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latest news

Challenging the Golden Dawn

10/05/2013: On 2 May the neo-fascist Golden Dawn attempted to distribute food in Syntagma square in Athens to people holding proof of Greek nationality.


British county elections
Capitalist parties rejected

10/05/2013: Time for a new mass workers’ party


The calm before the storm

09/05/2013: New clashes on the horizon


General elections held amid political turmoil

08/05/2013: Big landlords, capitalists and influential families are calling the shots


Sri Lanka
Successful May Day

08/05/2013: The United Socialist Party’s May Day demonstration passed successfully through a number of populous areas of Colombo, ending at Grand Pass Junction.

  May Day, Sri Lanka

Hong Kong
Dockworkers’ strike ends after 40 days

07/05/2013: Union representatives declare a “half success” with a pay rise of 9.8 percent – but important issues are unresolved

  Hong Kong

Britain’s ’precariat’
Fighting for real jobs

06/05/2013: ’Get a job!’ is the constant refrain of privileged Tory ministers and vicious right-wing tabloids. A million unemployed young people are the subject of a relentless campaign of smears and lies.

  Britain, Youth

Rally marks 30 year anniversary of election of socialist council

05/05/2013: Great event remembers the ’47’ struggle

  Britain, History

 Women and the struggle for socialism
It doesn’t have to be like this

05/05/2013: Christine Thomas’ book outlines how inequalities and discrimination against women have not disappeared and women’s struggles must be bound up with wider class struggle to be successful. Read the complete book online here.


Australian budget
Say ‘NO’ to the cuts agenda of the major parties

04/05/2013: Those who created the crisis should be forced to pay.


 Nigerian May Day arrests
All DSM members released [updated]

03/05/2013: The last set of DSM members still in the detention of the state security service (SSS) in Kaduna, Northwest Nigeria, and Ibadan Oyo state, Southwest Nigeria, as of yesterday, has been released.

  May Day, Nigeria, Solidarity

May Day 2013

03/05/2013: Progressive Workers Federation (PWF), TURCP and SMP organised and intervened in the May Day activities across the country

  May Day, Video

Bangladesh building collapse
Casualties of a rotten profit system

03/05/2013: It is said that where labour is cheap, life is cheap. This is never more so than in the recent horrific deaths of over 400 garment workers crushed in a collapsed building in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh.


Hong Kong
Dockers’ strike shines a spotlight on Li Ka-shing’s business empire

03/05/2013: Li Ka-shing owns 13 percent of the world’s port capacity and much more besides…

  Hong Kong

Over 20,000 march on May Day

02/05/2013: ‘Defend pensions! Stop corruption!’

  May Day, Taiwan

May Day demonstration in Sindh

02/05/2013: Photos of May Day demonstration in Sindh

  May Day, Pakistan

Militarisation of May Day rallies

02/05/2013: DSM comrades arrested and detained

  May Day, Nigeria, Solidarity

Constitutional court ruling sends government into disarray

01/05/2013: CC rules budget illegal for second time, government declares war against it


May Day Greetings

01/05/2013: The CWI sends revolutionary greetings and solidarity to workers, young people and all those exploited by capitalism.

  May Day

EU austerity budget – cuts, cuts, cuts

30/04/2013: Irish Presidency brought unprecedented levels of cuts to the EU budget.


Anti-Bedroom Tax Federation launched

29/04/2013: Writing off of any debt accrued due to the bedroom tax, supporting the building of new social housing, opposing all cuts and austerity measures


Break with Thatcher’s legacy!

28/04/2013: Socialist policies needed


Social worker union prepares for the coming battle

28/04/2013: SSM member, Suiher Daska and other left candidates were elected to the leadership of the union on the background of the coming struggles against austerity

  Israel / Palestine

Reporting genocide in Sri Lanka

28/04/2013: "Still Counting the Dead: Survivors of Sri Lanka’s hidden war" by Frances Harrison

  Review, Sri Lanka

Seattle teachers’ testing boycott

27/04/2013: Teachers at Garfield High school in Seattle, Washington, faced down possible suspension for boycotting the winter Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) test, which purports to evaluate student progress in reading and maths.


