Afternoon Delight

Garofalo: Guardian of the Lowly Negro

Janeane Garofalo likes her politicians like she likes her coffee…black. In her...

Janeane Garafolo
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Death of the Classics

Death of the Classics

My friend Daniel J. Flynn is publishing a book called Blue Collar Intellectuals. One...

Wild Things

The Ballet of Death

The Ballet of Death

The bullfight is the ballet of death. It has been immortalized in verse, paint, and...

2012 Election

Chris Christie: Too Fat to Fail?

Chris Christie: Too Fat to Fail?

The sad, mopey bald eagle that is the American republic is perched an unlucky 13 months...


Can a Geriatric Germany Save Europe?

Can a Geriatric Germany Save Europe?

As Greece lurches on the precipice of default on its sovereign debt, a default that...


Raising Cain

Raising Cain

The 2012 general election will, we are told by numerous pundits, be exceptionally...


Of Stats and Steroids

Of Stats and Steroids

When my son was ten, his baseball coach—inspired by Michael Lewis’s bestseller...

The Obamaverse

When Black Liberals Attack (Each Other)

When Black Liberals Attack (Each Other)

The Congressional Black Caucus found out that if you’re gonna cuss the boss, first...


Can Hypocrites Make Fun of Hypocrites?

Can Hypocrites Make Fun of Hypocrites?

A few hours after reading an interview with Matt Stone and Trey Parker in Sunday’s...

South of the Border

The Ongoing Fascination With Sarah Palin’s Womb

The Ongoing Fascination With Sarah Palin’s Womb

I own a pair of Sarah Palin shoes. Not the “do-me” pumps fetishized by her friends...

The Obamasphere

Subdividing America—to Win

Subdividing America—to Win

“Now even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us, the spin masters...

Pop Music

Smells Like Dead Junkie

Smells Like Dead Junkie

It’s been 20 years since Nirvana’s Nevermind album and its breakthrough single,...


The Fur Flies in West Hollywood

The Fur Flies in West Hollywood

September 21, 2011 marked the eruption of open gaiety in the American Armed Forces. It...