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National Data, By Edwin S. Rubenstein | September Jobs: Employment Growth Swamped By Immigration—American Worker Displacement Still High

Payrolls swelled by 103,000 in September, about twice what economists were expecting. Yet their pessimism was still vindicated, for even the higher number failed to bring down the unemployment rate, which remained stuck at 9.1% for the third straight month.

In our last jobs report we estimated that immigration policy brings about 100,000 new workers into the U.S. each month. This includes green cards issued for working age arrivals plus visas issued for “temporary” workers, who often attain permanent resident status.

Job creation must exceed the 100,000 mark just to keep the unemployment rate stable. September barely managed that.

We can’t resist shouting: WE TOLD YOU SO.

(Note that

Immigration Cartoon Of The Day


This daily cartoon contributed to VDare by Baloo. His site is HERE

Mitt Romney, Mormons, And The Mainstream—The Religion Card Is Turned Face Up

Is a religious war breaking out in the Republican Party?

On Friday, Pastor Robert Jeffress of the 10,000-member First Baptist Church of Dallas took the podium at the Values Voter Summit to introduce and endorse Rick Perry.

Gov. Perry, said Pastor Jeffress, is a leader with "a strong commitment to biblical values" who defunded Planned Parenthood, that "slaughterhouse for the unborn." He contrasted Perry with an unnamed rival.

"Do we want a candidate who is a conservative out of convenience or one who is a conservative out of deep conviction? Do we want a candidate who is a good, moral person or one who is a born-again follower of the Lord Jesus Christ?"

Perry thanked Jeffress for this "very powerful introduction" and congratulated him for having "hit it out of the park."

By then, however, the pastor, having rounded the bases, was expatiating to an attentive press corps.

"Mormonism is not Christianity," Pastor Jeffress asserted. Rather, Mormonism is a "cult." The Mormons "embraced another gospel, the Book of Mormon, and that is why they have never been considered by evangelical Christians to be part of the Christian family." In essence, Romney may be a good man, but he is not a Christian.

Saturday, Bill Bennett appeared. "Do not give voice to bigotry," said

The Sailer Strategy Updated: Three Steps To Save America

Last week, I critiqued Ron Unz's recent article in The American Conservative, which argued that what we at call “The Sailer Strategy”—that the Republican Party should and can only win, not through “outreach”/minority pandering, but by “inreach”/mobilizing its own (white) base—wouldn’t really work and that a better way to prevent immigration overload would be to raise the minimum wage.

It reminded me that it’s time to post an update of my thinking on how the GOP—or, more accurately, the GAP, Generic American Party, a party representing the historic American nation, which currently votes overwhelmingly Republican—can survive.

The basic concept behind a long-term Sailer Strategy for Republicans: You want more of the kind of people likely to vote for your party in the country and fewer of the kind of people likely to vote for the other party.

This may sound a shocking thing for any Republican to say. But there’s a flagrant double standard here: the Democrats get to implement this logic quite unashamedly. They have long boasted that their policy of bringing in foreigners to vote for them will eventually give them a Chicago-like one-party hegemony over the United States.

And they may be right.

Of course, mass immigration also drives down the salaries and raises the housing and education costs of Americans, and thus makes them less likely to marry and establish families. The Democrats don’t brag about that as much.

Yet really, from a Democratic perspective, that’s not a bug, that's a feature. People who vote Republican tend to be relatively successful in life. The harder it is for Americans to attain the basics of a successful life, such as marriage and children, the better for Democrats.

Democrats frequently offer Republicans advice on what to do about demographic change. It basically boils down to: "Lie back and

“Hispanic Heritage Month”—What’s to Celebrate? Part II: Unmarried Mothers And The Coming Underclass

 (See also by Linda Thom: "Hispanic Heritage Month"—What's To Celebrate?)

In celebrating “Hispanic Heritage Month” (September 15-October 16) by documenting the negative impacts of Hispanic over-immigration, we continue with a look at the most current national, state and county data on birth mothers. The numbers come from birth certificate questionnaires completed by parents at the time of their children’s births.

At the national level, the Centers for Disease Control collect all state data and publish it annually. The table below comes from Tables 13 and 14 of the annual reports for 2000 and 2008. It shows the births by race and ethnicity of the babies’ mothers. (NH means Non-Hispanic.)