MPs refuse to outlaw caste discrimination

26/04/2013: Hundreds of people protested outside London’s Houses of Parliament on 14 April to demand that caste oppression in Britain be outlawed.


‘South Africa - The Massacre that Changed a Nation’

25/04/2013: A surprisingly devastating critique of the ANC’s failure to ensure ‘a better life for all’; BBC2 April 24th and online

  Review, South Africa

On the edge of a catastrophic slump

25/04/2013: Socialist polices needed to resolve crisis in the interests of majority


South Africa
Workers and Socialist Party - first steps toward uniting struggles

24/04/2013: Following the launch of the WASP the work is ongoing to, on the one hand, complete the formal registration of the party and, on the other, sink its roots and establish its structures across South Africa.

  South Africa

After the Boston Tragedy

23/04/2013: NO to Racism and Repression



22/04/2013: Unprecedented stimulus package - a desperate gamble


Spanish civil war
Opening the mexican suitcase

21/04/2013: Recently discovered photos of the Spanish civil war

  Review, Spanish Civil War

Union rank and file rejects rotten “Croke Park 2” deal

20/04/2013: ‘No’ vote puts Labour Party on the ropes

  Ireland Republic

Venezuelan presidential elections
Threat of the counter revolution grows

20/04/2013: Workers must take urgent steps to defeat capitalism and the right-wing.


"The Provisional IRA"

20/04/2013: "The Provisional IRA: from insurrection to parliament" by Tommy McKearney looks in detail at the IRA’s development

  Ireland North


Millions strike against attack on pensions, 02/06/2003
website of the committee for a workers' international, CWI

An attack on workers’ pensions by French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin has combined with other issues, particularly education decentralisation, to fuel a massive response by workers the length and breadth of France.

Judy Beishon

This movement has surpassed the struggles of 1995, when the then Prime Minister, Alain Juppé, tried to impose similar measures but was forced to back down by three weeks of public sector strikes. It is presently escalating, with the possibility of a confrontation developing on the scale of 1968 – when ten million workers went on strike, threatening the survival of the capitalist system.

Two single days of protest action in February and April were followed by large May Day demonstrations, in which 300,000 people participated. The movement then took a huge leap forward with a day of strikes and demonstrations on 13 May by up to two million workers in 115 towns and cities. A majority of public sector workers were involved in that mobilisation - at least 57%. It included a strike and demonstration in Marseille in which 200,000 people participated, leading the newspaper Libération to describe the city as both "dead" and "living" on that day; dead, because there was no public transport and little traffic, yet alive, because of the swarms of people on the streets.

Public sector workers are enraged by the right-wing government’s plan to worsen their pensions. Among other measures, they will have to work for 40 years instead of 37.5 to get full pension entitlement. But the movement has gone beyond the specific attacks that triggered a mass response. Workers now recognise the threat neo-liberalist policies pose to all French working people. Not only does everyone use public services, but also, in France, a quarter of the workforce is in the public sector and half of all households have at least one family member working for it. So it is not surprising that most workers support the movement.

Some sections of public service workers involved in the strikes, such as in the rail, post and energy sectors, would not be affected by the present pension cut plans, but they are bringing their own concerns over privatisation, job losses and cuts into the movement. Teachers are not directly affected by the decentralisation proposals for schools (they apply to non-teaching staff) but they are leading the struggle against them, realising it is a fundamental attack on the state provision of services. They correctly see the measures as a path towards cuts and privatisation. And private sector workers, who were hardly involved in the 1995 strikes, are participating this time. In recent years, they have suffered tens of thousands of job losses, poorer working conditions, low pay and know they are in line for further attacks on their own pension rights. Contingents from the private sector were present on the 13 May demonstrations, including a quarter of the Michelin tyre workers, many car workers and 900 metal workers from Alstrom.

