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  • Most Topular Stories

  • You Have What It Takes
    3 Oct 2011 | 6:17 am
    There’s a story I’ve heard, and like all stories, the better question is never whether it is real, but whether you can make something from it. It goes like this: Picasso is touring a school with someone who wants to know why the institute of education is failing the children. Picasso asks a roomful of six-year-old children, “Who here is a painter?” All hands go up. “Who here is a dancer?” “Who is a singer?” All hands go up. “Who here is a storyteller?” All hands go up. He walks down the hall to where the seventeen-year-old children…
  • Geeky ways to declare your love

    Holy Kaw!
    4 Oct 2011 | 9:09 pm
    It’s not Valentine’s Day yet, geeks. But you don’t need a sappy holiday to express how you feel. Check out these minimalistic scientific cards by artist Nicole Martinez. They feature cute illustrations and clever ways to say “I love you” to that special someone. See more Geekologie. In a relationship? Permalink | Leave a comment  »
  • A Social News App That Exposes Everything You Read

    Jennifer Van Grove
    4 Oct 2011 | 8:07 pm
    The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Name: Quick Pitch: Hearsay is a social news reader where you share everything you read with anyone who follows you. Genius Idea: An unfiltered, social reading exchange. What we read says a lot about us. That’s why most of us selectively share the stories we think will reflect positively on us with our friends on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and so forth. New startup…
  • Breaking News On Apple Day: Siri Is Your New PA From Apple, Apple Confirms iPhone 4S, Announces New iPod Nano and Touch

    Fast Company
    Nidhi Subbaraman
    4 Oct 2011 | 4:13 pm
    Breaking news from your editors at Fast Company, with updates all day.iCloud, iOS 5 Out On October 12. iOS 5, the new mobile operating system Apple announced in June, will become available starting October 12 as a free update for the iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS. It will come with a messeging service, iMessage, Twitter integration, iCloud, and about 197 other features. iCloud is Apple's cloud storage service, which will sync every Apple device you own with each other, storing up to 5 GB of photos, email, and documents for free. --NSNew iPhone Prices, New Carriers. The iPhone 4S will be…
  • Larry Ellison Cancels Marc Benioff’s Keynote at Oracle’s OpenWorld

    Rip Empson
    4 Oct 2011 | 8:38 pm
    Well, well, well. The Oracle OpenWorld Conference is in full swing, and Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff was scheduled to be one of the keynote speakers tomorrow (Wednesday). “Was” being the operative word here. Thanks to a recent update from Benioff’s Twitter account, it seems that Oracle CEO Larry Ellison has cancelled Mr. Benioff’s keynote tomorrow. Hmmm. Instead, Larry will be king of the stage, with a one hour and forty-five minute keynote, kicking off at 2:45 p.m. PST. No word as of yet on why Ellison cancelled the Salesforce CEO’s keynote. Not even Benioff was…
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    Holy Kaw!

  • 5 business that bootstrapped their way to success

    4 Oct 2011 | 10:45 pm
    Starting a business doesn't have to break the bank. Business News Daily offers five examples of business that started their business on less than $5,000 and how they did it. For example: Liz Elting, CEO of TransPerfect, a provider of language services and translation-related technologies, is living proof that you don't need deep pockets to start a successful business. She started her business in 1992 out of her college dorm room with a $5,000 credit card advance.Today, TransPerfect is a family of companies with revenue of more than $250 million annually and has offices in more than 70 cities…
  • What's in a successful business plan

    4 Oct 2011 | 10:42 pm
    If you're planning to make a business plan any time in the near future, then this Up and Running blog post is for you. In it, you can see a few of the key things that need to go into a business plan. For example: Optimism – Optimism is great and a required attribute of any entrepreneur but it can be a minor detriment in planning. While it is tempting to create a sales forecast that shows exponential growth, make sure your forecast is realistic. Most business plan readers are going to question what appears to be overly optimistic growth scenarios and it is important to back up these…
  • How to spot and avoid burnout

    4 Oct 2011 | 10:21 pm
    One of my favorite phrases is "work from rest, don't rest from work." One is most productive when one is well-rested; on the flip side of the coin, nothing is worse for your career than burnoutBNet offers seven signs that you're burned out and what to do to stop it. You see weekends and vacations as R & R. If you look forward to a vacation because you want to do nothing and just veg out… you’re burned out. Time off should be fun, adventurous, stimulating—we all have chores to do, but if all you can think about is sitting on the couch and escaping from the grind you need…
  • Pizza guy harshes medical pot user's buzz

    4 Oct 2011 | 10:13 pm
    There's something incredibly ironic about a Papa John's Pizza delivery guy calling the police on a medical marajuana user. You know, the munches and all that. But the joke stops with the delivery guy's claim, which was that the man was smoking in front of his 9-year-old daughter, which the man claims is untrue.  Full story at The Daily What. Top food news. Permalink | Leave a comment  »
  • Geeky ways to declare your love

    4 Oct 2011 | 9:09 pm
    It’s not Valentine’s Day yet, geeks. But you don’t need a sappy holiday to express how you feel. Check out these minimalistic scientific cards by artist Nicole Martinez. They feature cute illustrations and clever ways to say “I love you” to that special someone. See more Geekologie. In a relationship? Permalink | Leave a comment  »
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  • New iPhone Blues: Why Apple’s CEO Doesn’t Care What You Hoped To See

    Chris Taylor
    4 Oct 2011 | 10:13 pm
    There’s an odd sense of deflation across much of the tech world in the wake of Apple CEO Tim Cook’s first product launch Tuesday. It is a feeling akin to your favorite team making a pretty dull night out of what was supposed to be a major game, as if the crowd simply didn’t exist. Even those of us who aren’t Apple fanboys were watching with a keen sense of interest. This was the world’s most valuable company, and its most idolized, stepping up to the plate. Did they bring their A-game? Would they hit it out of the park? Would they make our jaws drop with delight,…
  • A Social News App That Exposes Everything You Read

    Jennifer Van Grove
    4 Oct 2011 | 8:07 pm
    The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Name: Quick Pitch: Hearsay is a social news reader where you share everything you read with anyone who follows you. Genius Idea: An unfiltered, social reading exchange. What we read says a lot about us. That’s why most of us selectively share the stories we think will reflect positively on us with our friends on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and so forth. New startup…
  • If Google’s Management Doesn’t Use Google+, Then Why Should You?

    Ben Parr
    4 Oct 2011 | 7:15 pm
    One of the most important rules in software is to eat your own dog food. The concept is simple: if you have confidence in your product, you should be using it. Perhaps somebody should tell that to Google’s senior management, because they are failing to eat their own dog food when it comes to Google+. During the madness that was the launch of the iPhone 4S, we stumbled across an interesting post by Michael DeGusta. DeGusta decided to analyze how often Google’s senior management uses Google+. He counted how many times the company’s senior management, SVPs and board members…
  • The 20 Most-Shared iPhone Ads [VIDEOS]

    Todd Wasserman
    4 Oct 2011 | 6:21 pm
    Face Time is not only a cool feature, but it was a gift to Apple‘s ad agency as well. TBWA\Media Arts Lab, which handles Apple’s advertising, took the idea of displaying a touching moment via Face Time and ran with it. Apple’s ads have used a variation on that theme about a half a dozen times, and why not? It gets to the heart of Apple’s technology-with-emotion brand positioning. The rest of the ads, compiled by Unruly Media, show how iPhone advertising has evolved over the years. For instance, it’s hard to imagine Apple repeating the espionage theme in the 2009…
  • Disney to Re-release 4 Hit Animated Movies in 3D

