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The Discalced Carmelite Friars of the California-Arizona Province of Saint Joseph Mission Statement:

We Carmelite friars, followers of Saint Teresa of Avila and Saint John of the Cross, live as brothers in community. With Mary as our patroness, we serve Christ and His Church through ministries of prayer, presence, evangelization and pastoral care.

Current News of the Province

The Provincial Chapter
The Provincial Chapter was held in May at El Carmelo Retreat House. The Provincial Chapter is a two week meeting which happens every three years to plan for the renewal of our religious lives and attend to business matters. The Provincial Chapter is composed of Superiors and Community Delegates and includes meetings, prayer, recreation and fraternal sharing. 
Make a donation to the Discalced Carmelite Friars

Upcoming Events
Please pray for our brothers advancing in their priestly formation.

Rev. Bro. Juan Elias Medina, O.C.D. 
will be ordained to the
Priesthood of Jesus Christ in October
Bro. Raymond Bueno, O.C.D. 
will be ordained to the diaconate,
also in October.

Our new Provincial Council for 2011-2014
Provincial Superior - Fr. Matthew Williams, OCD
1st Councilor (Vicar Provincial) - Fr. Adam Gregory Gonzales, OCD
2nd Councilor - Fr. Gerald Werner, OCD
3rd Councilor - Fr. James Geoghegan, OCD
4th Councilor - Fr. Philip Sullivan, OCD
Solemn Profession of Bro. Juan Elias

The Solemn Profession
of Bro. Juan Elias was on
January 1, 2011 at
Mt. St. Joseph,
San Jose, California.

Diaconate Ordination of Bro. Juan Elias
The Diaconate Ordination of Bro. Juan Elias was February 1, 2011 at Mt. Angel Abbey, St. Benedict, Oregon. 

Bro. Matthias and Bro. Daniel's Investiture in the Holy Habit and entrance into the novitiate,
February 1, 2011

To the left: Clothing picture - Bro. Matthias of the Immaculate Heart (Lambrecht)  (on right); Bro. Daniel of St. Therese (White) (on left); Fr. Thomas - Novice Master is in the center

Bro. John Pio's First Profession
Saturday, February 5, 2011, Bro. John Pio of the Most Sacred Heart, OCD, made his First Profession of the Evangelical Counsels of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience in to the hands of Fr. Provincial Matthew Williams.

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