Many strikers decided to extend the action by staying out on 14 May, as metro, bus and rail workers did in the Paris region. Following 13/14 May, a series of days of mobilisation have taken place, with education workers in the forefront. These actions have involved substantial numbers, such as the 700,000 people who turned out in 70 towns and cities on 19 May. A massive demonstration of over one million people took place on Sunday 25 May in Paris (see last week’s Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party, England and Wales), with demonstrations taking place elsewhere too on the same day, such as one of 50,000 in Marseille. Not prominent at first, school and college students are increasingly entering the struggle, angered at government propaganda that says their teachers are acting against their interests by preventing exams from taking place.

3 June battle

The next major mobilisation, the tenth since the movement began, has been called for Tuesday 3 June, by four trade union federations, and will involve workers from hospitals, education, transport, post, telecom, gas, electricity, the Bank of France. It will also include private sector workers, who are increasingly involved in the struggles. Given the present mood, it is likely to reach general strike proportions in some cities and maybe nationally. Already in many towns and cities, as many as one in ten of the population have directly participated in protests and a recent poll showed that two-thirds of French people support them.

Trade union federation leaders have been struggling to keep themselves at the head of the movement while at the same time trying to stop it from developing into a general strike. Not having any perspective that differs much from the failed policies of the Socialist Party (PS) and Communist Party (PC) leaders, they fear further development of the mass movement and the prospect of it developing along the lines of 1968.

Leaders of the CFDT, one of the three main union federations in the public sector, have signed up to Raffarin’s ‘reforms’ to great anger from their rank and file. Large contingents of CFDT workers took part in the 25 May demonstration, furious following their leadership’s capitulation. The other two main federations in the public sector, the CGT and Force Ouvrière (FO), are still trying to head the movement, but a general strike is "not called for", according to the leadership of the CGT. Marc Blondel, the leader of Force Ouvrière, was quoted in the newspaper Le Monde as dismissing a general strike and saying it is of a "political, insurrectionary nature"! But they are under intense pressure from below, and dragged along by it, have been forced to back or call for the repeated days of mobilisation, while also trying to make sure there are days in between to stop continuity of action and a momentum building up. However, at present, the movement is growing rapidly, and with a large layer of workers recognising the need for a general strike of public and private sector workers, the prospect of one is inherent in the situation.

Tension in government

In the face of the scale of this movement, there is great tension in Raffarin’s government. Following the 1995 climb-down of Juppé, Raffarin is under pressure, from a capitalist class fearful of reduced income and profits, to push through his cuts programme. Their fear stems from an economic situation that is far worse than in 1995, as a result of a collapse in the growth rate (a fall "as steep as the upper slopes of the Eiffel Tower", according to one commentator), which is linked to the developing crisis in the world economy. The public spending deficit has gone over the Eurozone limit of 3% of GDP and the economy is likely to be shown as being in recession when full figures are known. The government wants workers to pay the price of the crisis through conducting a rapid assault on the welfare state.

However, terrified at the growing strike movement, some government ministers have warned of the danger of trying to do too much, too quickly, which has already led to a postponement of university autonomy legislation and discussions on deferring it for schools. This is with the aim of trying to achieve their main objective, pension cuts.

The union leaders, desperate for the government to negotiate a deal that they can try to pass off as a significant concession, may yet find a way to derail the movement. But French workers are at present extremely confident, combative and intent on pursuing the battle further. When Raffarin arrogantly stated: "The street doesn’t rule", workers responded with warnings such as: "Raffarin should remember that the street elected him" and "revolutions start in the street".

Workers in many areas are reviving a tradition of holding open rank and file ‘general assemblies’, meeting daily in some cases to vote on continued action and to discuss strike plans. They vary from assemblies based on one establishment, to cross-sector bodies involving public and private sectors, as exists in Rouen, Clermont-Ferrand and Marseille.