    Zachary Sniderman
    4 Oct 2011 | 5:35 pm
    Disney is planning to re-release a cadre of its most popular and beloved animated films in 3D. The decision followed close on the heels of the re-release of the Lion King in 3D. That film is close to crossing the $80 million mark, according to Disney. While $80 million may not seem like much — Pixar’s Up made more than $730 million — it’s a ton of cash considering the studio’s minimal investment and the fact that most people have already seen the movie. The extra cash in-hand has helped greenlight at least four other films including Beauty and the Beast (Jan. 31,…
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    Fast Company

  • Breaking News On Apple Day: Siri Is Your New PA From Apple, Apple Confirms iPhone 4S, Announces New iPod Nano and Touch

    Nidhi Subbaraman
    4 Oct 2011 | 4:13 pm
    Breaking news from your editors at Fast Company, with updates all day.iCloud, iOS 5 Out On October 12. iOS 5, the new mobile operating system Apple announced in June, will become available starting October 12 as a free update for the iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS. It will come with a messeging service, iMessage, Twitter integration, iCloud, and about 197 other features. iCloud is Apple's cloud storage service, which will sync every Apple device you own with each other, storing up to 5 GB of photos, email, and documents for free. --NSNew iPhone Prices, New Carriers. The iPhone 4S will be…
  • Apple Pie Redux: The Tastiest iPhone 5 Rumors Debunked/Verified

    Kit Eaton
    4 Oct 2011 | 3:57 pm
    Apple's new CEO Tim Cook, and senior execs Phil Schiller and Scott Forstall just revealed all we need to know about the iPhone 5 and what was rumored or expected to be a suite of new Apple hardware and software products and tweaks. Some of what we thought was going to happen happened. Some of it, for reasons we'll understand later, didn't. Some of what we didn't know was going to happen also happened. Here's the summary:Leaked Parts--TrueIt seems that the leaked parts we've seen, which commenters noted looked more compatible with an upgraded iPhone 4 design than anything radically new, really…
  • Cybermapping Africa's Strangest Conflict

    Neal Ungerleider
    4 Oct 2011 | 3:46 pm
    The Lord's Resistance Army has been waging a brutal war in Uganda for more than 20 years, with hardly a mention in the media. A new piece of software--based on Salesforce--is now tracking the atrocities.For the past 20 years, one of the world's strangest and longest-lasting conflicts has been unfolding in Uganda. An ambitious new crisis-mapping project, the LRA Crisis Tracker, is working with African radio stations and non-governmental organizations to shed light on a bloody war that very few Americans know about.The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), an ultra-violent radical Christian sect, has…
  • Why Aren’t There More Female Entrepreneurs?

    Mark Suster
    4 Oct 2011 | 3:35 pm
    I’m often asked the question about why there aren’t more women who are entrepreneurs. On my blog I’ve been hesitant to take the topic head on. Somehow it seems kind of strange for a man to answer this question that obviously comes from a man’s point of view. But last week I noticed a blog post by a woman, Tara Tiger Brown, that asked the question, “Why Aren’t More Women Commenting on VC Blog Posts?” [it's short, you should read it] . In it she observes that only 3% of the comments on this blog are from women. I would love to see Tara follow up with blog posts on: why she…
  • Janine Benyus: Biomimicry Is Innovation Inspired By Nature
    4 Oct 2011 | 3:29 pm
    Janine Benyus helped bring the word "biomimicry" into 21st century vocabularies. What is biomimicry? Let Benyus explain in this video.Janine Benyus helped bring the word biomimicry into 21st century vocabularies in her 1997 book on the subject. Her company, The Biomimicry Group, encourages biologists at the design table to ask: how would nature design this? She says our human society will create a more sustainable world in part by emulating the natural organisms all around us, which have already gone through billions of years of trial and error to find elegant and amazing solutions to process…
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  • Larry Ellison Cancels Marc Benioff’s Keynote at Oracle’s OpenWorld

    Rip Empson
    4 Oct 2011 | 8:38 pm
    Well, well, well. The Oracle OpenWorld Conference is in full swing, and Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff was scheduled to be one of the keynote speakers tomorrow (Wednesday). “Was” being the operative word here. Thanks to a recent update from Benioff’s Twitter account, it seems that Oracle CEO Larry Ellison has cancelled Mr. Benioff’s keynote tomorrow. Hmmm. Instead, Larry will be king of the stage, with a one hour and forty-five minute keynote, kicking off at 2:45 p.m. PST. No word as of yet on why Ellison cancelled the Salesforce CEO’s keynote. Not even Benioff was…
  • Kickstarter Hit With Patent Claim Over Crowd-Funding

    Devin Coldewey
    4 Oct 2011 | 6:18 pm
    Kickstarter, which just recently celebrated the 10,000th successfully funded project in its 2.5-year history, is under siege by that most ubiquitous of foes, presently at least: patent litigation. Yes, the site that works so diligently to advance interesting and original ideas among the community is being shaken down by a company seemingly formed for patent-licensing purposes. But whether we like them or not isn’t material if the patent is valid and granted, right? Here’s the patent: Methods and apparatuses for financing and marketing a creative work. The inventor is Brian…
  • Is It Really True The iPad Makes Flying More Fuel Efficient?

    Jon Orlin
    4 Oct 2011 | 5:27 pm
    Apple’s new CEO Tim Cook made a lot of strong claims about how well Apple products are doing at today’s iPhone event. But one of those claims sounded like quite a stretch. Cook talked about how the iPad is being used in many different places, such as schools and airplanes. Cook said “in the cockpit, pilots are using it. They are replacing 40 pound flight bags full of paper manuals and logbooks and navigational charts and checklists, making the pilot more efficient and making the plane more fuel efficient.” And for emphasis or perhaps the skeptics, he added “Yes,…
  • TCTV: Is The iPhone 4S A Worthwhile Upgrade?

    Greg Kumparak
    4 Oct 2011 | 5:13 pm
    iPhoned out yet? Of course you’re not. (Don’t worry Android fans — your day is coming soon.) TechCrunch Editor Erick Schonfeld and I sat down for a few minutes today to riff on all things iPhone 4S, from the merits of the device itself to whether or not the tech community at large is being a bit too harsh. Plus, the question of the hour: who should buy it? Crunchbase APPLE Company: Apple Website: Launch Date: January 4, 1976 IPO: October 5, 1980, NASDAQ:AAPL Started by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, Apple has expanded from computers to consumer…
  • FCC Wants GPS In Every Phone By 2018

    Jordan Crook
    4 Oct 2011 | 3:41 pm
    After years of having a GPS-equipped phone, the idea of not having GPS is a little crazy. Even with smartphone adoption rates dramatically increasing, there are still plenty of folks out there with maps and awesome memories. But come 2018, all of our directionally gifted friends will have GPS on their phones like it or not. The FCC has ruled that all telephone service providers — including VOiP services — must offer only GPS-capable handsets by 2018 to better aid in pin-pointing the location of 911 calls. According to Courthouse News Service, it’s still unclear what the…
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    Seth's Blog

  • Expanding the circle of 'missed'

    Seth Godin
    4 Oct 2011 | 2:11 am
    Would they miss you if you didn't show up? Would they miss your brand or your writing or your leadership? If you work at the local fast food joint or the local library and you don't show up for work, do they consider shutting the place down? If you're on the team at the ER and you have a bad day, would someone die? Everyone is capable of being missed. Most of us would be missed by our family if we secretly moved to Perth in the middle of the night. The question, then, is not whether or not you're capable of being missed. The question is whether you will choose to be missed by a wider circle…
  • Squidoo launches magazines

    Seth Godin
    3 Oct 2011 | 11:00 am
    Here's a Squidoo update, along with a chance to share your work and your passion and perhaps find a new gig. Six years after our founding, we're now ranked #73 out of the millions of websites in the US measured by Quantcast. We now get more traffic than Digg, NBC or Hulu. Millions of people have used Squidoo to build pages about content that they care about and want to share. What we've discovered is that in fact, self-expression is truly important to many people. That rush you get when you know an audience wants to hear what you have to say about something you care about--we've been…
  • "I couldn't have done it without you."

