Please leave a reception report along with greetings
or suggestions - introduce yourself friend!
Snigenori Murata from Oxford, UK:
Reception is: Great
One of the most interesting internet station I ever heard.
Cosmopolitan, critical and yet folky and green.
Thinking radio but also relaxing.
steve sandberg has sent a reception report:
Reception is: Great
I'm not just a fan, I'm absolutely in love with your
radio station. I'm a musician and am very picky about
what I listen to -- and Hober is the first station I
can just put on all day and enjoy. wow!
Erick Byrd and friends in Charleston, South Carolina:
Reception is: Great
Well, alrighty then! Finally! I live in an area of
our world where the kind of music I hear on Hober is
an essential part of life. The culture of music
lovers is, of course, universal, but here in the
sunny, sultry South, the sounds of music from the
heart and mind as it meanders through each day and
guides us in our travails toward the goals we all
share - peace and happiness - is absolutely essential!
Thank you for providing such a beautiful quilt of
the passion that is found in really good, alive music.