Greece: Despair and fury

27/09/2011: New wave of strikes and student protests - But how can the cuts tsunami be halted?


latest articles

Hong Kong: Solidarity with ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement

07/10/2011: Socialist Action organized demonstration to protest mass arrests in New York and other US cities

  Hong Kong

Eurozone: Endgame

07/10/2011: Eurozone threatened by sovereign debt and banking crisis and compounded by near-zero growth

  World Economy

Britain: Labour Party leader’s fruitless dreams of a ’better capitalism’

06/10/2011: The working class needs a new party


Ireland: Socialist Party candidate contests parliamentary by-election

06/10/2011: Vote against government austerity

  Ireland Republic

Kazakhstan: Kazakh oil workers heard in European Parliament

05/10/2011: End attacks on lives and freedoms of worker activists!


US: Over 700 arrested on “Occupy Wall Street” march

05/10/2011: Struggle continues despite police repression


Europe: Austerity locked-in with EU economic governance package

05/10/2011: Implications of so-called "six-pack of economic governance measures", voted on in the European Parliament last week, are vast


Britain: World economy in meltdown - we won’t pay for capitalist crisis

04/10/2011: 24 Hour Public Sector General Strike Now - Socialist Party placard, photo Paul Mattsson

  Britain, World Economy

Scotland: Thousands march and prepare to strike against cuts

04/10/2011: “People First” demonstration in Glasgow on 1st October


 Germany: Hospital workers’ strike enters fourth week

03/10/2011: Solidarity urgently needed

  Germany, Solidarity

US: Socialist Statement at Occupy Wall Street

03/10/2011: End the Dictatorship of Wall Street!


Horn of Africa: Lives of millions hanging by a thread

03/10/2011: Famine - another weapon of mass destruction

  Africa, Somalia

 Russia: Police detain campaigners for equal rights for women and LGBT community

01/10/2011: UPDATE: 12 protesters released – Drop all charges and fines!

  Russia, Solidarity

Kazakhstan: "Kazakh strikers turn to OSCE"

01/10/2011: The Moscow News reports on heroic workers struggle


China: 284 injured in metro system’s “darkest day”

01/10/2011: Manic, uncoordinated and corrupt railway development plans need to be immediately and thoroughly checked and reconstructed under public and democratic control


 Kazakhstan: MEPs condemn repression of opposition activists

30/09/2011: “I, Clare Daly, member of the Irish Parliament strongly condemn threats by the Kazakhstan authorities…” Socialist Party TDs add voices to international outcry

  Kazakhstan, Solidarity

Bolivia: General strike amid intense political crisis

30/09/2011: Indigenous movement and general strike force five ministers resignations


US: Brutal police crackdown on protestors

30/09/2011: Wall street occupation continues and spreads


 Britain: Solidarity protest at Kazakh embassy

29/09/2011: London protest against state repression and in solidarity with oil workers

  Britain, Kazakhstan, Solidarity

Australia: Failed ‘welfare quarantine’ measures to be extended

29/09/2011: Attacks first tested on Aboriginal population now implemented on all


Kazakhstan: Venezuelan oil workers’ support striking Kazakh oil workers and condemn repression

28/09/2011: Protesters lobby Kazakh embassy in Germany

  Germany, Kazakhstan, Venezuela

 Capitalism: Parasites’ attitude exposed

28/09/2011: Stock market trader exposes real views of speculators & parasites

  Video, World Economy

Yemen: Revolutionary movement under threat

28/09/2011: Regime unleashes counter-revolutionary violence


US: America’s Strange Fruit

28/09/2011: The Execution of Troy Davis


Hong Kong: Socialist Action launches election campaign for district council

27/09/2011: Socialist Action’s (CWI Hong Kong) first election campaign

  Hong Kong

Kazakhstan: Venezuelan union leader supports Kazakh opposition activists

26/09/2011: Ainur Kurmanov and Esenbek Ukteshbayev to address OSCE Human Rights Conference

  Kazakhstan, Venezuela

Pakistan: Eyewitness account of Sindh floods

24/09/2011: Hundreds of thousands displaced as flood worsens


Portugal: A hot autumn looming

24/09/2011: Mass and unified resistance needs to be organised


Egypt: New wave of strikes

23/09/2011: Eight months after the overthrow of Mubarak, workers and youth still face poverty, unemployment, corruption and repression


Hong Kong: Oppose political frame-up of ‘Long Hair’ and six other activists

23/09/2011: Left-wing legislator and six others arrested and charged with ‘disorderly conduct’ after by-election protest

  Hong Kong

Britain: Can labour be reclaimed?

23/09/2011: Why socialists must campaign for a new mass workers party


Libya: After the fall of Tripoli

22/09/2011: Revolution in grave danger of being seriously derailed


 Palestine: Mass action needed to end occupation

22/09/2011: CWI MEP argues for mass action to liberate the Palestinian masses

  Israel / Palestine, Video

 Britain: Video of successful lobby of Trades Union Congress

21/09/2011: Public sector-wide action announced for 30 November!

  Britain, Video

Italy: Deeper into crisis

20/09/2011: New initiative to build a fighting alternative


Committee for a Workers' International
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Tel: ++ 44 20 8988 8760, Fax: ++ 44 20 8988 8793

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