    Seth Godin
    3 Oct 2011 | 2:10 am
    Seeking out the opportunity to say that to your team is at the heart of every successful project. Of course, that means the members of the team have to decide it's worth the risk to earn it. For some, "indispensable" is threatening.
  • What to do next

    Seth Godin
    2 Oct 2011 | 2:30 am
    This is the most important decision in your career (or even your day). It didn't used to be. What next used to be a question answered by your boss or your clients. With so many opportunities and so many constraints, successfully picking what to do next is your moment of highest leverage. It deserves more time and attention than most people give it. If you're not willing to face the abyss of choice, you will almost certainly not spend enough time dancing with opportunity.
  • "Have we spent enough time focusing on your issues?"

    Seth Godin
    1 Oct 2011 | 2:16 am
    When in doubt, the answer to this question is always no.
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    Wired Top Stories

  • How the iPhone 4S Stacks Up With the Best of the Rest

    Christina Bonnington
    4 Oct 2011 | 3:45 pm
    At its iPhone 4S event on Tuesday, Apple boasted of its new phone's specs by comparing it to a number of Android competitors. But as much as newly minted CEO Tim Cook raved about the 4S, the question remains: Does the 4S truly stack up to the rest?
  • Hayden Urges Congress to Let NSA Monitor Public Networks for Threats

    Kim Zetter
    4 Oct 2011 | 3:19 pm
    Former NSA and CIA director Michael Hayden revived a controversial meme on Tuesday when he urged Congress to allow his former agency to monitor public networks in order to defend against malicious activity coming from nation states and others.
  • Win Obsessed With Star Trek Talking Trivia Book

    Hugh Hart
    4 Oct 2011 | 2:56 pm
    Calling all Trekkies: A new book embedded with an audio module poses 2,500 trivia challenges designed to test even the most devoted Star Trek know-it-all. Compiled by Chip Carter, the 320-page Obsessed With Star Trek organizes minutiae gleaned from Star Trek creator Gene Rodenberry's sci-fi television and movie empire. To answer multiple-choice questions printed on ...
  • Everything You Need to Know About Apple's New iPhone 4S

    Mike Isaac
    4 Oct 2011 | 1:37 pm
    Apple finally delivered on its promise of a new iPhone during an event Tuesday at the company's headquarters in Cupertino, California. It's no totally new "iPhone 5," mind you; Apple's revamped iPhone 4S brings an incremental hardware upgrade to the popular iPhone 4. But the 4S' stat boost is no slouch, adding a host of beefier ...
  • Supreme Court Declines Music Download Case

    David Kravets
    4 Oct 2011 | 1:13 pm
    The Supreme Court is declining to decide whether downloading a song is a public performance requiring artists to get paid additional royalties.
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    ProBlogger Blog Tips

  • Space … Silence … Solitude … [What I Need More of as a Blogger]

    Darren Rowse
    4 Oct 2011 | 1:08 pm
    As I reflect upon the times when I’ve felt most “effective” as a blogger (and perhaps as a human), I think it’s times when I’ve built these three things into life. Space Perhaps it’s just me and my personality, but I find that if I don’t create space… to reflect on life to consider how I’m feeling to analyze what I’ve experienced to ponder priorities. then I tend to allow the busyness of my life determine what I do, rather than letting what is important determine my actions. I find that if I don’t create space, blogging either…
  • 20 Ways to Make More Money from Your Blog

    Guest Blogger
    4 Oct 2011 | 7:06 am
    This guest post is by James Penn of A few weeks ago, on the ProBlogger Community Boards, I started a new forum topic titled, “Help Me Monetize 1,000 Visitors Per Day.” My natural health blog had experienced some rapid traffic growth, and had grown from 80 visitors per day to over 1,000 visitors per day using these seven strategies. Yet my income was pitiful. Image copyright Monkey Business - My only monetization strategy was linking to relevant Amazon products, and I was generating just over $100 per month. I worked out that if I carried on…
  • 6 Tips for Dressing Up Your Product Reviews

    Guest Blogger
    3 Oct 2011 | 7:01 am
    This guest post is by Peter Lawlor of the B2Web Internet Marketing Blog. One of my favorite methods of monetizing my blogs is by promoting products as an affiliate. As an affiliate, I have the opportunity to learn all I can about a product I promote, and share what I know, including likes and dislikes, with my readers. I’m constantly experimenting with ways to pre-sell products, with a focus on quality content and dressing up reviews with eye-catching and informative techniques. In the end we have two goals when promoting products as an affiliate: Attract targeted visitors to your…
  • What You Can Take From Your Blog’s Worst Day

    Guest Blogger
    2 Oct 2011 | 1:06 pm
    The fateful day started with a morning that marked a month since the launch of my new blog. A blog that had ten posts and few visits per day. On that morning I woke up and went on to sit in front of my laptop. This is my usual routine. I check all the updates, reply to comments (if there are any), and so on. Everybody knows how much there is to be done in the initial days of a blog’s life. Phase 1: disaster! On that day I started my laptop, clicked on the shortcut, and bang! I was greeted by a white box on a big red screen, shouting “Warning!” in big, bold letters. A small…
  • What to Do When Your Product is Only a Suggestion

    Guest Blogger
    2 Oct 2011 | 7:07 am
    This guest post is by John Hoff of When we’re new to making money online, many gurus tell us we should think about what we know, what we’re good at, and what we enjoy doing. They tell us to think about it like this: If money wasn’t a factor, what would you do? They tell us to then take that thought and turn it into something we can create a business out of, but remember… It’s not about making money. No, it’s never about the money, is it? (Wink… nudge, nudge, wink.) Image copyright Nikolai Sorokin - Fotolia.comIt’s about doing…
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    MacRumors: Mac News and Rumors

  • iPhone 4S Pre-Orders Start at 12:01 AM Pacific on Friday

    Arnold Kim
    4 Oct 2011 | 4:58 pm
    Apple today introduced the iPhone 4S, the company's next generation iPhone. The iPhone includes a number of improvements including an improved camera, A5 processor, faster graphics and support for the Siri intelligent assistant software. The iPhone 4S will be available in the US, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan and the UK on Friday, October 14 and customers can pre-order their iPhone 4S beginning Friday, October 7. In the U.S., the iPhone 4S will be available on AT&T;, Verizon and Sprint. Apple support representatives are telling customers that pre-orders will begin online at 12:01…
  • Apple Asking Developers to Submit iOS 5 Apps Ahead of October 12th Release

    Arnold Kim
    4 Oct 2011 | 4:47 pm
    Today, Apple announced that iOS 5 would be released to the public on October 12th. In the meanwhile, they have seeded the final Golden Master copy to developers and are now asking developers to submit iOS 5 applications for inclusion in the App Store. Apple has already been quietly approving many iOS 5 applications, but this gives developers a chance to test against the final shipping version of iOS 5. iOS 5 delivers over 200 new features to customers and will be available for a free download on October 12th. iOS 5 is compatible with the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 2, iPad, and the 3rd and 4th…
  • iPhone 4S Hands-Ons and First Impressions

