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Website of the Committee for a Workers' International

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latest 100 articles:

08/10/2011: US: End the Dictatorship of Wall Street!
08/10/2011: Britan: 90th anniversary of the struggle of Poplar against cuts
07/10/2011: Hong Kong: Solidarity with ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement
07/10/2011: Eurozone: Endgame
06/10/2011: Britain: Labour Party leader’s fruitless dreams of a ’better capitalism’
06/10/2011: Ireland: Socialist Party candidate contests parliamentary by-election
05/10/2011: Kazakhstan: Kazakh oil workers heard in European Parliament
05/10/2011: US: Over 700 arrested on “Occupy Wall Street” march
05/10/2011: Europe: Austerity locked-in with EU economic governance package
04/10/2011: Britain: World economy in meltdown - we won’t pay for capitalist crisis
04/10/2011: Scotland: Thousands march and prepare to strike against cuts
03/10/2011: Germany: Hospital workers’ strike enters fourth week
03/10/2011: US: Socialist Statement at Occupy Wall Street
03/10/2011: Horn of Africa: Lives of millions hanging by a thread
01/10/2011: Russia: Police detain campaigners for equal rights for women and LGBT community
01/10/2011: Kazakhstan: "Kazakh strikers turn to OSCE"
01/10/2011: China: 284 injured in metro system’s “darkest day”
30/09/2011: Kazakhstan: MEPs condemn repression of opposition activists
30/09/2011: Bolivia: General strike amid intense political crisis
30/09/2011: US: Brutal police crackdown on protestors
29/09/2011: Britain: Solidarity protest at Kazakh embassy
29/09/2011: Australia: Failed ‘welfare quarantine’ measures to be extended
28/09/2011: Kazakhstan: Venezuelan oil workers’ support striking Kazakh oil workers and condemn repression
28/09/2011: Capitalism: Parasites’ attitude exposed
28/09/2011: Yemen: Revolutionary movement under threat
28/09/2011: US: America’s Strange Fruit
27/09/2011: Greece: Despair and fury
27/09/2011: Hong Kong: Socialist Action launches election campaign for district council
26/09/2011: Kazakhstan: Venezuelan union leader supports Kazakh opposition activists
24/09/2011: Pakistan: Eyewitness account of Sindh floods
24/09/2011: Portugal: A hot autumn looming
23/09/2011: Egypt: New wave of strikes
23/09/2011: Hong Kong: Oppose political frame-up of ‘Long Hair’ and six other activists
23/09/2011: Britain: Can labour be reclaimed?
22/09/2011: Libya: After the fall of Tripoli
22/09/2011: Palestine: Mass action needed to end occupation
21/09/2011: Britain: Video of successful lobby of Trades Union Congress
20/09/2011: Italy: Deeper into crisis
20/09/2011: Nigeria: The struggle for N18,000 minimum wage
19/09/2011: Norway: Racist ‘Progress Party’ biggest loser in elections
19/09/2011: Denmark: Right-wing government loses power after ten years
17/09/2011: Video: The other 9/11
17/09/2011: US: “Sound before the fury of the oppressed”!
16/09/2011: Pakistan:Report from flood-hit Sindh
16/09/2011: Kazakhstan: “Kurmanov to be jailed?”
16/09/2011: Britain: When all they offer is cuts, joblessness and misery...
15/09/2011: Pakistan: Sindh flooded again
15/09/2011: Britain 1931: Coalition, cutbacks and crisis
14/09/2011: Palestine: UN vote on ‘statehood’
13/09/2011: Britain: Union leaders must open the floodgates of mass action!
12/09/2011: US: Wall Street Has Two Parties, We Need One of Our Own!
12/09/2011: Germany: Solidarity appeal
11/09/2011: Review: Why Marx was right
10/09/2011: Chile: The other ‘9/11’
10/09/2011: The consequences of 9/11: A world turned upside down
09/09/2011: Kazakhstan: Another oil worker jailed for 15 days without trial
09/09/2011: Greece : Huge student movement kicks off an autumn of struggle
09/09/2011: US: Longshore workers dump grain, shut down ports
09/09/2011: Italy: No to profit-guzzling and destructive projects at public’s expense!
08/09/2011: Spain: Elections 2011 – how can workers and youth have a voice?
08/09/2011: Energy: Nuclear fallout
07/09/2011: Germany: Esso protest in solidarity with striking Kazakh oil workers
07/09/2011: Ireland: Don’t pay the household charge!
06/09/2011: Libya: After Gaddafi
06/09/2011: India: Comstar Workers’ Strike in Chennai
05/09/2011: Italy: General strike against Berlusconi crisis measures
05/09/2011: Britain: The ongoing public-sector pensions struggle
03/09/2011: Kazakhstan: Terror continues against oil workers
02/09/2011: Canada: Death of NDP leader, Jack Layton
02/09/2011: Nigeria: Bombing of United Nations’ office
01/09/2011: Tamil Solidarity: End death penalty in India
01/09/2011: Britain: "Bring the biggest companies into public ownership"
31/08/2011: Sweden: Kazakhstan solidarity action
31/08/2011: India: The Protest Spectacle! Who gained?! Who lost?!
30/08/2011: Riots: Who broke Britain?
29/08/2011: Ireland: How the police assaulted peaceful protestors in Rossport
29/08/2011: Poland: Solidarity picket in defense of oppressed oil workers in Kazakhstan
28/08/2011: Nigeria: N18,000 minimum wage!
27/08/2011: Nigeria: Education Rights Campaign commence free holiday coaching in Ajegunle
26/08/2011: Chile: Fatal repression marks general strike and massive protests
26/08/2011: Libya: Gaddafi regime crumbles
26/08/2011: Turkey / Kurdistan: Erdoğan escalates attacks on PKK
25/08/2011: Norway: Right-wing parties lose support after massacre
25/08/2011: World economy: A new phase of the great recession
24/08/2011: Chile: 2-day general strike
24/08/2011: Sweden: Local miners’ union donates to Kazakhstan oil workers’ struggle
23/08/2011: Egypt: Former dictator Mubarak on trial
22/08/2011: China: Thousands protest against pollution from chemical plant in Jiangxi
21/08/2011: US: 75th anniversary of 1936 auto sit down strikes
20/08/2011: US: Teamster leadership betrays Union Drive at FedEx Ground
20/08/2011: 20 years on: Attempted putsch in the Soviet Union
19/08/2011: Australia: Coalition attacks public sector workers in New South Wales
18/08/2011: Britain: Tell the TUC - call a 24-hour public sector general strike!
18/08/2011: Ireland: Report from Protest in Solidarity with Kazakh Oil Strikers
17/08/2011: India: Bangalore garment workers woes and challenges ahead
16/08/2011: Hong Kong: Right of abode conflict – a socialist standpoint
15/08/2011: Kazakhstan: ‘Evidence’ fabricated against opposition leaders Ainur Kurmanov and Esenbek Ukteshbaev
15/08/2011: Britain: Con-Dems to blame for anger of youth
12/08/2011: Thailand: ‘Clone’ of Thaksin elected, but social conflicts could persist
11/08/2011: South Africa: Equal pay for equal work!