Births By Ethnicity

Source: CDC National Vital Statistics System

See also the US Census figures on Total Fertility Rate by Race and Hispanic Origin, Teenagers—Births and Birth Rates, and Births to Unmarried Women, by age by race, Hispanic origin, and age of mother. [PDF]

(Note that American Indian and Asian/Pacific Islanders may also be Hispanic which causes the cross-tabulations to differ.)

In words: Between 2000 and 2008, annual births increased by only 188,880—because births to Non-Hispanic Whites declined. Births to Hispanic women increased by 225,371 annually and to Asian/Pacific Islanders [API] by 52,642 annually.

Obviously, immigration has something to do with this. And here is the proof. In this same period, annual births to foreign-born mothers increased by 159,356. Therefore, 84 percent of that annual birth increase 188,880 was the result of increased births to immigrants.

In 2008, 60 percent of Hispanic birth-mothers and 80 percent of API birth-mothers were immigrants.

Hispanic unmarried mothers

Here is more bad news. In 2008, over half (52.6%) of Hispanic birth mothers were not married.

So much for Hispanic family values.

The CDC does not report marriage rates for native- versus

Diversity Is Strength! It's Also…No Walking While White in Tulsa, OK

Carissa Horton & Ethan Nichols: Young, White, Christian Couple Visits Public Park in Tulsa, OK, Gets Slaughtered

Carissa Horton & Ethan Nichols: Young, White, Christian Couple Visits Public Park in Tulsa, OK, Gets Slaughtered

Murder victims Carissa Horton, 18, and Ethan Nichols, 21 are seen here during an event at Rhema Bible Church in Broken Arrow.

They were young and in love, and went for a walk in the park at 9:30 p.m., on Sunday, September 18.

And that was the last time anyone besides their killers saw them alive.

Carissa Horton and Ethan Nichols had never known each other in Keokuk, Iowa, where they’d both grown up, but their parents knew each other, and put their kids in touch with each other. Ethan’s family had already moved out to Tulsa when work dried up in Iowa. Carissa then went to Tulsa to attend Oral Roberts University.

Both kids came from devoutly Christian families.

They started Facebook messaging each other, then texting each other, talking on the phone about sermons they’d watched on podcast, and next thing you knew, they were praying together every night over the phone. They attended church functions together.

But apparently no one ever warned them about walking in East Tulsa’s Hicks Park after dark.

Ethan had attended community college, and aspired to be a graphic designer, but was working in a creamery. Carissa was studying music, but had to frequently go jogging, for her Phys Ed requirement. (Some reports said they had gone jogging in the park.)


Darren Price


Jerard Davis



Racist confessed murderers, Darren Price (L), and Jerard Davis (R).

Enter Darren Price, 19, and Jerard Davis, 21. The two black men had initially decided to rob the couple, but during the robbery figured that they might as well kill them while they were at it. So Price and Davis had Horton and Nichols kneel on the ground—and blew their brains out, execution-style.

Two hours later, the killers decided to go back to steal

Freedom Lost

Beware Bilingualism! The Catastrophic Canadian Case

Peter Brimelow writes: We don't write enough about the public-choice consequences of creeping bilingualism i.e. foreign-language retention in the U.S., particularly because we regularly get letters from native-born Americans denied jobs because they don't speak Spanish. We just found an e-version

Is America A "Proposition Nation"?

[Peter Brimelow writes: Former Congressman Tom Tancredo is an American hero. He makes here the point that America is not a “proposition nation” but (ahem) a nation, albeit assembled with unusual speed. (Which raises the possibility that it can be unassembled with equally unusual speed—so immigration policy must proceed with care.) This “proposition nation” nonsense is obviously something liberal intellectuals really want to believe. One of my first posts for was about what I believe is the earliest “Proposition Nation” sighting, absurdly imputed to Germany, although Germans have been stolidly on the Rhine since before Christ.

Tancredo’s column originally appeared on WorldNetDaily under the title Were the Founders pro-immigration? (September 30, 2011) but we think our trademark hyperlinks help a lot.]

Lynn Holland, who apparently teaches something called "comparative politics" at the University of Denver, says, "Tancredo misunderstands the fundamental nature of American citizenship."[U.S. Citizenship Is Based on Principles, Not Heritage, History News Service, September 8, 2011]

My offense? I urge Americans "to be proud of our Western civilization." I say "Western civilization is our history." And I warn that "The countries of Western Europe are being invaded by 'Islamo-fascists,' while here in the United States we face 'multiculturalism' that blocks immigrants from assimilating American values."

