September 30, 2011 11:58 AM

Obama: Anwar al-Awlaki's death a "major blow" to al Qaeda and affiliates

Stephanie Condon
National Security ,
Obama Administration

Updated at 3:30 p.m. ET

The killing of Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen who was in the top ranks of al Qaeda's franchise in Yemen, marks "another significant milestone in the broader effort to defeat al Qaeda and its affiliates," President Obama said today.

The American-born, radical Islamic preacher was killed Friday in Yemen in a CIA-directed strike upon his convoy. Al-Awlaki is the most prominent al Qaeda figure to be killed since Osama bin Laden, and Mr. Obama said his death represents a "major blow" to al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, al Qeada's most active operational affiliate.

Speaking at the retirement ceremony for Navy Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mr. Obama said that al-Awlaki "took the lead in planning and directing efforts to murder innocent Americans," such as the attempt to blow up U.S. cargo planes in 2010.

The president called the killing of al-Awlaki a tribute to the U.S. intelligence community and the efforts of leaders in Yemen. He said al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula remains "a dangerous but weakened terrorist organization."

"Make no mistake, this is further proof al Qaeda and its affiliates will find no safe haven in Yemen or anywhere around the world," Mr. Obama said.

Republican leaders on Friday praised the dealth of al-Awlaki and Mr. Obama's leadership. GOP presidential candidate and Texas Gov. Rick Perry called al-Awlaki's death "an important victory in the war on terror."

"I want to congratulate the United States military and intelligence communities - and President Obama for sticking with the government's longstanding and aggressive anti-terror policies - for getting another key international terrorist," Perry said in a statement.

Rep. Mike Rogers, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, called the killing of al-Awlaki "another great step forward in breaking the back of Al Qaeda."

Rep. Peter King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, called it "a great success in our fight against al-Qaeda" and "a tremendous tribute to President Obama and the men and women of our intelligence community."

The American Civil Liberties Union, meanwhile, decried the killing of an American citizen who was never charged with a crime.

"The government's authority to use lethal force against its own citizens should be limited to circumstances in which the threat to life is concrete, specific and imminent," ACLU Deputy Legal Director Jameel Jaffer said in a statement. "It is a mistake to invest the President - any President - with the unreviewable power to kill any American whom he deems to present a threat to the country."

One other American militant, Samir Khan, was killed alongside al-Awlaki in Friday's attack, which killed four individuals.

Update: In a radio interview with Michael Smerconish on Friday afternoon, Mr. Obama declined to say whether he gave the order to kill al-Awlaki, saying he could not discuss operational details.

"This is something that we had been working with the Yemeni government on for quite some time," he said. "There's been significant cooperation at the intelligence levels with a lot of countries in the region. We are very pleased that Mr. Awlaki is no longer going to be in a position to directly threaten the United States homeland, as well as our allies around the world."

He continued, "The fact that he is now no longer around to initiate the kind of propaganda that also was recruiting people all around the world to that murderous cause I think is something that's very good for American security."

  • Stephanie Condon

    Stephanie Condon is a political reporter for

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by Birdman04 October 3, 2011 10:24 AM EDT
It's like killing ants. No matter how many of the queens you kill they still find a way to survive and demoralize occupying nations invading their nest.
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by Goofer-Buddy October 2, 2011 11:23 PM EDT
How many "major blows" can al Qaeda take?
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by Ms_enza October 3, 2011 6:12 AM EDT
At $12 BILLION a pop, how many "major blows" can the US tax-payer deliver?
by Leaderless October 2, 2011 11:05 PM EDT
As long as obama continued the policies of the previous administration, more terrorists will die.
Don't mess with Guantanamo, we don't need any more bad people out there killing us.
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by dustin94sc October 2, 2011 5:50 PM EDT
Barack should try transsexuality, instead. The American Electorate tires of his devotion to the Abu Dhabi oil cartel and their petro-dollars in his back pocket.
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by lg144 October 2, 2011 12:27 AM EDT
Notice how hatred of President Obama trumps teabagging republicans hatred of sworn terrorist against America. Those complaining are the modern day equivalent of Nazi sympathizers.

Had Bush done the exact same thing killing this guy as President Obama the Obama haters including Ron Paul would be singing his praise. But since it's the person they hate (President Obama) getting the job done they just can't handle it. The president's ability to get al-Qaida where Bush was such a failure is making them clinically insane.
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by dustin94sc October 2, 2011 5:54 PM EDT
Hey lg144, Barack and his Democratic Senate are finished. Now, go take a class in grammar and english composition.
by obwan222 October 1, 2011 8:01 PM EDT
"Bush's Administration kept us safe after 9/11."

Yeah, but what about the day OF 9/11? Not such a good day for Bush's record of defending the country was it?

