Awkward: Reid Stalls a Vote on Obama's Jobs Bill Awkward: Reid Stalls a Vote on Obama's Jobs Bill

Boehner Calls Out Obama's Constant Campaign ModeBoehner Calls Out Obama's Constant Campaign Mode

Hmm: Clean Energy Loan Program Head Leaving Obama AdministrationHmm: Clean Energy Loan Program Head Leaving Obama Administration

comments   (27)  
Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: The Miracle of iCapitalism

Here is your high-resolution teachable moment of the week: anti-capitalist, anti-corporate extremists of "Occupy Wall Street" mourning Apple Inc. founder Steve Jobs without a trace of irony.

Brent Bozell Brent Bozell: 'Playboy Club' Collapses

NBC President Robert Greenblatt was really committed to the new drama "The Playboy Club" just weeks ago. "What it has going for it is a recognizable brand that's automatically going to draw attention to it, good or bad," he said. "It's the right kind of thing for us to try." They tried it.

Jonah Goldberg Jonah Goldberg: Sorting Out the 'Extremists'

Brian Phillips is the head of communications for the NYC General Assembly, the group primarily responsible for occupying Wall Street. I learned about him while listening to National Public Radio's "Morning Edition." According to NPR, Phillips is "an ex-Marine with a bachelor's in computer science. Today he is wearing a sock on his head."

Mona Charen Mona Charen: What's Wrong With Romney?

Two new sets of Republicans are feeling deflated today -- the Chris Christie hopefuls and the Sarah Palin stalwarts. The Christie decision didn't surprise me, perhaps because I grew up in Jersey. In fact, Christie and I attended the same high school!

John Hawkins John Hawkins: Rick Perry Moves to the Right on Immigration

In this interview, Rick Perry is asked all the questions on illegal immigration that people have wanted to hear him asked. Over the course of the interview, Perry revealed a lot of new information on how he'd handle the illegal immigration issue if he becomes President. Although he might disagree with this characterization, his positions on the issue seem to be well to the right of where many conservatives believe he is on illegal immigration.

David Limbaugh David Limbaugh: Obama's Behavior Is Getting Worse

Obama's Thursday news conference was a sober reminder of the nature of the man in the Oval Office. I infer that even many of his supporters in the liberal media are finally catching on to the magnitude of his personality disorders.

John Hanlon John Hanlon: Clooney Takes on Liberal Politicians in 'The Ides of March'

“I don’t have to play dirty anymore. I got Morris.” Press secretary Stephen Myers (Ryan Gosling) says this early on in the new political thriller, “The Ides of March.” The film tells the story of a naïve campaign employee who has become enchanted by the governor he works for.

John Ransom John Ransom: President Tantrum: Eat My Peas and Do My Homework

Now in a reprise of Obama’s Eat-My-Peas moment from the courageous debt ceiling debate that rallied his base, the president issued more threats to me, you and your elected representatives. Maybe this is a sign he’s running his reelection campaign solely on solar now.

Cal  Thomas Cal Thomas: Regrets? They've Had a Few

The Supreme Court is back in session and the nine justices will consider a number of polarizing and controversial issues, not the least of which will likely be the constitutionality of "Obamacare" and its mandate that every citizen purchase health insurance.

Hugh Hewitt Hugh Hewitt: Counting to 270

Finally there is clarity about the GOP field in the race to take on President Obama in the fall of 2012. The field is fixed. There are no more "possibles" out there.

Oliver North Oliver North: A Decade at War

Ten years ago this week, America went to war in Afghanistan. At 1 p.m. Eastern time on Oct. 7, 2001, President George W. Bush told the world, "On my orders, the United States military has begun strikes against al-Qaida terrorist training camps and military installations of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan."

Pat Buchanan Pat Buchanan: The End of Pax Americana?

Observing the correlation of forces in this city and the intensity of conviction in the base of each party, the outcome of the ongoing fiscal fight between Barack Obama and the Tea Party Republicans seems preordained.

Rachel Alexander Rachel Alexander: Don’t Get Rid of the Electoral College

Ever since Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the 2000 presidential election, there has been a major push to abandon the Electoral College system. Superficially, there is a sense that the election was unfair and everyone’s vote did not count equally.

