Journalists on Twitter - Est. 2009
foresmac These would be better if they came in Cool Ranch:
by Chris Foresman, Contributing Writer, Ars Technica
j_timmer Wow, reality has caught up to CSI: someone's figured out how to do a 30-cycle PCR reaction in under 3 minutes. Now about those gels...
by John Timmer, Science Editor, Ars Technica
ejacqui I never refer to "my boyfriend" when talking to people who already know him. That would be weird to me.
by Jacqui Cheng, Senior Apple Editor, Ars Technica
ejacqui FYI I'm not referring to conforming to commands or anything like that. I'm still talking about natural language here.
by Jacqui Cheng, Senior Apple Editor, Ars Technica
ejacqui It's like going out of your way to intentionally obscure the communications in this case. The computer doesn't care what your relation is.
by Jacqui Cheng, Senior Apple Editor, Ars Technica
ejacqui This is a nitpick, but I find it weird that anyone would refer to "my wife/husband" when talking to a computer (Siri).
by Jacqui Cheng, Senior Apple Editor, Ars Technica
kenfisher @joeljohnson @blam Yes! As if they are delivering a decade long comeuppance upon the heathen.
by Ken Fisher, Editor in Chief, Ars Technica
kenfisher I find it kind of sad how many journos/bloggers feel the need to nag people who dared to be disappointed in Apple's reveal.
by Ken Fisher, Editor in Chief, Ars Technica
foresmac Really good look at three possible improvements to the #CTA train system: via @gapersblock
by Chris Foresman, Contributing Writer, Ars Technica
ejacqui Digging up old, embarrassing photos of other Ars staffers and freelancers.
by Jacqui Cheng, Senior Apple Editor, Ars Technica
BenKuchera Damn, Arkham City is not far away at all.
by Ben Kuchera, Gaming Editor, Ars Technica
kenfisher Looks amazing! RT @kouroshk : Garlic-cilantro naan. Making this soon.
by Ken Fisher, Editor in Chief, Ars Technica
ejacqui Received my semi-annual reminder that I pay $400 per year in property taxes just so my dad can park a car in my garage.
by Jacqui Cheng, Senior Apple Editor, Ars Technica
jonst0kes few years ago, there was a really good essay in Chron of Higher ed by biblical studies scholar on how closed off the field is. Cant find it
by Jon Stokes, Deputy Editor, Ars Technica
BenKuchera Spider-Man is IMHO the most fascinating and well designed heroes in comics, and it's not because of different dimensions and time travel.
by Ben Kuchera, Gaming Editor, Ars Technica
ejacqui Let it be known that @aurich is the ass-kickingest creative director around.
by Jacqui Cheng, Senior Apple Editor, Ars Technica
BenKuchera Can someone please, please, please give the Spider-Man license to someone who understands and cares about the character?
by Ben Kuchera, Gaming Editor, Ars Technica
foresmac Ars Technica: iPhone's new Micro USB Adapter complies with EU charger standards
by Chris Foresman, Contributing Writer, Ars Technica
BenKuchera Jesus Christ. I have stacks of things to play, and a bunch of new missions were added to the Serious Sam 3 preview build. #awesomeoverload
by Ben Kuchera, Gaming Editor, Ars Technica
siracusa OH: "iPhone 4GS" Could it be another "iTouch" in the making?
by John Siracusa, Apple Technology Specialist, Ars Technica
ejacqui Dear world, the perfect place to e-mail me if you never want me to see your message is my Gmail account.
by Jacqui Cheng, Senior Apple Editor, Ars Technica
jonst0kes My rant at @digby56 's place on #OccupyWallSt and Harvard's culpability for the mess we're in:
by Jon Stokes, Deputy Editor, Ars Technica
BenKuchera I'd love to see everyone there, and have some great discussions about going into indie development.
by Ben Kuchera, Gaming Editor, Ars Technica
BenKuchera All right, next Monday I'll be moderating Gamespy's "Don’t Look Back – Why I Went Indie" panel at GDC Online in Austin TX, starting at 4:30
by Ben Kuchera, Gaming Editor, Ars Technica