    Eric Slivka
    4 Oct 2011 | 1:52 pm
    With media members in attendance at Apple's iPhone 4S event having had the opportunity to spend some time with the new hardware following the presentation, hands-on reports and first impressions are beginning to come in. Engadget highlights the improved internal specs of the iPhone 4S, noting that everything "just feels zippier".We were able to spend a few quality moments with the refreshed iPhone 4 here at Apple's campus, the Sprint flavor no less, and as you might expect... it's an iPhone 4. But S-ier. Much in the same way that the 3GS improved the overall experience of the 3G, the 4S does…
  • Apple Posts "Let's Talk iPhone" Media Event Video

    Arnold Kim
    4 Oct 2011 | 1:50 pm
    Apple already posted the video stream for their iPhone 4S introduction today. Amongst the product introductions: - Two New Apps: Find My Friends and Cards - iPod Nano Updated, Price Reduced - iPod touch Now Comes In White, 8GB Model Now $199 - Apple Introduces iPhone 4S with A5 Chip, Faster Graphics, Siri Voice Assistant - Siri Voice Recognition Arrives On the iPhone 4S Recent Mac and iOS Blog Stories • "AT&T Upgrader App" Lets iPhone Owners Preorder From Their Phones • Apple Seeds OS X 10.7.2 GM to Developers • Apple Launches 'AppleCare+' with…
  • iPhone 4S Includes Significant Antenna Upgrades

    Jordan Golson
    4 Oct 2011 | 1:12 pm
    Apple has built significant antenna upgrades into the iPhone 4S, saying in the press release announcing the phone that it is the first phone to intelligently switch between two antennas to send and receive. We spoke to Spencer Webb, owner of AntennaSys, about the antenna history of the iPhones. He wrote extensively about the AntennaGate issues with the original iPhone 4 last year. "With the iPhone 4," Webb explained, around the steel band "we had one cell antenna at the bottom. On the top, we had another antenna for GPS and Wi-Fi." This turned into Antennagate. With the Verizon/CDMA iPhone,…
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  • Build Your Own Dialtone

    4 Oct 2011 | 1:30 am
    I’m speaking for Verizon on a free webinar called Building a New Dialtone: How Social Media Reshaped Communications. If that’s interesting to you, it’s coming up tomorrow, October 5th, at 2PM ET (and yes, it will be recorded). Essentially, this is about how one might view these social networking tools as something more than a place to share about your lunch. I hope you find it useful. Register Here
  • You Have What It Takes

    3 Oct 2011 | 6:17 am
    There’s a story I’ve heard, and like all stories, the better question is never whether it is real, but whether you can make something from it. It goes like this: Picasso is touring a school with someone who wants to know why the institute of education is failing the children. Picasso asks a roomful of six-year-old children, “Who here is a painter?” All hands go up. “Who here is a dancer?” “Who is a singer?” All hands go up. “Who here is a storyteller?” All hands go up. He walks down the hall to where the seventeen-year-old children…
  • Educators – Google Plus Is For You

    30 Sep 2011 | 1:30 am
    If you’re an educator and you haven’t yet started experimenting with how Google+ might be the next best most amazing and awesome collaboration tool to help your classes do good work, then you’re missing out. There are some great ways to think about this to get you started. Plus, the tool is open to anyone with a gmail account and is free. So, dive in. Make a Class Circle After you’ve set up your account and published your profile, go to your Circles page and start adding people in your class to the circle. When you have it all populated, share it with the people in…
  • Customer Is a Dirty Word

    29 Sep 2011 | 1:30 am
    I am not a customer. I am not a user. I might be a client. I might be a member. I may even be a loyalist. But don’t call me a customer. “Customer” is a dirty word. Jeff Bezos Called Me a Name! I saw that graphic above when I logged into my Amazon account, my “I use it pretty much every day for one thing or another” Amazon account, my “don’t you see my name ALL OVER THE FRICKEN SCREEN????” account. Jeff Bezos called me a “customer.” In that really great letter where he spends my time telling me all about how awesome he is, Bezos calls…
  • Help! My Groceries Are Tweeting And They’re TERRIBLE!

    28 Sep 2011 | 1:30 am
    I was inspired by C.C. Chapman’s post about how Ragu hates dads. He pointed out that the Ragu sauce Twitter account was out there spamming the heck out of dad accounts on Twitter. So, I looked around. I wondered, “Just how many other grocery shelf products are botching their chance to capture our attention on Twitter?” Oh, there are LOTS of things to review. This is a post in pictures, so if you can’t see them, click here. The Ghost Town There are plenty of abandoned “official” Twitter accounts for food. With the poor quality of these tweets, no wonder…
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  • 9 Resources That Make You a Better Marketer on Twitter

    Robert Bruce
    4 Oct 2011 | 6:30 am
    The danger of giving good advice is, of course, that it is not often used. The listener nods politely, saying, “Yes, yes, thank you. That is precisely what I ought to do.” Then the listener goes right ahead and does precisely the opposite. “Don’t ever give anybody your best advice, because they’re not going to follow it.” ~ Jack Nicholson Jack may be right. Nonetheless, below you’ll find the best advice Copyblogger has to offer on using and applying Twitter to your marketing goals. If you’ve got 140 characters to fill, here’s a few good…
  • The Johnny Depp Guide to Mesmerizing Marketing

    Martyn Chamberlin
    3 Oct 2011 | 6:30 am
    On Stranger Tides is just one more in the long line of big budget Hollywood movies. Or is it? Actually, it happens to be just another movie that Johnny Depp refused to appear in for anything short of $42,000,000. He charges that amount because the movie can’t exist with out him. Johnny’s the star of the show. Pirates of the Caribbean without Captain Jack Sparrow is like an ice cream sundae with no ice cream. But if Johnny Depp didn’t act in movies — if he were a regular job-holding guy from Kentucky — nobody would care about him. Nobody would pay him. That could…
  • Grab Our 20-Part Online Marketing Course (It’s Free!)

    Brian Clark
    2 Oct 2011 | 2:59 pm
    Want to discover the smartest ways to mix social media, content marketing, and SEO for lead generation and developing new business? We’ve got you covered with Internet Marketing for Smart People. And there’s absolutely no charge. This 20-part course and email newsletter delivers the techniques and strategies you need to know when marketing online. Find out more and sign up for free here. Tweet CommentsCommentsFurther ReadingThe Johnny Depp Guide to Mesmerizing MarketingWeird Marketing, Irresistible Copy, and More: The Copyblogger Weekly WrapThe Art of Irresistible Copywriting
  • Weird Marketing, Irresistible Copy, and More: The Copyblogger Weekly Wrap

    Johnny B. Truant
    1 Oct 2011 | 2:54 pm
    A lot happened over the summer while the Wrap was on hiatus. One of those things was relevant to this here world of marketing and networking and connection and bon-bons… and that was the launch of the Google+ social network. But I’m just going to come right out and say it: Although the internet at large soiled itself with excitement when Google+ was launched, I checked in, said “Meh,” and went back to Twitter. I mean, I knew people on Twitter. Why did I need to find them all again on Google+? Of course, Brian’s kind of a big deal over there. Just thought…
  • Are You Weird Enough to Succeed at Online Marketing?

    Robert Bruce
    30 Sep 2011 | 6:30 am
    There will never be another Nirvana. Or Coca Cola. Or Stephen King. Apart from a very few anomalies, no band, brand, or author will ever achieve the level of cultural penetration that Generation X was the last to witness happen in real time. Our culture has broken apart into millions of little tribal pieces. It’s not because kids these days aren’t heading down to the crossroads with their guitars and web dev tools to do a deal with the devil. It’s something much weirder than that. Marketers, get ready. In this episode Brian, Sonia and I talk about: Why “mass…
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  • Slideshow: Apple talks iPhone

    4 Oct 2011 | 5:15 pm
    Apple unveiled the iPhone 4S, updated iPods, and talked iCloud and iOS 5 at its Tuesday event. Here are some images and recaps of the Cupertino event.
  • Remains of the Day: Please, sir, can I have some more?