Suzanne Fields Suzanne Fields: Germany Comes of Age

A united Germany turned 21 this week. Families celebrated a three-day weekend, with the children waving black, red and gold national flags in the bright sunlight of an unseasonal October summer in Berlin.

Matt Towery Matt Towery: Georgia Guys Are Ganging Up on GOP Presidential Candidates

Make no mistake about it. Both Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich know exactly what they are doing. They are, collectively -- with Cain's significant increase in the polls and Gingrich's slow but steady rise -- working to ensure that a conservative agenda, even a somewhat rebellious agenda, is in place regardless of who is the nominee of the GOP.

Linda Chavez Linda Chavez: Steve Jobs -- a Relentless Visionary

Like millions of Apple users around the world, I learned that Steve Jobs had died when I turned on my Mac on Wednesday evening. There his picture was, staring out from the Apple homepage when I went to my browser: his signature black turtleneck; his close-cropped grey hair and beard; his piercing, pale eyes.

Paul Greenberg Paul Greenberg: Jobs and Us

This era has lost its Edison. Maybe its Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and John D. Rockefeller combined.

Kyle Olson Kyle Olson: Milwaukee Union President Weeps for Lost Power

We need teachers who are committed to academics, instead of spreading their radical political beliefs to naïve children.

Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: How Dark will Social Mood Become?

How dark will social mood become? I don't know, nor does anyone else. Much depends on protectionism, tariffs, and other misguided policy decisions by Congress and the Fed.

Political  Calculations Political Calculations: The U.S. Layoff Picture in October 2011

We can confirm that the "American Jobs Act" that President Obama introduced before a joint session of Congress on 8 September 2011 had no significant effect upon the business outlook of U.S. employers.

Bob Beauprez Bob Beauprez: Obama Denial Comes Fast and Furious

Obama's Fast and Furious Denial doesn't change the facts. Holder obviously did know at least five months before Agent Terry was murdered, and ten months before he perjured himself before a Congressional committee. And, contrary to the President's contention, what Holder knew about Fast and Furious didn't make him "unhappy" enough to do anything to stop the program. In fact, his only action regarding the operation seems to be to cover it up.

Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: Steve Jobs and the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

The iconic mental image people have is a cowboy entrepreneur striking out and taking on the big bad world on their own. But, those cowboys still need someone to support them. Even in old westerns, lonesome cowpokes had someone they could lean on. It's never been the government.

Sandy Rios Sandy Rios: Why Marco Rubio is the Right Candidate... Now! Staff Staff: Rest In Peace, Steve Jobs: A Tribute to an American Hero

The world bid farewell to one of the greatest Americans to have graced the pages of history Wednesday evening. Apple founder and former CEO Steve Jobs passed away at 56 years old.

Sam Graves Sam Graves: Threat of Lawsuits Will Make Unemployment Worse

Our nation is facing an unemployment crisis unlike anything we have seen for quite some time. Today’s announcement for September’s unemployment numbers is another reminder of how serious our problem is.

Stewart Scott Stewart Scott: Yemen: Fallout from the al-Awlaki Airstrike

The deaths of al-Awlaki and Khan and the impact they will have on AQAP’s outreach efforts provide an opportunity to consider the importance of individuals — and their personal skill sets — to militant organizations, especially organizations seeking to conduct transnational media and ideological operations.

Lincoln Brown Lincoln Brown: Inhaling Second Hand Profits

So until the time arrives when you need a note from your doctor and a loan from your bank to quit smoking, by all means, e-smoke if you got ‘em. After all, it would seem that secondhand smoke is not nearly as bad for you as second hand capitalism.

Ryan James Girdusky Ryan James Girdusky: Government Discredited Capitalism

The left have rightful grudge against corrupt government actions; all the while they maintain a childlike belief that government will act in their best interests if only there was just more government. It is mind baffling to see such an anemic argument by a large group who has no in-depth understanding about the difference between corporatism and free market or how government discredited capitalism.

