The recent rallies to “Occupy Wall Street” by what Michael Moore described as “the mosaic of America” has made national news. What started off as a rally against corporate greed has grown into a laundry list of leftist grudges. The left have rightful grudge against corrupt government actions; all the while they maintain a childlike belief that government will act in their best interests if only there was just more government. It is mind baffling to see such an anemic argument by a large group who has no in-depth understanding about the difference between corporatism and free market or how government discredited capitalism.
For argument’s sake, the protesters in the “Occupy” movement are mostly in lockstep with Michael Moore when he said during one of the rallies, “we need to end capitalism”. Van Jones, the President’s former Green Jobs Czar made the statement that he was hoping this is the beginning of the “American Autumn” much like the “Arab Spring”. That’s right, Jones is hoping an American remake of the “Arab Spring” that has resulted in the death of more than 35,000 people; leftists aren’t kidding when they say they’re not pro-life.
Most of these supporters of Moore and Jones are youth looking to be a part of an idea bigger than themselves; the whole God and religion thing idea is so cliché. Many of members of Generation Y are graduating from college with student debt and a terrible job market. The diluted thinking that greed caused the economic calamity is as reasonable as blaming a plane crash on gravity.
The youth movement’s act of defiance and frustration is misplaced. Government has created the market instability, eroded the middle class and made college unaffordable. The free market did not fail the American people. It was a housing market inflated from politically driven motivations of Washington and artificially low interest rates manipulated by the Federal Reserve. “Government sponsored enterprises” like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac instituted risk free lending to people who could not afford to buy a house. “Low income” families were able to get a loan from the Federal Housing Administration insured from up to $729,750.
Ryan James Girdusky
Ryan James Girdusky writes from New York City. He has been published in the Christian Science Monitor, The Daily Caller, The American Thinker, and World Net Daily. He is a contributor on the radio show "Living Truth with Gina Loudon."