Greece: Despair and fury

27/09/2011, Interview with Greek socialist

New wave of strikes and student protests - But how can the cuts tsunami be halted?

US: End the Dictatorship of Wall Street!

08/10/2011, Socialist Alternative (CWI supporters in the US)

How can we take the struggle forward?

Britan: 90th anniversary of the struggle of Poplar against cuts

08/10/2011, Videos with Peter Taaffe and Tony Mulhearn, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)

"Better to break the law than break the poor"

Hong Kong: Solidarity with ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement

07/10/2011, Dikang, Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong)

Socialist Action organized demonstration to protest mass arrests in New York and other US cities

Eurozone: Endgame

07/10/2011, Lynn Walsh, first published in Socialism Today, magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)

Eurozone threatened by sovereign debt and banking crisis and compounded by near-zero growth

Britain: Labour Party leader’s fruitless dreams of a ’better capitalism’

06/10/2011, Editorial from the Socialist, weekly newspaper of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales)

The working class needs a new party

Ireland: Socialist Party candidate contests parliamentary by-election

06/10/2011, By Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland) reporters

Vote against government austerity

Kazakhstan: Kazakh oil workers heard in European Parliament

05/10/2011, Geert Cool, LSP/PSL (CWI in Belgium)

End attacks on lives and freedoms of worker activists!

US: Over 700 arrested on “Occupy Wall Street” march

05/10/2011, By Pete Ikeler, Socialist Alternative (CWI supporters USA)

Struggle continues despite police repression

Europe: Austerity locked-in with EU economic governance package

05/10/2011, Paul Murphy, MEP, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland), first published in the "Irish Left Review"

Implications of so-called "six-pack of economic governance measures", voted on in the European Parliament last week, are vast

Britain: World economy in meltdown - we won’t pay for capitalist crisis

04/10/2011, Editorial of the Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)

24 Hour Public Sector General Strike Now - Socialist Party placard, photo Paul Mattsson

Scotland: Thousands march and prepare to strike against cuts

04/10/2011, Socialist Party Scotland members (CWI in Scotland)

“People First” demonstration in Glasgow on 1st October

Germany: Hospital workers’ strike enters fourth week

03/10/2011, Sascha Stanicic, SAV (CWI in Germany)

Solidarity urgently needed

US: Socialist Statement at Occupy Wall Street

03/10/2011, New York City branch, Socialist Alternative (CWI supporters, USA)

End the Dictatorship of Wall Street!

Horn of Africa: Lives of millions hanging by a thread

03/10/2011, Cedric Gerome, CWI

Famine - another weapon of mass destruction

Russia: Police detain campaigners for equal rights for women and LGBT community

01/10/2011, CWI Reporters, Moscow

UPDATE: 12 protesters released – Drop all charges and fines!

Kazakhstan: "Kazakh strikers turn to OSCE"


The Moscow News reports on heroic workers struggle

China: 284 injured in metro system’s “darkest day”


Manic, uncoordinated and corrupt railway development plans need to be immediately and thoroughly checked and reconstructed under public and democratic control

Kazakhstan: MEPs condemn repression of opposition activists

30/09/2011, CWI Reporters

“I, Clare Daly, member of the Irish Parliament strongly condemn threats by the Kazakhstan authorities…” Socialist Party TDs add voices to international outcry

Bolivia: General strike amid intense political crisis

30/09/2011, CWI Reporters

Indigenous movement and general strike force five ministers resignations

US: Brutal police crackdown on protestors

30/09/2011, Jesse Lessinger, Socialist Alternative (CWI US)

Wall street occupation continues and spreads

committee for a workers' international
PO Box 3688, London E11 1YE, Britain
Tel: ++ 44 20 8988 8760
Fax: ++ 44 20 8988 8793

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