    4 Oct 2011 | 5:00 pm
    I know, I know. You've read about the iPhone 4S all day. But you just can't get enough! Don't you worry your pretty little heads: The remainders for Tuesday, October 4, 2011 are happy to serve another helping.
  • Podcast: The iPhone 4S debuts

    4 Oct 2011 | 4:46 pm
    Jason Snell, Dan Moren, and Daring Fireball's John Gruber went to Cupertino Tuesday for Apple's iPhone event. Now they've returned to the Macworld Podcast to tell you all you need to know about the iPhone 4S.
  • Rhapsody buys Napster as it battles Spotify

    4 Oct 2011 | 3:25 pm
    With its Napster acquisition this week, Rhapsody, the venerable U.S.-only digital music subscription service, is in battle mode as rival Spotify attempts to carry its strong momentum in Europe to America.
  • AppleCare+ for iPhone covers accidental damage

    4 Oct 2011 | 3:00 pm
    Apple quietly updated its AppleCar service plan for the iPhone to cover up to two incidents of accidental damage -- for a small fee.
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  • Big Question (Answered): "You've Seen the iPhone 4S... What Do You Think?"

    4 Oct 2011 | 8:00 pm
    Following today's iPhone event, ReadWriteWeb writers took you through the paces. From Siri, snail mail cards, facebook integration and iCloud to what everyone expected, and why that was dead wrong, you know what we think about today's Apple event. You saw our take, now we want yours... You've Seen the iPhone 4S... What Do You Think? We culled your responses from Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus and we used Storify to present it all back to you. If you have additional responses, please leave them in the comments. Sponsor View "You've seen the iPhone 4S... What do you think?" on Storify…
  • iCloud: Can Apple Finally Get Seamless Sync Right?

    4 Oct 2011 | 6:31 pm
    One of the announcements from today's Apple event was iCloud, described as "a set of free [with iOS5] cloud services that work with your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac or PC to automatically and wirelessly store your content in iCloud and push it to all your devices." In other words, iCloud is a file synchronization and sharing solution for Apple devices. Similar in some ways to Dropbox, the leading independent sync solution and arguably the world's 5th most valuable startup. The big question is: can Apple finally get sync right? Apple promises that iCloud will integrate…
  • What Microsoft Can Learn After Choking Off Desktop Gadgets

    4 Oct 2011 | 6:02 pm
    Before any professional investor makes a play in a new market, she makes or acquires a reasonable estimate of its size. Not only does demand come into play, but the availability of resources with which a healthy level of demand may be supplied. You can't create a market simply by flooding it with products that people will decide, based on their wide availability, that they somehow want. The very first pictures of "Longhorn," the development build of Windows that became Vista and Windows Server 2008, were characterized by a rich sidebar along one side of the screen. The moment Microsoft…
  • The Big Picture: Why the iPhone 4S Is Exactly What You Should Have Expected

    4 Oct 2011 | 5:40 pm
    It is time to take a step back from everything Apple and the nonexistent iPhone 5 for a minute and put everything into perspective. The summer of 2011 has been a building tidal wave of rumors, speculation, false leads and outrageous claims. When you look back at the roadmap that led to what Apple released today with the iPhone 4S, you have to step back and ask: What should you have really expected? Was it too much to expect an iPhone 5? In retrospect, yes. Making a giant jump in its product line is not in Apple's DNA. Look at the iPhone 3GS in comparison to the iPhone 4. The 3GS was a great…
  • Google Plus Now Lets You Lock Posts Before Sharing

    4 Oct 2011 | 5:08 pm
    Google Plus has enabled locking and closing of comments on posts before sharing. Users can now decide not to allow commenting or resharing before clicking 'Share,' instead of rushing to change the setting after the post becomes visible to others. Engineer Ebby Amirebrahimi says this feature was added by popular demand. With today's opening of the API for search, comments and +1s, it's important that users have control over the conversations they start. Sponsor In his public post, Amirebrahimi says, "We've heard from many of you that you want these disable and lock options before you share,…
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    Smashing Magazine Feed

  • How To Create Custom Post Meta Boxes In WordPress

    Justin Tadlock
    4 Oct 2011 | 10:33 am
        What seems like one of the most complicated bits of functionality in WordPress is adding meta boxes to the post editing screen. This complexity only grows as more and more tutorials are written on the process with weird loops and arrays. Even meta box “frameworks” have been developed. I’ll let you in on a little secret though: it’s not that complicated. Creating custom meta boxes is extremely simple, at least it is once you’ve created your first one using the tools baked into WordPress’ core code. In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through…
  • Improve The User Experience By Tracking Errors

    Lara Swanson
    4 Oct 2011 | 7:12 am
        It’s easy to see your top-visited pages, navigation patterns and conversion metrics using visitor-tracking tools like Google Analytics. However, this data doesn’t show the roadblocks that users typically run into on your website. Tracking and optimizing error messages will help you measurably improve your website’s user experience. We’ll walk through how to add error tracking using Google Analytics, with some code snippets. Then, we’ll assemble the data and analyze it to figure out how to improve your error message drop rates. What To Track The most helpful errors to…
  • A Quick Look Into The Math Of Animations With JavaScript

    Christian Heilmann
    4 Oct 2011 | 4:32 am
        In school, I hated math. It was a dire, dry and boring thing with stuffy old books and very theoretical problems. Even worse, a lot of the tasks were repetitive, with a simple logical change in every iteration (dividing numbers by hand, differentials, etc.). It was exactly the reason why we invented computers. Suffice it to say, a lot of my math homework was actually done by my trusty Commodore 64 and some lines of Basic, with me just copying the results later on. These tools and the few geometry lessons I had gave me the time and inspiration to make math interesting for myself.
  • The Whys And The Hows Of Textures In Web Design

    Jon Savage and Simon H.
    3 Oct 2011 | 6:57 am
        Texture is becoming integral to design. It’s gone beyond being a trend — it’s now a simple and effective way to add depth to a website. Wielding the power of texture is a great responsibility. It increases the effectiveness of websites and is a quality tool in the arsenal of designers. It can guide the user’s eye and emphasize the importance of key elements. However, texture has long been synonymous with “dirty” or “grungy” design. Its overuse can be seen throughout the world of music group websites and has left a bad taste in the mouths of…
  • Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: October 2011

    Smashing Editorial
    30 Sep 2011 | 5:50 am
        We always try our best to challenge your artistic abilities and produce some interesting, beautiful and creative artwork. And as designers we usually turn to different sources of inspiration. As a matter of fact, we’ve discovered the best one — desktop wallpapers that are a little more distinctive than the usual crowd. This creativity mission has been going on for over two years now, and we are very thankful to all designers who have contributed and are still diligently contributing each month. We continue to nourish you with a monthly spoon of inspiration. This post…
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  • Russia, China veto Syria resolution

    4 Oct 2011 | 7:53 pm
    The U.N. Security Council failed to pass a resolution calling for a halt to the crackdown in Syria against opponents of President Bashar al-Assad's government.
  • Apple unveils the faster iPhone 4S

    4 Oct 2011 | 7:24 pm
    Apple on Tuesday unveiled the iPhone 4S, a faster version of its best-selling smartphone that includes a virtual "personal assistant" you can talk to.
  • Unions will join Wall Street protests

    4 Oct 2011 | 7:11 pm
    Several unions endorsed the two-week-old Occupy Wall Street movement and plan to join the protesters' street theater in New York on Wednesday, labor leaders said.
  • Voice assistant debuts

    4 Oct 2011 | 6:57 pm
    The iPhone 4S may not look any different from its predecessor, but it is Apple's only model with a sort of robot living inside.
  • Copter crashes in New York's East River

    4 Oct 2011 | 5:49 pm
    A helicopter crashed Tuesday in New York's East River near midtown Manhattan as it approached a helipad for a landing, killing a woman who was on board and injuring four other people.
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    Scott Kelby's Photoshop Insider

  • It’s National Geographic Guest Blog Wednesday featuring Jodi Cobb!

