Falstaff Reconstruction Project Comes To A Successful End

The Things I See, Hear And Think

Residents of Falstaff Avenue, Fermont Street and Fenwick Crescent breathed a sigh of relief on the 21st when the reconstruction of Falstaff Avenue project was finally finished.

The project had been a major inconvenience for residents of the neighbourhood sandwiched between Hebert Road and Forest Drive.

Even though it took a bit longer than advertised, it came off without any major hitches and that was due to the care and concern of one lady employed by the city of St. Albert, one Brandi Dechkoff, (E.I.T., Municipal Engineer, Infrastructure and Capital Planning Branch, Planning and Engineering).

As neighbours will do, many of us gathered on the streets to discuss our experiences with the barricades, flag people, pavement drops and other associated little things that we lived with for two months.

Each time a neighbour would tell me about an unacceptable experience or a bad hole or drop off, I would contact Brandi about it. She had asked me to do that when the project began and promised to stay on top of any concerns residents might have.

True to her word, Brandi fixed every little thing that came to her attention with tact and concern and we have a fine new street in our neighbourhood. That ladies and gentlemen is something that one does no hear often about the city of St. Albert.

Instead we have a mayor, ‘Git Outta Town’ Crouse who tells us if we can’t afford the taxes to move. Perhaps the mayor could invite Brandi in for a coffee and actually listen to what she did in terms of residents concerns during those two months. Who knows, he might just learn some compassion and caring for local residents.

So take a bow Brandi Dechkoff. You did one hell of a job and the residents of the neighbourhood offer you a standing ovation.

A job well done and appreciated by us all.

Low Recovery Cost From Transit Ridership


A couple of friends suggested in the spring that the Taxpayers' Association would look good if we occasionally offer a bouquet to mayor-and-council for something laudable.

I asked at a gathering what that might be; nobody could think of anything.

But I've kept watching.

City manager Bill Holtby was recently quoted, discussing transit users' fees, that proposed increases would take cost recovery (from riders) into the high 30-percent range.

In other words, a rider's fare covers only (roughly) 1/3 of the total cost of the ride. I find that low recovery (from riders) surprisingly liberal! I wasn't aware.

I salute; I think our mayor-and-council deserve a bouquet for that.

Deane Doucette


What a lovely compliment Deane. Council should be thrilled.

Taxpayers Meeting Goes Tomorrow Night


On behalf of the St. Albert Taxpayers Association I would like to extend an invitation to everyone to attend our regular monthly meeting.The meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 27 at 7:30 PM at the St. Albert Community League Hall, 17 Perron Street. Coffee, donuts, and a discussion of the new municipal budget are on the menu!

The attached copy of the September Newsletter
(download here) covers unveiling of the 2012 capital budget, as well as SATA's perspective on the recently announced Council columns and proposed efficiency reviews.
We hope to see you at the meeting.
Andy Keller
VP, St. Albert Taxpayers Association

St. Albert

City Council


Coffee At

$ervu$ Place




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Links To Other Stories In The News:

Russell Williams’ victim sues police over ‘betrayal’ - CBC

Big drop in U.S. gas prices - CNN

3 parents drown trying to save children from river - CTV

Out-of-control forest fire moves close to Fort McMurray - Edmonton Journal

Record breaking heat - Edmonton Sun

The Things That People Send Us

Free eh? Well, OK . . .



Oh, Yeah

Oh, Yeah

Oh, Yeah

Smart Meters - Big Brother Is Watching

This is one scary video about those 'smart meters' utility companies are installing in your homes folks, and I urge you to watch it. If you want a copy of the form letter mentioned in the video and can’t find it,
email me and I will send it to you.


Playing Tomorrow Night At LB's Pub

September 27

Johnny Tornado (guitar and vocals)

Michael Will (harmonica and vocals) and

Randy Forsberg (bass)

- Known as Big Daddy bass man Randy has a reputation on bass guitar that started back in his days touring with Bo Diddley. An Edmontonian Randy took as long hiatus from the A-circuit music scene. He started getting out to the jam scene and knows almost every player that has been on the scene for the last 30 years and has played with well over 100 different acts. Currently in the band The Vindicators, which features some of Edmonton’s best players and also Big Daddy and the Blueshounds featuring Randy on bass and vocals. Also Randy has done fill-ins for bands The Herbs, Blue Yonder and Bruce Conti from the Tower of Power recently. A very steady comfort zone on stage with The Big Daddy at a drummer’s side.