My plea: guilty–along with the overwhelming majority of the American people. For example, 87 percent of Americans told Rasmussen Reports last year that English should be the official language of the United States. How multicultural is that?

Holland [Email her] claims that "in this country, citizenship is not about cultural identity; it is about constitutional principles. From the beginning, Americans embraced a new definition of citizenship and a new process of naturalization that set the nation apart from its European heritage."

Bunk. This is simply a myth invented by anti-national liberal intellectuals

The Fulford File | “Ashland Man” Ferdaus? “American Citizen” al-Awlaki? American’s Emerging Assimilation Disaster

Reswan FerdausRezwan Ferdaus, the Muslim would-be terrorist who allegedly planned to fly explosives-laden model airplanes at the Pentagon, is referred to in Main Stream Media as “ Ashland man”, ” Mass. terror suspect”"a local boy from the Boston suburb of Ashland" and “a radicalized Boston youth.” Actually, he’s a guy named Ferdaus. That’s all you really need to know.[Suspect pleads not guilty to terrorism charges, By Akilah Johnson and John R. Ellement, Boston Globe, October 4, 2011 ]

Anwar al-Awlaki is (was, as of September 30) a Muslim terrorist, born in Las Cruces NM and possessor of an American passport, who

The MSM referred to Anwar al-Awlaki is called an “American citizen” —although, if the usual PC rules applied, he should be “Yemeni man”, since that’s where he’s been living.Anwar al-Awlaki

Ferdaus really is potentially dangerous—like a lot of Muslims in America, he’s very technically skilled.

The Macaca Media’s Attack On Rick Perry: Squeezing Blood from Stone

The Washington Post's stoning of Texas GOP Gov. Rick Perry is journalistic malpractice. Instead of calling the newspaper to task, other national media outlets have joined in. And now, the Post is doubling down on slander.

“You Were All Here Before Us”: Joe Biden Takes Hispandering To New Lows

Joe Biden, the first part-time comedian elected to the U.S. vice-presidency, is at it again. Having manufactured a phony biography, insulted President Barack Obama and rewritten the teaching of his Roman Catholic Church on abortion, he has now rewritten the history of the United States. Guess who’s included out.

Speaking at the Naval Observatory to honor National Hispanic Heritage Month, Biden took Hispandering to new lows:  he told the group of Hispanics that they a greater claim to the North American continent than anyone else. [Biden to Latinos: You were here first, Politico, By Julie Mason, September 30, 2011]

Biden’s remarks are just the latest in his long line of gaffes that embarrass thinking people—except this one was an explicit racial abasement before “Hispanics” who believe they “were here” before the pale faces.

Said Biden: “You were all here before us.” “Us,” presumably, means Americans of European ancestry. Biden then talked about his Irish roots. “We come from a similar circumstance. It’s about family, it’s about faith and it’s about basic things”, he reportedly said incomprehensibly. The he blundered on:

“The contributions being made to this country by Hispanic Americans is well over 400 years old. We are acting like somehow it is brand new, but you know that America is much richer and more vibrant because of these contributions.”

About 100 Hispanics, including military veterans and political activists, gathered at the vice president’s compound at the Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C. for the fiesta.

Biden has repeatedly proven that he doesn’t know much history, and the latest Politically

Was Awlaki an American?

Friday morning, Predator drones operated by the CIA and Joint Special Operations Command rendezvoused over Yemen and launched Hellfire missiles that blew to pieces the radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.

A declared enemy in the war on terror was eliminated.

Yet Awlaki was a U.S. citizen.

Reps. Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul denounced the action. Kucinich said President Obama "trampled on the Constitution." Paul said Awlaki had never been convicted. "Nobody knows if he killed anybody." Paul described what was done as "assassinating" an American.

Did we have the right to target and kill Awlaki?

According to U.S. intelligence, Awlaki inspired or incited the Fort Hood massacre and Times Square bomber. Intelligence officials say he played a direct role in the attempt

Sailer on Unz: Immigration, The Minimum Wage, And The Rule Of Law

In his The American Conservative magazine, physicist-turned-entrepreneur Ron Unz has just offered a lengthy critique of what he kindly identifies as the Sailer Strategy: the idea that the GOP can only and could easily win by mobilizing its white base, by championing issues that would actually benefit working class whites, such as an immigration moratorium. (Immigration, the Republicans, and the End of White America, American Conservative, September 21, 2011]. We’ve been writing about this for years on one post-Obama discussion is here.

