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10 Oct 2011 >> Action
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Antifascists and local youth have twice forced the EDL to retreat in Brum – the racists and fascists are still not welcome!

10 Oct 2011 >> News, Top story
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Footballer has “absolutely no connection” with English Defence League and did not know who asked him to pose for photo.

8 Oct 2011 >> News, Top story
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UPDATED with photo of “sieg heil” salute. Racist and fascist EDL’s women’s division turns out to be overwhelming male…

8 Oct 2011 >> News

Antifascists joined by jobs marchers to outnumbers fascist “Infidels”

28 Sep 2011 >> News, Top story

Attacker screamed “EDL” as thugs hurled bricks.

27 Sep 2011 >> Action
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UAF activists in the North West will stage a demosntration to make clear that Nazi Nick doesn’t represent us.

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