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  • Oct 4

    It’s a cruel joke for Democrats to trot out language about “labor standards” to defend trade pacts with Colombia, Korea, and Panama. Previous trade deals make it obvious brands like Walmart like the current sweatshop system just the way it is.

  • Oct 3

    A nearly two-week strike by teachers in Tacoma, Washington, defied state laws against public sector work stoppages—and showed that when much-vilified public workers take bold action, they can win public sympathy.

  • Sep 30

    Protesters united under the banner of "We are the 99 percent" have occupied the Wall Street area for two weeks. Now several New York unions are planning rallies in support, taking a stand against runaway corporate power.

  • Sep 28

    The nation’s postal unions organized 492 rallies across the country Tuesday in support of federal legislation that would relieve the burdensome requirement that postal employees pre-fund decades worth of retirees’ benefits.

  • Sep 27

    The story line from Postal Service management is simple and apocalyptic: The public is emailing and paying bills online, bankrupting the post office. Postal unions say that's dead wrong: They say the bosses are manufacturing a crisis to push a union-busting privatization agenda. The unions are rallying nationwide today.


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  • September 26

    A grain exporter's attempt to operate a new facility without longshore labor has met stiff resistance in the Pacific Northwest. Police responded by breaking up protests and arresting about 135 unionists, prompting the union to sue to stop “ongoing police brutality."

  • September 23

    Sparking giant strikes in two California hospital chains, 4,000 members of the National Union of Healthcare Workers walked on Wednesday. Joining them on sympathy strikes were 19,000 other hospital workers.

  • October 1

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    I grew up in a working class family in Detroit. But people didn't want to talk about being working class. My grandfather Joe Palidofsky came from Poland and was a coal miner outside of Pittsburgh, and then worked for Ford and was an early member of the UAW. . . .

  • September 24

    How many times have you seen a penny on the floor and didn’t bother to pick it up? Yet for tomato pickers in Florida the effort to get a penny from supermarket giants Publix and Trader Joe's has become a backbreaking struggle.

  • September 20

    Three hundred student-workers from overseas went on strike last month at a Hershey plant in Pennsylvania. Some have returned to work, while others have hooked up with the National Guestworker Alliance to publicize exploitation of student-workers.