Ron also treats respectfully’s central contention: there are mass immigration is causing problems, both politically (especially for the GOP) and economically (for example, worsening income inequality.) And he has succeeded in getting this concept discussed on national television, in Counterpunch [The Republicans, Immigration and the Minimum Wage, By Alexander Cockburn, September 30, 2011]  and in National Review: Ron Unz on Immigration Part I,II,III,IV,V,etc (none of which acknowledged us, of course). Quite an achievement.

Heston As RichelieuWhile I quite enjoy being depicted as the evil brains behind the operation, rather like how Cardinal Richelieu is portrayed in The Three Musketeers, I must say that I was more struck by the second section of Ron's article, in which he offers a fairly novel policy proposal.

But on the Sailer Strategy: my perspective is far less triumphalist than Ron makes it sound. I merely argue that the short-term electoral costs of taking steps to deal with the long-term electoral threats to the GOP posed by decades of mass immigration and Affirmative Action are more bearable than the eventual electoral costs of doing nothing ... or of doing what the Democrats recommend.

The Democrats' intention, as they've made clear in countless public venues, is literally

Obama’s Totalitarianism And The Last Days of Indian Sovereignty

[Recently by David Yeagley: An Indian Patriot Sues The People Who Shut Down American Renaissance’s 2010 Conference]

American Indian sovereignty is over—at least for the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. On September 21, 2011, the U.S. federal government told the Cherokee Nation who was Indian and who was not. District of Columbia District Judge Henry H. Kennedy, Jr. ordered the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma to include Negroes as citizens.[Court order PDF]

 Wouldn’t you know it? The Obama Administration puts the Negro at the center of all racial issues. The white Oedipal liberals have been happy to dilute, displace, and otherwise denigrate their own race, and they’re not about to let Indians be Indians—in peace, anyway. No, the Negro must be included in the Indian Nations, too.

Actually, the federal government has been declaring Negroes as Indians since the 1980s, when Negroes claiming to be Indians appealed to Washington for recognition so they could obtain a tax-free casino on “Indian” land.

But Judge Kennedy’s decision to declare Negroes citizens of an Indian nation represents the first act of the U.S. government that directly abrogates Indian sovereignty.

The casino bit, which involved the collusion of local and national politicians and other dubious characters, had really very little to do with real Indians. The casino “pop-up” tribes simply declared Negroes Indians.

But the Kennedy decision says real Indians can’t say who’s Indian anymore. Indian Nationhood is degraded to the level of a social club—which must include Negroes.

Back in March, 2007, the Cherokee Nation amended its constitution, d

“Haitian Youth” Raymond Herisse And Urban Beach Week: Coming To An America Near You—Unless There’s An Immigration Moratorium

At 4 a.m. on May 30—Memorial Day—in the middle of “Urban Beach Week”— Raymond Herisse, 22, of Boynton Beach, Florida, was shot dead by police in the South Beach area of Miami Beach.

 Raymond Herisse


One of Haitian-American Herisse’s many mug shots.

[ note: As usual, none of the mainstream media has published anything useful about Raymond Herisse's citizenship status, where he was born, et cetera.However, leftwing blogger Axis of Logic describes him this way: Miami Police Assassinate Character of Haitian Youth After Taking His Life]

“Urban Beach Week,” aka “Hip-Hop Weekend” has come to mean anarchy in Miami Beach. Up to 300,000 black “hip-hop” fans, many intent on wreaking havoc, descend upon a city with fewer than 90,000 residents, only four percent of whom

Democrat Decries “Highly Unusual” Federal Attacks On State Immigration Enforcement

In addition to not enforcing existing immigration laws, the Obama Administration has launched a full charge against embattled states seeking to protect themselves from massive illegal alien invasions.

If this doesn’t make your blood boil, you might as well emigrate!   Of course where to, in our increasingly shattered world, is a good question. 

Your constitutional rights, under Article IV, section 4, which requires  the  Federal government to protect the citizens from invasion, are  under attack—as they  have been throughout this president’s administration.

Now even the Open Borders Washington Post is having to report this anti-states policy on its front page: Justice targets laws like Arizona’s: US vs. States on immigration; Obama administration may file new suits,[ By Jerry Markon,  September 29, 2011]

“The Obama administration is escalating its crackdown on tough immigration laws, with lawyers reviewing four new state statutes to determine whether