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25 Aug 2011 >> News
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Great response to leaflets at Blackpool vs Peterborough match

25 Aug 2011 >> Action
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The Dale Farm Solidarity campaign will set up a protest camp on Saturday 27 August, four days before the eviction notice comes into force .

23 Aug 2011 >> Action, News
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Rally planned for 30 August as 45 council workers turned out in their lunchtime today to help leaflet for the national demo.

23 Aug 2011 >> News, Top story
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Giant public sector trade union Unison has made a brilliant £2,000 donation to our appeal to fund the national demo against the EDL on 3 September.

18 Aug 2011 >> Action
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Activists and UAF supporters from across London will be handing out thousands of leaflets and delivering posters throughout Tower Hamlets.

15 Aug 2011 >> News, Top story
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Unite is the third national union to back the demo, which is also supported by the civil servants’ PCS union and the Communication Workers Union.

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