Activists in Gauche Révolutionnaire (GR), the French section of the Committee for a Workers’ International, are playing a leading role in their local workers’ assemblies and realise the key role these bodies can play in building for a general strike. They call for a determined plan to develop them and argue that they should be delegate-based with all delegates subject to recall, cross-linked between the public and private sectors and linked up between regions and nationally.

Need for a mass workers’ party

Following the move to the right of the PS and PC, GR also recognises the need for a new mass workers’ party. The PS has verbally moved to the left under pressure of the movement and backed the 25 May demonstration, but would be attempting its own cuts programme if it were in power, as Shroeder’s Social Democratic Party is presently doing in Germany.

The French Trotskyist organisations, LCR and Lutte Ouvrière, had a combined vote of over 10% in the first round of the Presidential elections last year, yet have so far failed to capitalise on that support and to adopt programmes that can take the present workers’ struggles forward and lay the basis for a new party.

With the French government digging in for a Thatcherite policy, the need for an indefinite general strike is urgent. Workers need to link up their struggles and pose a workers’ alternative to the rule of Raffarin and Chirac on the right and also to the left representatives of the capitalist system. A general strike would reveal the potential power that the working class holds in society and would raise the need for a government of workers’ representatives. This could proceed to introduce public ownership of the major companies and banks and a socialist plan of production, to lay the basis for a socialist society that would guarantee decent services and living standards for all.



Pakistan: May Day 2013, 03/05/2013

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Greece: Challenging the Golden Dawn
10/05/2013, Katerina Kleitsa , Xekinima (CWI Greece):
On 2 May the neo-fascist Golden Dawn attempted to distribute food in Syntagma square in Athens to people holding proof of Greek nationality.

British county elections: Capitalist parties rejected
10/05/2013, Editorial of the Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales):
Time for a new mass workers’ party

Tunisia: The calm before the storm
09/05/2013, CWI reporter in Tunis:
New clashes on the horizon

Pakistan: General elections held amid political turmoil
08/05/2013, Khalid Bhatti, SMP (CWI Pakistan), Lahore:
Big landlords, capitalists and influential families are calling the shots

Sri Lanka: Successful May Day
08/05/2013, USP(CWI, Sri Lanka):
The United Socialist Party’s May Day demonstration passed successfully through a number of populous areas of Colombo, ending at Grand Pass Junction.

Hong Kong: Dockworkers’ strike ends after 40 days
07/05/2013, Vincent Kolo,
Union representatives declare a “half success” with a pay rise of 9.8 percent – but important issues are unresolved

Britain’s ’precariat’: Fighting for real jobs
06/05/2013, Claire Laker-Mansfield, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales), first published in The Socialist:
’Get a job!’ is the constant refrain of privileged Tory ministers and vicious right-wing tabloids. A million unemployed young people are the subject of a relentless campaign of smears and lies.

Liverpool: Rally marks 30 year anniversary of election of socialist council
05/05/2013, Dave Walsh, Unite Convener for Liverpool City Council, from The Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales):
Great event remembers the ’47’ struggle

Australian budget: Say ‘NO’ to the cuts agenda of the major parties
04/05/2013, Editorial comment from the May 2013 edition of ‘The Socialist’, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI Australia):
Those who created the crisis should be forced to pay.

Nigerian May Day arrests: All DSM members released [updated]
03/05/2013, Press statement by Segun Sango, general secretary DSM (CWI Nigeria):
The last set of DSM members still in the detention of the state security service (SSS) in Kaduna, Northwest Nigeria, and Ibadan Oyo state, Southwest Nigeria, as of yesterday, has been released.

Pakistan: May Day 2013
03/05/2013, Syed Fazal Abass Shah, secretary general PWF, Pakistan:
Progressive Workers Federation (PWF), TURCP and SMP organised and intervened in the May Day activities across the country

Bangladesh building collapse: Casualties of a rotten profit system
03/05/2013, The Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales):
It is said that where labour is cheap, life is cheap. This is never more so than in the recent horrific deaths of over 400 garment workers crushed in a collapsed building in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh.

