Paul Murphy MEP

Website & Blog of Socialist Party and United Left Alliance MEP for Dublin

  • VIDEOS: Doha Deal, EU Raw Material Strategy and Homelessness

    I’ll be speaking in the European Parliament again later on today, on some important issues including Palestine, so i really wanted to get all the videos from the last sitting of the parliament up online before the new ones are added.

    In the last plenary session I made five speeches,...

  • Euro crisis – democracy diminished to facilitate austerity

    Below is an article I wrote recently for the website. In light of the events of the last week, I think it worthwhile to re-post it here and welcome any comments readers may have.

    Thursday, 01 September 2011 14:02

    The continued economic crisis gripping the eurozone...

  • Wheels coming off the euro project fast

    · Wheels coming off euro project at fast pace

    · Talk of eurobonds won’t be sufficient to stave off crisis

    Once again, the pace of the eurozone crisis has quickened. All of the fire-fighting measures of the European establishment have proved insufficient...

Who I am

I am the Socialist Party and United Left Alliance MEP for Dublin, replacing Joe Higgins after his victory in the 2011 General Elections. I am a fighter for workers, young people and the unemployed. To read about my background click here

What I stand for

I reject so-called solutions to the economic crises based on slashing public expenditure, welfare payments and workers’ pay. Instead I stand for a socialist Ireland and a socialist Europe based on democratic public ownership and control of the major industries and resources so that social need is prioritised over profit. Read More

Contact me

I can be contacted via email to or at 01-6795030. Alternatively, you can contact me via facebook or twitter

welcome to the website of Paul Murphy MEP

Welcome to my website and blog. This is both a one stop shop to find out about who I am, what I stand for and how you can get involved, and also a blog where you can stay updated with what I’m doing, and have a conversation with me and my team about developments in Ireland and Europe and the need to build a socialist alternative.

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  • VIDEOS: Doha Deal, EU Raw Material Strategy and Homelessness

    By Paul Murphy MEP on September - 26 - 2011

    I’ll be speaking in the European Parliament again later on today, on some important issues including Palestine, so i really wanted to get all the videos from the last sitting of the parliament up online before the new ones are added.

    In the last plenary session I made five speeches, two of which have already been put up here (on Palestine and Syria). Here are the videos from my other...

  • VIDEO: Palestinian statehood – the need for mass action to end occupation

    By Paul Murphy MEP on September - 24 - 2011

    In a recent speech in the European Parliament I discussed the issue of UN recognition of a Palestinian state. I outlined that the key way to defeat the occupation of Palestine is a mass movement of Palestinians, linking up with the mass movements of Israeli workers and youth.

    In the video I also deal with a question from Labour Party MEP Proinsias de Rossa.

    For more information on this important issue check out this article I wrote recently,...

  • VIDEO: Solidarity with the Syrian Revolution

    By Paul Murphy MEP on September - 24 - 2011

    Here I outline why I support the revolutionary movements in Syria against the brutal Assad dictatorship.

    This authoritarian regime has been using the brutal force to try to keep down the mass movements of ordinary people.

    I also outline why I am opposed to any imperialist intervention into Syria. Only a mass movement of the Syrian people, cutting across ethnic and sectarian lines can really bring change in the interest of ordinary people.

    Such a movement could bring in a democratic government of workers and poor farmers, using the resources of the country for the millions...

  • UN vote on ‘statehood’ – How can the national rights of Palestinians be achieved?

    By Paul Murphy MEP on September - 23 - 2011

    With the question of Palestinian recognition coming up at the UN today, there has been much discussion in the media and in society about this issue. The hypocrisy of imperialism in criticizing the Palestinian proposal is absolutely disgusting. They have the gall to describe this appeal to a multilateral body as “unilateralism” at the same time as endorsing the Israeli occupation, the siege of Gaza and the settlements – all of which are truly unilateral acts! The Socialist Party has been to the fore in opposing the oppression of the Palestinian people – against the Israeli occupation,...

  • Camp Ashraf, the humanitarian tragedy continues

    By Paul Murphy MEP on September - 23 - 2011

    Below is a statement I recently released on the massacre of refugees in the Ashraf Camp in Iraq.

    Following the dramatic attack by Iraqi forces on Camp Ashraf, Iraq, on 8 April, in which 34 people lost their lives and as many as 300 were wounded, the siege continues. Camp Ashraf is home to around 3,400 people, members and supporters of the Iranian opposition group the People’s Mujahideen (PMOI). After the attack a complete blockade has been enforced not only cutting off the camp from outside inspection but also strongly limiting the access to medical care for the wounded....

  • Euro crisis – democracy diminished to facilitate austerity

    By Paul Murphy MEP on September - 23 - 2011

    Below is an article I wrote recently for the website. In light of the events of the last week, I think it worthwhile to re-post it here and welcome any comments readers may have.

    Thursday, 01 September 2011 14:02

    The continued economic crisis gripping the eurozone has raised questions of the role of democracy in the European Union. In scrambling to avoid a break-up of the eurozone, the approach of the elites in Europe has been characterised by two common themes – austerity programmes to make the working class pay, and a further diminishing of democracy to...

  • Wheels coming off the euro project fast

    By Paul Murphy MEP on September - 16 - 2011

    · Wheels coming off euro project at fast pace

    · Talk of eurobonds won’t be sufficient to stave off crisis

    Once again, the pace of the eurozone crisis has quickened. All of the fire-fighting measures of the European establishment have proved insufficient and the basic contradiction within the eurozone has come to the fore. Instead of convergence, divergence between the weaker and stronger economies has been the norm within the currency union.

  • Proposal to force debt-ridden EU countries to fly flags at half mast disgraceful

    By Paul Murphy MEP on September - 13 - 2011

    Press Statement: Paul Murphy MEP (Socialist Party) 13 September 2011

    · Proposal by Commissioner Oettinger to force debt-ridden EU countries to fly flags at half mast disgraceful

    · Indicative of ‘stick and stick’ approach of Commission

    Recently, in an interview with German newspaper, Bild, German energy commissioner, Gunther Oettinger, raised the idea that countries with excessive debts should have their national flags flown at half mast outside EU buildings. Paul Murphy MEP responds.

    “The proposal to force debt-ridden...
