Friday, April 24, 2009

I-69 Resister Arrested in Southern Indiana-jail support needed!

Friday, April 24 2009 infoshop news

Another attack to those in resistance to I-69 has been perpetrated by
the hands of the Indiana State Police. Tiga, a long time Indiana
resident, was arrested earlier today as she appeared in Gibson county
court on charges stemming from anti-I-69 actions this past summer.
The arrest was made by the Indiana State Police, including Officer
Brad Chandler, a particularly slimy scumbag whose full time job it is
to harass environmental activists. Tiga is being held on $10,000 cash
bond by the state police on five charge: 2 counts of intimidation, 2
counts of conversion (all misdemeanors) and 1 count of corrupt
business influence (a class D felony). She is currently being held in
the Pike county jail (812) 354-6024), though it possible she’ll be
moved around. Folks in Indiana are actively fundraising to get Tiga
out of the hands of her fascist captors, but we need help…please
email for information on how to support our
efforts at raising bail money.

This arrest is an obvious continuance and escalation of the
harassment of anti-I-69 activities in southern Indiana. People in
both Evansville and Bloomington have been systematically targeted and
repressed by myriad law enforcement agencies from throughout the
state as well as by federal agencies. Nearly 20 folks are still held
captive by the court system, facing both criminal and civil legal
pressures stemming from last summer.

The Indiana State Police and its cohorts must know that this affront
and escalation will not go un-noticed. We must respond fiercely,
showing them the meaning of the phrase “repression breeds
resistance”. Help us free Tiga… email to donate
bail money.