    4 Oct 2011 | 9:01 pm
    [Editorial Note: This post contains images and stories pertaining to child slavery. If you do not wish to view these, do not click through to the full article] I became a photographer to change the world. It’s just been a little bit harder than I thought it would be. I grew up in Iran, and by the time I was twelve I had been around the world twice with my family, and had visited twenty countries along the way. I wanted to find a career that would keep me out in that world, and journalism—especially photography—seemed perfect. I saw the role that photography had played in ending the war…
  • It’s Lame/Late/Light Blog Tuesday

    3 Oct 2011 | 10:44 pm
    Hi Gang: I just got back from the Bucs vs. Colts Monday Night football game (it was awesome!), but I just walked in the door and it’s 1:24 am in the morning. I’m downloading the images from the game in the background, because no matter how tired you are, you must always at least take a brief look at your images to see if you really did capture that touchdown pass in the end zone, or did the ref walk right in front of you. (Above: Our good friend Ken Toney snagged this image of me on TV, right behind the word ESPN on the left, shooting from the end zone. Man was it hard shooting…
  • NFL Sidelines “Scott Spotting Guide” For Tonight’s “Monday Night Football” Game

    2 Oct 2011 | 9:05 pm
    OK, I am super psyched because tonight I’ll be shooting on the sidelines at the Monday Night Football Game between the Indianapolis Colts and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa. Monday Night Football is a grand sports tradition here in the USA, and it’s broadcast nationwide (as its the only pro football game that airs on Monday night—-all the rest play on Sunday), and I know a lot of you will be watching, so I thought I would create this handy “Scott Spotting Guide” just in case I get creamed by a receiver (or if Josh Freeman breaks my monopod).
  • Making Millions of Photos and New Friends All Over The World!

    2 Oct 2011 | 9:02 pm
    This weekend, we shared in something very special: over 1,100 walks all over the world, from Tusla to Oxford, Jakarta to Tehran, from Pakistan to the Philippines, from Finland to Malta, and from Qatar to Denmark—all coming together as one big community to share our passion for photography and people. What an amazing day! I know it’s our fourth year now, but I’m still amazed by the whole thing. One of my favorite parts happens after I return from leading my walk (this year, in downtown Tampa, Florida), when I get to sit back and watch all the reports and photos streaming in…
  • It’s Worldwide Photo Walk Friday! The Photo Walk Starts Tomorrow!!!!

    29 Sep 2011 | 9:01 pm
    It’s here!!! Tomorrow in more than 1,100 cities around the world my 4th Annual World Wide Photo Walk kicks off, and by tomorrow night nearly 30,000 photographers around the world will collectively have taken literally millions of photos as part of their local Photo Walks. Just “Wow! If you haven’t signed up for a walk yet: go here  right now and find a walk near you and sign up free! (There are walks planned on both Saturday and Sundy). If you’re already signed up to walk, here are SEVEN LAST MINUTE PHOTO WALK TIPS to make your day a success: (1) Walk Leaders: Make Sure You…
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    Digital Photography School

  • 5 Lessons I Learned From Shooting With Film About Shooting Portraits

    Guest Contributor
    4 Oct 2011 | 11:56 am
    As part of our Kids Photography eBook launch – we asked author Rachel Devine to put together a series of blog posts here on dPS on the topic of ‘what I learned from shooting with film’. Those posts went up over the last week here on dPS and have been really popular with readers of all genres (but particularly those who photograph portraits). Here’s the summary of the full series for those who missed part of it.   Bursting the Burst Mode Myth Natural vs Available Light Embrace the Grain Take the Camera With You Eye Contact Smiles and More Don’t forget to check…
  • 18 Tips for Shooting from a Train

    Guest Contributor
    4 Oct 2011 | 6:13 am
    A Guest Post by Ralph Velasco Getting successful images from a moving train can be quite tricky, and a real test of one’s patience and persistence. Recently, I had a chance to take what is considered one of the great train rides of the world, the Ferrocarril Chihuahua al Pacifico, better known as El Chepe, which winds through Barrancas del Cobre (the Copper Canyon), one of Mexico’s many natural wonders. The canyon gets its name from the copper color of some of its 3,000 plus foot walls, which can be seen in all their glory from many vantage points along the route, not because of copper…
  • 5 Tips to Expand your Photography Business Skills

    Valerie Jardin
    3 Oct 2011 | 12:16 pm
    You want to turn pro? Great! First ask yourself why. It is not as glamorous as it may seem. Can you sustain your passion for the art of photography while shooting somebody else’s vision? Are you ready to take whatever job comes your way to make ends meet? Are you able to work with the demands of a commercial client or a wedding shoot? It can take years to find your own niche market and specialize in one photography genre that you really enjoy. Not discouraged yet? Okay, keep reading! Think turning pro is a measure of your skills? Think again! There are many amateur photographers out…
  • 31 Inspirational Underwater Images

    Peter West Carey
    3 Oct 2011 | 6:17 am
    An underwater camera or deep sea camera equipment captures photos of the amazing creatures that live beneath the surface of the water. This collection shows land dwellers, sea life and other sometimes odd creatures that penetrate the wet sanctuary boundaries. The idea is always to see what’s under there and how much imagination we can use while shooting fish, organisms and ourselves. Deep Blue Dolphin Love - Copyright LaPrimaDonna I see you - Copyright Hamed Saber Toni Frissell Collection - Copyright trialsanderrors Aquatic Necklace - Copyright Steve Jurvetson Anemonemonemone - Copyright…
  • What Post Processing Software do You Use Most? [POLL]

    Darren Rowse
    2 Oct 2011 | 11:30 am
    Time for another dPS Reader Poll – What Post Processing Software do You Use Most? We ran this same poll 2 years ago so it’ll be interesting to see if there’s been a change. We’ve given you the choice of 8 of the most popular responses from last time we ran it but if there’s something we don’t have on the list please vote ‘Other’ and let us know in comments below what it is! Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll. Post originally from: Digital Photography Tips. Check out our more…
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    TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

  • Daily Update for October 4, 2011: Special "Let's Talk iPhone" edition

    Steven Sande
    4 Oct 2011 | 8:20 pm
    It's the TUAW Daily Update, your source for Apple news in a convenient audio format. Today, we bring you a special edition dedicated to news of the Apple "Let's Talk iPhone" event. You'll get all the highlights of today's announcements in just seven minutes. You can listen to today's Apple stories by clicking the inline player (requires Flash) or the non-Flash link below. To subscribe to the podcast for listening through iTunes, click here. No Flash? Click here to listen. Daily Update for October 4, 2011: Special "Let's Talk iPhone" edition originally appeared on TUAW - The Unofficial Apple…
  • iPhone 4S Announcement FAQ

    Erica Sadun
    4 Oct 2011 | 5:00 pm
    We've all had a number of lingering questions after today's event. Here's a quick summary of some of the more frequently asked questions we keep getting on our tip line. Will Siri be available on the iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4? As far as we can tell, Siri is an iPhone 4S exclusive feature. Will Siri be available outside of the US? Siri will be available outside the US. Where? We can't entirely tell yet. Siri mentions vary on out-of-US Apple websites. The French and British sites discuss Siri, but not Canada. (Thanks, Jean-Philippe Bousquet) We have no word as to how well Siri will work in…
  • Roundup of today's iPhone event coverage

    Chris Rawson
    4 Oct 2011 | 4:00 pm
    Here's a summary of what happened today during Apple's iPhone event, with links you can follow to more in-depth coverage. You can check out Apple's keynote for yourself if you like, but our summary will probably go a lot quicker for you. Apple announces the iPhone 4S: The top story for today, Apple's next-gen iPhone is an all-internal upgrade that looks externally identical to the iPhone 4. The handset will be available for pre-order on October 7, and it launches in the US and a few other countries on October 14. As virtually everyone expected, the iPhone 4S will launch on Sprint in addition…
  • Software update brings new features to 2010 iPod nano

    Megan Lavey-Heaton
    4 Oct 2011 | 3:30 pm
    Although it's not on Apple's support site yet, Macstories reports that a software update is available for the 6th generation (2010) iPod nano, updating the software to version 1.2 with the following features: Easier navigation with two icon sizes Fitness feature with built-in accelerometer that's easier to set for running or walking. This works out of the box or with the Nike + iPod sport kit. Additional clock faces These were all features announced for the refreshed iPod nano line at today's event. The update is available via Software Update if you own a 6th-generation nano and is expected…
  • Apple iPhone 4S keynote now available for streaming

    Kelly Hodgkins
    4 Oct 2011 | 3:10 pm
    As expected, Apple has posted the keynote for today's iPhone event. You can stream it over the Internet by pointing your browser to Apple's event website. To watch the video, you'll need to use a Mac with Safari 4 or 5 and Mac OS X Snow Leopard or Lion, an iOS 3 or later device with Safari, or a PC QuickTime 7 on Windows. Enjoy! Apple iPhone 4S keynote now available for streaming originally appeared on TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Tue, 04 Oct 2011 17:10:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Source | Permalink | Email this | Comments
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  • Maki Kawakita's Theatrical Light

    3 Oct 2011 | 6:30 am
    Photos ©Maki KawakitaBy Irwin Wong -- A largely self-taught photographer, Tokyo and New York-based commercial photographer Maki Kawakita now shoots ad campaigns for major Japanese and US brands as well as working on her own series of self-portraits. Shown here are Kawakita's photos of Japanese rock icons Glay, which were done in 2009. As with many of her shoots, the location is as much the subject of her photos as are the people.How to commandeer a glitzy hotel lobby so she can fill it with her heavily gelled flashes? Turns out that part is pretty easy. It is the lighting itself…
  • Q&A;: Avoiding Cross Shadows When Rim-Lighting

    29 Sep 2011 | 1:30 am
    Strobist reader Ed Roper asks:I've been using a three-light setup, but running into a pesky shadow problem. Below is an example setup shot with the shadows highlighted. As you can see, I'm already using grids to try to cut down on the spill. Are these cross shadows just a fact of life when trying to wrap full body like this?The good news, Ed, is that you have exactly the light mods you need to do this well. And the fix is easy… Read more »
  • Bjorn Stopped By the House on the Way Home…

    26 Sep 2011 | 2:00 am
    I first met photographer / retoucher Bjorn Holland in London a few years ago, just before he was to head out on a little motorcycle ride. Eighty thousand miles later, he stopped by my house for a visit on the last leg of his round-the-world trip.Given that he did not have an official portrait from the journey, we decided to fix that with a trio of speedlights -- and one very big light mod… Read more »
  • If You Build This Fulgurator-on-the-Cheap, Use it for Good

    23 Sep 2011 | 11:51 am
    I totally missed this on until Alim Kassim clued me via Twitter. A little bit of quick and easy DIY (and ball bungees!) turns an old film camera into a focusing strobe projector. You can actually buy these things for some models of big lights, but they will cost you some serious coin.I'd probably use one differently than did the photog on DIYP. Like maybe painting numbers or something three-dimensionally onto someone's face or something. Great idea to keep in the back pocket, tho.If it looks familiar, it is a simplified version of the "Image Fulgurator" created by…
  • And Now, Your NSFW Underwear Shoot BTS Video of the Day

    23 Sep 2011 | 11:45 am
    Okay folks, we try to keep it reasonably family friendly here at Strobist. But every now and then something comes along that pretty much says, "Run me."The video beyond the jump is NSFW-ish. As in there are nekkid people involved. You don't wanna see? Then don't click. Read more »
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    News: Digital Photography Review (

  • Instagram v2.0.1 adds features and corrects changed filters

    4 Oct 2011 | 4:30 pm
    Instagram has updated its image effects/sharing app, adding features and adjusting two filters to look more like their version 1 equivalents. Instagram 2.0.1 offers the chance to add geotags images taken from your photo library or on your phone camera. This information is only kept on on your high-res files, not the shared version. The Earlybird and Brannan filters have also been tweaked to look more like the original versions, in response to user feedback. The update is available for download immediately.
  • Just posted: Olympus E-PM1 (PEN Mini) preview and video

    4 Oct 2011 | 1:00 pm
    Just Posted: Olympus PEN Mini preview and video. Behind the bluster of the latest announcements, the Olympus E-PM1 has started hitting the shelves. In many respects it's pretty similar to the E-PL3 (and it features most of that camera's enhancements over the previous PEN models). It's built around the familiar 12MP sensor, shoots 1080i60 HD video and features an array of Olympus' Art Filters. It stands out in one respect though - it's the least expensive mirrorless interchangeable lens camera we've yet seen (in terms of list price). We're working on a review but, in the meantime, have put…
  • Apple announces iPhone 4S with 8MP camera and 1080p video

    4 Oct 2011 | 11:46 am
    Apple has announced its latest iPhone model, featuring an 8MP back-illuminated CMOS sensor. The iPhone 4S features faster image capture (down to 0.5s shot-to-shot time and 1.1 second 'time to first photo'), and captures more light as a result of the new sensor. It also gains 1080p video, is said to have better auto white balance performance and adds face detection for the first time. The 4S will first be available in the US, UK and five other countries on October 14th, with 22 more countries following two weeks later.
  • Adobe launches Photoshop Touch Android app as part of cloud strategy

    3 Oct 2011 | 8:12 pm
    Adobe has expanded its range of photographic apps - including the launch of Photoshop Touch for the Android platform. The latest app offers a range of selection and editing tools, along with processing effects for images up to 1600 x 1600 pixels. It also supports layers that are retained if you move to the desktop version of Photoshop. There is also close integration with Facebook and Google (including a color and copyright-aware search option) for finding images to edit. An iOS version for the iPad 2 will follow. The app is part of a series of mobile releases that can use the company's…
  • Reviewed: Sony NEX-5N 16MP mirrorless camera

    3 Oct 2011 | 5:19 pm
    Just Posted: Our review of the Sony NEX-5N. The 5N is the second generation of Sony's more enthusiast-focused mirrorless models. It offers the well-respected 16MP APS-C sensor and the option to fit an external electronic viewfinder. Although the bodywork is near indistinguishable from the original NEX-5, the latest model gains a touch-screen interface and in-camera lens correction processing as two of the most obvious of its many changes. We've spent some time getting familiar with the 5N, to see if it delivers on the NEX concept's considerable promise.
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    Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Killer Tips