Hong Kong: Dockers’ strike shines a spotlight on Li Ka-shing’s business empire
03/05/2013, Dikang, Socialist Action (CWI supporters in Hong Kong):
Li Ka-shing owns 13 percent of the world’s port capacity and much more besides…

Taiwan: Over 20,000 march on May Day
02/05/2013, Chris Dite in Taipei,
‘Defend pensions! Stop corruption!’

Pakistan: May Day demonstration in Sindh
02/05/2013, SMP (CWI Pakistan), Sindh:
Photos of May Day demonstration in Sindh

Nigeria: Militarisation of May Day rallies
02/05/2013, Press statement by Segun Sango, general secretary DSM (CWI Nigeria):
DSM comrades arrested and detained

Portugal: Constitutional court ruling sends government into disarray
01/05/2013, Goncalo Romeiro, Socialismo Revolucionario (CWI in Portugal):
CC rules budget illegal for second time, government declares war against it

May Day Greetings
01/05/2013, CWI:
The CWI sends revolutionary greetings and solidarity to workers, young people and all those exploited by capitalism.

Europe: EU austerity budget – cuts, cuts, cuts
30/04/2013, Paul Murphy MEP and Kevin Henry, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland), first published in the Irish Left Review:
Irish Presidency brought unprecedented levels of cuts to the EU budget.

Scotland: Anti-Bedroom Tax Federation launched
29/04/2013, By Nicola Crawford and Jim McFarlane, Socialist Party Scotland (CWI Scotland):
Writing off of any debt accrued due to the bedroom tax, supporting the building of new social housing, opposing all cuts and austerity measures

Britain: Break with Thatcher’s legacy!
28/04/2013, Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales) general secretary:
Socialist policies needed

Israel: Social worker union prepares for the coming battle
28/04/2013, Doron Ginosar and Efrat Levin, Socialist Struggle Movement (CWI in Israel/Palestine):
SSM member, Suiher Daska and other left candidates were elected to the leadership of the union on the background of the coming struggles against austerity

Review: Reporting genocide in Sri Lanka
28/04/2013, Reviewed by Manny Thain, first published in Socialism Today, magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales):
"Still Counting the Dead: Survivors of Sri Lanka’s hidden war" by Frances Harrison

US: Seattle teachers’ testing boycott
27/04/2013, Dylan Murphy, first published in Socialism Today, magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales):
Teachers at Garfield High school in Seattle, Washington, faced down possible suspension for boycotting the winter Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) test, which purports to evaluate student progress in reading and maths.

Britain: MPs refuse to outlaw caste discrimination
26/04/2013, TU Senan, CWI:
Hundreds of people protested outside London’s Houses of Parliament on 14 April to demand that caste oppression in Britain be outlawed.

Review: ‘South Africa - The Massacre that Changed a Nation’
25/04/2013, Alec Thraves, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales):
A surprisingly devastating critique of the ANC’s failure to ensure ‘a better life for all’; BBC2 April 24th and online

CWI Comment and Analysis


Women and the struggle for socialism: It doesn’t have to be like this
05/05/2013, Christine Thomas, Controcorrente (CWI Italy):
Christine Thomas’ book outlines how inequalities and discrimination against women have not disappeared and women’s struggles must be bound up with wider class struggle to be successful. Read the complete book online here.

Cyprus: On the edge of a catastrophic slump
25/04/2013, Niall Mulholland, CWI:
Socialist polices needed to resolve crisis in the interests of majority

US: After the Boston Tragedy
23/04/2013, Bryan Koulouris, Boston, Socialist Alternative (CWI supporters in the US):
NO to Racism and Repression

Britain: Combating violence against women
14/04/2013, Hannah Sell, on behalf of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales) Executive Committee:
A socialist perspective on fighting women’s oppression

Thatcher: A class warrior for capitalism
12/04/2013, Alistair Tice, Socialist Party regional secretary, Yorkshire:
Millions have been waiting for this day, 8 April 2013. Margaret Thatcher will never be forgiven for the devastation that her Tory governments’ policies wrought on working class communities in the 1980s - and is still being felt today.

Britain: Margaret Thatcher dies
08/04/2013, Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales) general secretary:
Thatcher’s bitter legacy

Britain: A further round of savage austerity
08/04/2013, Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales) general secretary:
We must stop them!

Israel: “There is a future” – of cuts, racism and resistance
05/04/2013, Socialist Struggle Movement (CWI Israel/Palestine):
Weak Israeli government will try to implement austerity budget, and would try to maintain the occupation, possibly under a new cover of "negotiations" with Palestinians. Resistance likely on all fronts.

Cyprus: “Working people pay high price for crisis of euro and capitalism”
31/03/2013, Niall Mulholland spoke with Athina Kariati from New Internationalist Left (CWI in Cyprus) about Cyprus’s deal with the Troika, what it will mean for working people and what is the socialist solution to the crisis:
Interview with a Cypriot socialist

China: New leadership rejects democratisation
28/03/2013, Vincent Kolo,
At annual NPC-CPPCC meetings Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang talk of ‘tough reforms’ for economy, but rule out ‘Western models’

Venezuela: After the death of Hugo Chávez
24/03/2013, Tony Saunois, CWI, a shorter version of this article was first published in Socialism Today, magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales:
Radical, populist policies and anti-imperialism helped transform the political situation

Italy’s clowns: No joke for establishment parties
23/03/2013, Christine Thomas, ControCorrente (CWI in Italy), first published in Socialism Today, magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales):
In his ‘tsunami’ election tour Grillo began to give voice to the deep discontent at economic crisis and austerity

Cyprus/EU: Eurozone back in turmoil
22/03/2013, Tony Saunois, CWI:
No trust in capitalist government! No austerity for the Euro! Kick out the Troika! For a socialist alternative!
[Updated article, 25 March]

South Africa: Workers & Socialist Party launched in Pretoria
21/03/2013, CWI reporters, South Africa:
Launch surpassed all expectations

Iraq: Ten years since ‘shock and awe’
20/03/2013, Niall Mulholland, from The Socialist, weekly newspaper of the Socialist Party (CWI England and Wales):
Imperialism’s harvest of death and destruction

March 8th: The day of international working women’s solidarity
07/03/2013, Clare Doyle, CWI:
Beware the anger of women against the bosses’ system!

Hugo Chavez dies: The struggle continues
06/03/2013, Tony Saunois, CWI Secretary:
Millions of Venezuelan workers, the poor and youth will mourn the death of Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez

Lebanon: Public sector workers on indefinite strike over wages
04/03/2013, Tamer Mahdi, CWI:
Workers’ unity against big business shows potential for anti-sectarian, socialist alternative

Portugal: New explosion against austerity and the government
“Screw the Troika – the people are the best rulers”

Tunisia: ‘Buckshot’ Ali Larayedh appointed prime minister
27/02/2013, CWI supporters in Tunisia:
Down with the Ennahdha regime! Down with the system!

Italy: Voters reject austerity in ‘tsunami’ election
27/02/2013, Chris Thomas, Controcorrente (CWI in Italy):
Political instability, crisis and new opportunities ahead

Spain: Corruption scandal leaves government on the brink
24/02/2013, Danny Byrne, CWI:
What strategy to do away with rotten government and system?

Germany: A crucial stage for the Left Party
23/02/2013, Sascha Stanicic, Sozialistische Alternative (CWI in Germany):
A few years ago Germany’s Left Party, Die Linke, was seen as a model for the emergence of new, united, left-wing parties in Europe…

South Africa: Big response for Workers’ and Socialist Party
21/02/2013, Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) General Secretary:
“You cannot buy the bravery of the South African mineworkers: no surrender!”

South Africa: Democratic Socialist Movement national conference
13/02/2013, Democratic Socialist Movement (CWI in South Africa):
Hardening solid gold