger strike to conditions in New York State prisons:


Short front-and-back half-sheet flyer to remind people to make phone calls in support of the strikers:


Note that these materials were not necessarily authored by South Brooklyn ABCF or the ABCF at all, and have not necessarily been approved by the striking prisoners themselves. This is a compilation of outreach resouces to assist organizers while prisoner lives are on the line.

More info about the hunger strike: