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latest news

Hong Kong
Solidarity with ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement

07/10/2011: Socialist Action organized demonstration to protest mass arrests in New York and other US cities

  Hong Kong


07/10/2011: Eurozone threatened by sovereign debt and banking crisis and compounded by near-zero growth

  World Economy

Kazakh oil workers heard in European Parliament

05/10/2011: End attacks on lives and freedoms of worker activists!


Over 700 arrested on “Occupy Wall Street” march

05/10/2011: Struggle continues despite police repression


Austerity locked-in with EU economic governance package

05/10/2011: Implications of so-called "six-pack of economic governance measures", voted on in the European Parliament last week, are vast


World economy in meltdown - we won’t pay for capitalist crisis

04/10/2011: 24 Hour Public Sector General Strike Now - Socialist Party placard, photo Paul Mattsson

  Britain, World Economy

Thousands march and prepare to strike against cuts

04/10/2011: “People First” demonstration in Glasgow on 1st October


Socialist Statement at Occupy Wall Street

03/10/2011: End the Dictatorship of Wall Street!


Horn of Africa
Lives of millions hanging by a thread

03/10/2011: Famine - another weapon of mass destruction

  Africa, Somalia

Police detain campaigners for equal rights for women and LGBT community

01/10/2011: UPDATE: 12 protesters released – Drop all charges and fines!

  Russia, Solidarity

"Kazakh strikers turn to OSCE"

01/10/2011: The Moscow News reports on heroic workers struggle


284 injured in metro system’s “darkest day”

01/10/2011: Manic, uncoordinated and corrupt railway development plans need to be immediately and thoroughly checked and reconstructed under public and democratic control


MEPs condemn repression of opposition activists

30/09/2011: “I, Clare Daly, member of the Irish Parliament strongly condemn threats by the Kazakhstan authorities…” Socialist Party TDs add voices to international outcry

  Kazakhstan, Solidarity

General strike amid intense political crisis

30/09/2011: Indigenous movement and general strike force five ministers resignations


Brutal police crackdown on protestors

30/09/2011: Wall street occupation continues and spreads


Solidarity protest at Kazakh embassy

29/09/2011: London protest against state repression and in solidarity with oil workers

  Britain, Kazakhstan, Solidarity

Failed ‘welfare quarantine’ measures to be extended

29/09/2011: Attacks first tested on Aboriginal population now implemented on all


Parasites’ attitude exposed

28/09/2011: Stock market trader exposes real views of speculators & parasites

  Video, World Economy

Revolutionary movement under threat

28/09/2011: Regime unleashes counter-revolutionary violence


America’s Strange Fruit

28/09/2011: The Execution of Troy Davis


Despair and fury

27/09/2011: New wave of strikes and student protests - But how can the cuts tsunami be halted?


Hong Kong
Socialist Action launches election campaign for district council

27/09/2011: Socialist Action’s (CWI Hong Kong) first election campaign

  Hong Kong

Venezuelan union leader supports Kazakh opposition activists

26/09/2011: Ainur Kurmanov and Esenbek Ukteshbayev to address OSCE Human Rights Conference

  Kazakhstan, Venezuela

Eyewitness account of Sindh floods

24/09/2011: Hundreds of thousands displaced as flood worsens


A hot autumn looming

24/09/2011: Mass and unified resistance needs to be organised


New wave of strikes

23/09/2011: Eight months after the overthrow of Mubarak, workers and youth still face poverty, unemployment, corruption and repression


Hong Kong
Oppose political frame-up of ‘Long Hair’ and six other activists

23/09/2011: Left-wing legislator and six others arrested and charged with ‘disorderly conduct’ after by-election protest

  Hong Kong

Can labour be reclaimed?

23/09/2011: Why socialists must campaign for a new mass workers party


After the fall of Tripoli

22/09/2011: Revolution in grave danger of being seriously derailed


Mass action needed to end occupation

22/09/2011: CWI MEP argues for mass action to liberate the Palestinian masses

  Israel / Palestine, Video

Video of successful lobby of Trades Union Congress

21/09/2011: Public sector-wide action announced for 30 November!

  Britain, Video

Middle East

CWI Summer School: Revolution and Counter-Revolution in North Africa and Middle East

27/07/2011, Report of plenary discussion
David Johnson, Socialist Party (CWI England and Wales)

North Africa, Middle East: The revolution four months later

02/06/2011, Across the Middle East and North Africa the revolutions and protests that began after Mohamed Bouazizi’s suicide in protest at poverty and oppression in Tunisia have, in many countries, reached turning points.
Robert Bechert, CWI

Middle East and North Africa: Revolutions in danger

13/04/2011, Decisive workers’ action necessary
Robert Bechert, CWI

Lebanon: “Down with the sectarian system”

09/03/2011, Against sectarianism and capitalism – for a workers alternative!
CWI Lebanon

North Africa / Middle East: Challenges to rule of kings and dictators continue

08/03/2011, Herculean efforts to remove Gaddafi dictatorship in Libya
Peter Taaffe, General Secretary, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales)

Saudi Arabia: Protests begin as “Day of rage” called for 11 March

04/03/2011, Founders of new activists’ party detained
Rukhsana Manzoor and Khalid Bhatti, SMP (CWI in Pakistan)

Oman: Two weeks of protests in absolute monarchy

01/03/2011, Police kill demonstrators – workers block oil port
Yemeni socialist

Libya: Gaddafi must go! It’s a fight to the finish

28/02/2011, Masses reject foreign intervention as towns fall to opposition
Niall Mulholland, CWI

North Africa/Middle East: Region-wide revolution of the Arab people

21/02/2011, To fully succeed, revolutions need to go beyond framework of capitalism
Peter Taaffe, from The Socialist, newspaper of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)

Yemen:” A political revolution must be connected to a social revolution”

10/02/2011, Jonas Brännberg Rättvisepartiet Socialisterna (CWI in Sweden) spoke to an exiled activist from Yemen about the situation.

CWI 10th World Congress: Middle East

28/12/2010, The crisis of capitalism and the naked role of imperialism are graphically manifested in the Middle East.
Document No. 3, CWI World Congress

Middle East: Can new ’talks’ deliver justice and peace?

24/09/2010, CWI leaflet: Workers need to organise independently!

Middle East: In solidarity with the masses of Gaza

27/01/2010, For the building of movements and the intensification of activities to bring down the ‘Rafah wall’ - organisation of workers and the poor is the only true solidarity
CWI Lebanon leaflet

Middle East: Deadlocked ‘peace deals’, bloody occupations, threat of new wars…

10/11/2009, Mass opposition movements & strikes the way forward - Workers need to organise independently!

Middle East: Regional talks and conflicts reflect new impasse

06/08/2009, Independent workers’ organisation a necessity
Aysha Zaki – CWI Lebanon

Middle East: A witness to the Gaza slaughter

17/02/2009, Israeli residents “used as trading cards”
Socialist Struggle Movement (CWI in Israel)

Further articles on 'Middle East':








EuropeRegion in Revolt


Capitalism: Parasites’ attitude exposed, 28/09/2011

 further videos

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Che Guevara: Símbolo de Lucha

Por Tony Saunois

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