Michael - 29 years of stage and studio/commercial and Film. From Montreal, and from a large family of musicians, Mike grew up in the music business. He has played across Canada. He was based out of Vancouver for 20 years recording radio commercials and television sound tracks. Played the local R&B; circuit. Played studio harmonica for the Showcase movie "Sorrow Floats". Paul Hogan of Crocadile Dundee fame stars as a "harp playing crazy" using Mike's studio harmonica work for the film. Took a long break from music for "life reasons" but quitting music was like quitiing breathing! So he's back to stay. And it feels so good.

Johnny Tornado - From the dusty tobacco roads of Tillsonburg, Ontario comes Johnny Tornado. Johnny has traveled throughout Canada, coast to coast, playing his special brand of rockin' blues with the likes of the late, great Dutch Mason, Big Dave McLean and numerous other Canadian blues icons. As a young man he lived a gypsy's life exploring the deep American south, hustling pool and living for the moment. He worked as a carney and when the rides fell silent, Johnny would entertain the carnival crew with his honest and edgy performances. Whenever possible he would frequent the local blues clubs and was a witness to the evolution of the some of the blues masters such as Freddie King and John Lee Hooker. At age 40 Johnny emerged with a head full of songs and an intention to live his music, his way, on the right side of the law. Though he has appeared on many recordings and has extensive stage experience, Johnny has never made a full length recording of his own … until ”Stormriders” which chronicles Johnny's life from those early days until the present. The songs are a direct and true reflection of a man who would lay down his life for a true friend. There is a gunslinger's swagger and a ‘devil may care' attitude that permeates his soulful songwriting and performances. He is a true Canadian treasure with a penchant for blues that will rock you to the core. Johnny has supported and helped organize a lot of great shows in Edmonton. Johnny is well connected and respected in the music community across Canada and I thank Johnny for introducing me to and getting me the chance to sit on drums  with the likes of the late great Gaye Delorme and hooking up the National Steel Guitar tour with Big Dave Maclean and Doc Maclean act coming to our stage on October 11th this year.

Ammar’s Moosehead Tuesday Open Stage
Every Tuesday night from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.

Hosted by Mark Ammar
Moosehead Beer Specials
Sponsored by Moosehead Beer

LB's Orange

A Practical Example Of How The Human Mind Works

In the picture below, we will analyze what it represents to some groups of people. Read the review below the photo.


⦿ For young men, it's a nice ass. Only the most observant will define this as an ass crossing the street. The really observant will see the thong.

⦿ For older men, it is a respectable woman with a nice ass crossing the street.

⦿ The perverts will imagine her as a naked woman.

⦿ The wise men will ponder the presence of mind of the photographer in the face of such beauty and gratitude that it was shared with humanity.

⦿ For half of the women, this is an ordinary woman who should not have left home dressed that way.

⦿ The other half is wondering where she bought that blouse.

⦿ The wise women imagines the misery that this will be at 50.

⦿ Children, the curious, and monks will probably notice a dog driving the taxi.

Don't be alarmed, I didn't see the dog either.

Be sure to visit our home page.

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A roundup of bits from the web.

* Cats in the hats.

* Two-thirds of Americans perk up with coffee.

* Man’s hobby mushrooms to big business.

* Childhood being eroded by modern life, experts warn.

* Tulsa woman is the only one ever hit by space junk.

Today's Activity Corner

Word of the Day

Article of the Day

This Day in History

Today's Birthday

In the News

Quote of the Day

Spelling Bee
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Match Up
Match each word in the left column with its synonym on the right. When finished, click Answer to see the results. Good luck!



Car Brochures Of Yesterday: 1937 Plymouth


Thinking Outside The Box

ATT2448205Thinking Outside The Box
ATT2448206Thinking Outside The Box

10 Bizarre Divorce Products

Having trouble deciding what to give those newly divorced friends to celebrate the occasion?

This item will solve your dilemma and give you ideas on what to buy.

Things like coffins for those old wedding rings.

See the other nine suggestions here.

People Just Want To Be Different

ATT000102People Just Want To Be DifferentATT000133People Just Want To Be Different

Old Style Cheeky British Humour

image0211314141413 image0281718181817

Now This Is Interesting

Now This Is Interesting
* The military salute is a motion that evolved from medieval times, when knights in armour raised their visors to reveal their identity.

* If you get into the bottom of a well or a tall chimney and look up, you can see stars, even in the middle of the day.

* When a person dies, hearing is the last sense to go. The first sense lost is sight.

PEI Sand Sculptures

image011PEI Sand Sculptures
image012PEI Sand Sculptures

Old School Aircraft



By Don Sinclair