Frank Gaffney Frank Gaffney: Rep. Howard 'Buck' McKeon, Keeper of the Flame

Legislators are actively contemplating steps that will not just hollow out our military, but eviscerate it. No one has taken a more prominent, informed and vociferous role in opposing such self-inflicted wounds than the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Representative Howard "Buck" McKeon.

Cliff May Cliff May: Anwar Al-Awlaki’s American Journey

It is a paradox of modern times: We are committed to diversity yet have enormous difficulty imagining people who actually are different. Americans and Europeans prize peace and, on that basis, assume peace has become a universal value.

Donna Wiesner Keene Donna Wiesner Keene: The FairTax and 9-9-9 Are Deception From the Right

Remember stop, look and listen before you cross the street? Follow this cautionary tale before you swallow the balanced budget language of Presidential candidate and former Governor of New Mexico Gary Johnson and the 9-9-9 tax system of former CEO Herman Cain. Simple slogans can be dangerous.

Brett McMahon Brett McMahon: Our Leadership Recession

President Harry Truman had a great insight about the correlation between our political leaders and progress when he said, “In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still.” Unfortunately at this point, just standing still would seem an improvement over the current backward slide in which we are stuck.

Bill Tatro Bill Tatro: What Does 99 Weeks of Unemployment Buy? America

While most people anticipate the Thursday jobs number and salivate even more while awaiting the monthly employment report, I turn my attention to the one line in the weekly report, which to me, says it all. The information I’m referring to is usually included at the end the report, but rarely discussed. It’s the total number of people who have received some kind of government benefit.

Ann Coulter Ann Coulter: This Is What A Mob Looks Like

I am not the first to note the vast differences between the Wall Street protesters and the tea partiers. To name three: The tea partiers have jobs, showers and a point.

Take Back Environmentalism: Join the 'Green Tea' Party comments  (61)  
Rep. Labrador: Holder Must Resign comments  (228)  
Romney and Perry Vying for Christie and Palin Supporters
Oh Snap: Scott Brown Totally Just Went There comments  (294)  
Awful: Evaluating Obama's Re-run Press Conference comments  (487)  
Who's the Real King of Debt? comments  (393)  
White House: Holder Testimony "Consistent and Truthful" comments  (74)  
[VIDEO] Biden Tells 5th Graders: It's All Bush's Fault! comments  (73)  
Analysis: Important Revelations from Obama's Presser comments  (68)  
Is America Turning Into Europe?
Bad News: Government Dependence Hits All Time High comments  (664)  
Can't Wait: Obama to Give Press Conference Today at 11 AM comments  (139)  
Giffords Returning to DC for Husband's Retirement
Out: Sarah Palin Won't Run for President in 2012 comments  (496)  
Steve Jobs, 1955-2011 comments  (101)  
I Had a Job, But I Quit to Protest Wall Street comments  (204)  
Allen West to Samuel L. Jackson: Quit Crying Racism and Stick to Movies, Champ comments  (313)  
Aww: Occupy Wall Streeters Afraid We Think They're Crazy comments  (109)  
Rubio: I Won't Accept VP Nomination comments  (89)  
Pay No Attention to Obama Marching With the New Black Panthers comments  (385)  
Devastating Video: The Obama Presidency, By The Numbers comments  (516)  
Great News: George Soros Can Sypathize With Occupy Wall Street comments  (157)  
Dear Occupy Wall Street: New Banking Fees Are the Result of Government Regulations comments  (145)  
Bombshell: Herman Cain and Mitt Romney Tied in New Poll comments  (704)  
Either Eric Holder Is Grossly Incompetent, or He Lied Under Oath comments  (243)  
Republicans Not Welcoming to Blacks? Let's Start With Lincoln comments  (271)  
Social Security: Romney Warns About "Perry Scheme" comments  (33)  
Senate Democrats Rewrite Obama's Jobs Bill
AP Story Leaves Out Key Point on Fast and Furious comments  (346)  
Jury Selection to Continue in Underwear Bomb Case
Heh: Reid Blocks Senate Vote on Obama's Jobs Bill comments  (230)  
Christie Money Backers May go to Romney comments  (81)  

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