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28 Sep 2011 >> News, Top story

Attacker screamed “EDL” as thugs hurled bricks.

27 Sep 2011 >> Action
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UAF activists in the North West will stage a demosntration to make clear that Nazi Nick doesn’t represent us.

27 Sep 2011 >> Campaign material, News

Our latest briefing, looking back over the campaign against the English Defemce League over the past few months is available now.

23 Sep 2011 >> Action
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All antfascists and antiracists are welcome at the women-led counter-demo. Bring your banners and placards!

23 Sep 2011 >> Action, Top story
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A huge range of speakers, including MPs, campaigners, writers and musicians is lined up for the one-day conference on defending multiculturalism on 15 October.

9 Sep 2011 >> Action
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Anti-fascists will be mobilising in Edinburgh on Saturday 10 September to oppose the racist Scottish Defence League, which plans to hold an anti-Muslim rally in the city that day.

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