That's why Bush apologists want to starting counting on the day after. Because the largest terrorist attack on US soil occurred during whose administration?
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by Starburst9 October 1, 2011 5:57 PM EDT
Bush had 7 yrs to get any terrorist he was too busy reshaping the justice system first so you losers who just can't believe what Obama has done, going in to Pakistan and using drones where they work and Bush himself said we will get you no matter where and we will hunt you ,but it is not ok for Obama huh!! get real you are pissed he did it, and I say good job Obama he was the worst go and ask that of Fort Hood who he radicalized that military officer right before our eyes and he had some of the worst working with him. He was a treasonous pig and deserv3ed everything he got
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by JWinATL October 1, 2011 10:58 AM EDT
Konr22 and others dumping on Bush: do you think the intelligence that the Obama Administration used to kill Bin Laden and al-Awlaki was developed in the last 3 years? No. Bush's Administration kept us safe after 9/11. We have had many attempts against our country once Obama took over. Bush is a man of convictions - whether you liked him or not, you always knew where he stood, unlike Obama, who shifts with the sand. Also, if a Republican had killed Osama and al-Awlaki instead of capturing them to obtain more intel, the left would have had a civil rights FIT, but because there is a Democrat administration, it is the CORRECT decision. Please.
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by Guitfiddel October 1, 2011 12:00 PM EDT
NOT TRUE and the FURTHERMOST from any REALITY. Bush publicly stated that he didn't care where Osama bin Laden was. That's the real fact. The Dick and Baby administration miserably failed to protect the slaughter of 3,428 innocent American Men, Women and Children on our own soil simultaneously while hurling this country into this current recession depleting our surplus also, killing another 4,769 (the only ones that happen to be on record) our Kids sending them on a wild goose chase when BUSH LIED about Weapons of Mass Destruction to secure his Daddy's oil investments. I think President Obama and his Administration continues to succeed at what the last Republican leadership "JOKE" failed at and many people are in denial of because Obama is a Black Man.
by ROBERT_LANE_AIASSA October 1, 2011 12:43 AM EDT
That may be true - A major blow to Al Queida.

Barack Obama, has continuely failed - on all other homeland security issues- and resolutions.


Yet, Barack Obama - still thinks he can lead the country!!

We don't know who these people are- TERRORISM - and drug cartel- and few actually beileve in freedom.
If not they'd tackel their own policies in their country - Felipe Cladrone - a dictator and a billioniare.
WE DON'T know who these people are - except they came here illegally; and used forged documents; false id; and social security numbers.

The same - re creation of the events that imposed - 9-11-2001 - becuase the federal government failed to protect you - the American people.

"THE" United States Constitution:
Not This - That - or The Other- as implied by Marshall , but the entire doctrine.
THE Is the first word of the pre-amble of the United States Constitution - meaning the entire docrine; and it's whole constitution.
That does not mean to pick and choose just, as Barack Obama has done on several legislative issues; including his proposal of the Obama Care Health Care agenda; the back door to all the federal reserves; 401 k and retirement pensions to allow wall street funding.
Again- the legal tax payers - pay the price .
Just Like Obama - Like WALL Street - violated the states independence- ant it's commerece.
Will Be Determined by the adoption and it's ratification Article VI.
The Repeal- Vs. (Article V, VI- sect 26) vs. Marshall by` allocating the three branches, and it's limited authority, in the seperation of powers; and the effect upon its disparage upon the states; and its enmicable rights guaranteed to the American people.
Yeh! * The Adopted BY Article VI- if State Law and Federal Law in determining its direct compliance to the nature of the constitutionality;he Former Law Prevails In direct compliance to the US constitution; such declared.
Declared necessary in all cases determining the US Constitution- and they will not be abridged in the protection of american citizens.
That Congress-
Article 10 (ARS - Civil Code)
Article XI -They ought have the authority and they may remove; or by challenge, and repeal, by any state should the federal government fail to represent itself; allowing such high crimes and misdeamonors to effect the entire nation and it's common wealth .
That congress preserved by Article V- by due legal process, "may" legally removed- any member; by vote; Impeachment, for committed acts against the integrity, time and legal competence and the president has abridged in the upholding the integrity laws.
BARACK OBAMA - Nancy Peloski- and Janet Napalitano.
Janet Napalitano- serious crimes - but not Idenity theft- or forgery- false bank accounts. ??
IDENITY THEFT- forged documents; and illegal use of social security numbers to gain access to federal funded programs.
Mr Obama ... that is a federal offence.
That state commerce may by all due process and it's clause; order to remove "any offical" , by impeachment that imposes upon the consitution and it's said declartions. That judicary members; that otherwise have a mass or negative effect on the laws, and its contract under the states constitution; that would again, unlawfuly impose acting upon the majority.
The direct violation of these admendments .... IDENITY THEFT - and forged doctrine.
That article 14 ( fourteen); limited the courts ability to unlawfuly deny- or by disparge must defend all the respective rights of all its natural citizens and its state; and all rights, to be preserved by the people; and is integrity by the sole authority of the state .
The ENTIRE US Constitution.
End Of Report.
Electronically Signed, Robert Lane Aiassa 09/30/2011
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by Guitfiddel October 1, 2011 12:04 PM EDT
So, you want to elect some idiot that might believe that Oprah Winfrey is the Babylon for the Antichrist and, was so stupid in college he had LOW "D" GPA just because of the way he looks right?
(Rick Perry)
by America_is_Great September 30, 2011 8:54 PM EDT
by 88Ronin September 30, 2011 2:53 PM EDT
George Bush is hiding himself in shame...and should be.
NOT! This is why he was in New York right, because he was hiding.

Nice try
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