  • Catch My Lightroom Classes At Adobe Max in LA This Week! (Matt Kloskowski)
    3 Oct 2011 | 6:17 am
    If you’re planning on being at Adobe Max in LA this week make sure come by to say hi. I’ll be teaching two Lightroom sessions on Wednesday. • Lightroom Presets and Output (Wed: 9:30-10:30am) • The Lightroom Crash Course (Wed: 11-12:00 noon) In the first class we’ll go over the different ways to get your photos out of Lightroom whether it’s for print or the web or even slideshows. Plus, we’ll go over lots of preset ideas for making your photos look great with just one click. The 2nd class is basically a quick Lightroom bootcamp. I’ll take you through…
  • Workshop – Shooting Fall Color in the Northeast (Matt Kloskowski)
    30 Sep 2011 | 8:24 am
    Bill Fortney and I are co-teaching a “Fall Color” landscape workshop in the northeast from Oct 9-15. It was sold out but I just heard from him that about 3-4 spots opened up from some people that couldn’t make it. We’ll be shooting in Bar Harbor, Acadia National Park, New Hampshire and Vermont over the course of the week. Plus, we’ll have lots of classroom time to cover Lightroom, Photoshop and photo critiques. It’s a great chance to sharpen your photo skills and get some awesome photos while you’re at it. Just head over to Bill’s website (which…
  • Lightroom News – Lightroom 3.5 (And Camera Raw 6.5) Are Out (Matt Kloskowski)
    30 Sep 2011 | 6:41 am
    Some quick news for the day. Adobe released Lightroom 3.5. There’s some new overall camera support as well as some new lens profiles too. There’s also some minor bug fixes. The best thing to do is check out Tom Hogarty’s blog for the full write-up. And of course, you can download the update over at Adobe’s website or simply just go to Help > Check for Updates after you launch Lightroom. Have a good one!
  • Lightroom Video – Colorizing Presets (Matt Kloskowski)
    29 Sep 2011 | 9:45 am
    First off, I wanted to let you know I’ve been posting over at Google+ as well. If you haven’t started an account yet, give it a try. It seems to be a great place for photographers. And Circle me while you’re at it A while back I created some presets that colorize specific colors in a photo. I wanted to do a quick video today, though, to show you why I create several versions of each one. As you’ll see in the video, presets in Lightroom offer a great added benefit of live previews without even applying the preset itself. It’s something we don’t get if we…
  • Lightroom Print Preset – Multi-Photo Portrait Grid (Matt Kloskowski)
    26 Sep 2011 | 7:20 am
    I’ve been working with the print templates a lot lately. A while back I released a multi-photo travel template that turned out to be pretty popular. I went back to it yesterday to work with some portraits, and made a few tweaks since the last time I’ve used it. Mainly, I went in and modified some of the spacing options and added some templates with a wide space between them and some others with a narrower space. There’s also a version with a black background and one with a white background. Some tech specs: It only works in Lightroom 3. It’s based on a 12×12 inch…
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    MacRumors: Mac News and Rumors - iOS Blog

  • The Sushi Photo Was Taken with an iPhone 4S

    Arnold Kim
    4 Oct 2011 | 7:08 pm
    In early September, we saw a photo of sushi that was believed to have been taken with a next-generation iPhone. The photo appeared in the Flickr stream of a known Apple employee and was found to have some unusual characteristics:This (very attractive) photo claims to have been taken by an iPhone 4, but the rest of its EXIF data tells a different story: although the image has been cropped to 2235x2291 (5.12 megapixels), the original picture was a much larger 3264x2448 -- or just shy of eight megapixels. What's more, the lens was recorded as a 4.3mm f/2.4, which is closer to that of a…
  • Full Resolution Photos from the New iPhone 4S Camera

    Arnold Kim
    4 Oct 2011 | 6:41 pm
    As part of their new iPhone 4S promotional web pages, Apple has included several full-resolution sample shots for download. We've included three of the shots here. Clicking on the image will download the full-size 2-3MB 3264x2448 pixel photos to your computer. Several other examples are available to download at the bottom of Apple's 4S camera page. Of course, these may represent ideal shots, but should give you something to analyze while you wait for the 14th. (via TheNextWeb)
  • Apple Clearing Out the iPhone 4 for $149 (16GB) and $199 (32GB)

    Arnold Kim
    4 Oct 2011 | 6:11 pm
    If for some reason, you don't want to get the new iPhone 4S, Apple retail stores are selling the remainder of their iPhone 4 16GB and 32GB models while supplies last. The clearance prices for the units are $149 and $199, with the usual 2 year contract. Apple will offer a $99 iPhone 4 model going forward, but that model only has 8GB of storage. The prices are $50 and $100 cheaper than their 16GB and 32GB iPhone 4S counterparts, though you are losing a fair number of features (faster processor, Siri voice assistant, better camera).
  • iPhone 3GS Now Free with Contract

    Arnold Kim
    4 Oct 2011 | 2:58 pm
    As predicted, Apple also kept the iPhone 3GS around to be a low end "free with contract" device on AT&T.; That means Apple is presently selling 3 generations of devices: iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, and iPhone 4S. Having a free option will help Apple compete with many of the cheaper Android phones. The 3GS is the oldest iPhone to support iOS 5.
  • Apple Offering Micro USB Adapters to European Customers

    Jordan Golson
    4 Oct 2011 | 2:20 pm
    In 2010, the European Union introduced a new policy to require new phones sold in Europe to support charging via MicroUSB, in an effort to standardize charging systems across all mobile phone makers. Apple has begun offering Micro USB Adapters for the iPhone, shipping October 14 to EU customers. The adapter costs £8 or €9 and should also be included in the iPhone 4S when it ships later this month. "Introduction of the universal charger will make life much simpler for EU consumers," said Dennis Abbott, a European Commission spokesperson. "When you discover you've left your charger at home…
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  • World's great horse treks

    4 Oct 2011 | 10:33 pm
    Article Link:  World's great horse treks Large Hero2 Image:  Text Bar:  World's great horse treks Rollover Headline:  World's great horse treks Rollover Lead Text:  The best way to discover the world is on its oldest form of transportation Article Link Text:  Full Article
  • TomTom India: Most complete GPS car map of the country

    Poorna Harjani
    4 Oct 2011 | 8:00 pm
    With the October introduction of TomTom India, road trips across the country have suddenly become feasible. read more
  • 大堡礁会在2050年消亡吗?

    4 Oct 2011 | 5:00 pm
    当科学家们忙着辩论升温的海水是否会毁灭世界上最大的生命体时,旅行社老板们已纷纷开始思量自己的未来。 尚塔尔·阿维特沃尔(Chantal Abitbol) 澳大利亚的大堡礁从远处望去似乎拥有着不灭之身:即使从外太空也能看得到它那长达2600公里的珊瑚群。 但是仔细研究一下,事实就没有那么美丽了。 这些珊瑚礁,还有它所支撑着的价值高达数十亿美元的旅游业,都可能在2050年彻底消亡。…
  • World's great horse treks

    Darley Newman
    4 Oct 2011 | 3:00 pm
    Horse riding with local people is an adventurous, eco-friendly way to discover pristine locations that are not always featured in guidebooks. The diversity of destinations you can explore on horseback means riding is often the best way to experience our world’s varied terrain, especially in far-flung locations.  So saddle up on a journey through the lava fields of Iceland, Ireland’s dramatic beaches, Turkey’s ancient villages, America’s national parks and beyond. Here are 15 of the best global horse riding destinations you’ll want to consider adding to your bucket list. …
  • 7 best Mumbai clubs

    Kanika Parab and Mansi Poddar
    4 Oct 2011 | 2:58 pm
    Mumbaikars don’t dance. Is that why there are so few dance floors in the city? Or is it the other way around? As you ponder this funky chicken-and-egg situation, here's the A-list of Mumbai clubs to get into this party season -- and why. 1. Tryst: To see your name on the menu A night at Tryst is like attending a spectacular light show, where more than a million color-changing LEDs poke out of almost every corner and bright green absinthe potions swirl around in glasses. If you’ve got the bucks, you’re in the spotlight. read more
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