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  1. MT @GibsonWrites: A hipster's lament--"Life is not fair!" Has to be read to be believed: #OccupyWallStreet
  2. RT @danielpetty: Trying to chase contacts, photos from this mountain lion sighting on the #CUBoulder campus. DM or @ me if you have info.
  3. @mattapuzzo Thanks, Matt, for the Zazi shout-out. Great work by @AP on NYPD, have enjoyed reading it.
  4. Another twist in the NYPD -as-little-CIA story: Cops spied on imam featured in Pulitzer-winning NYT series:
  5. @Romenesko In odd late-night tweet, @DenverPolice polls followers on whether TV reports are biased, from @jsteffendp:
  6. In odd late-night tweet, @DenverPolice polls followers on whether TV reports are biased, from @jsteffendp:
  7. @BenMcKee Hatfield never ran for president, though.
  8. @BenMcKee Great minds ... I just mentioned him to @danielpetty
  9. @danielpetty Nope. There is no room in either major political party for such a candidate. If Mark Hatfield had run for president, maybe?
  10. #Catholic bishops issue 2012 voter guide, resist calls for tougher #abortion language. @rzollAP: #politics
  11. Went to last night's DPS forum with @Jimenez4DPSKids and @JenniferforKids. Could use better info on differences between the two.
  12. Cool tool from @ProPublica lets readers add their own notes to @documentcloud docs via Facebook (of course):
  13. @ReporterAndrew Looks like a bad link on that Telegraph piece.
  14. A terrific inside look at the investigation of terror suspect Najibullah Zazi, from @sara_burnett:
  15. #GABF #FF Favorite Colorado beers: @OdellBrewing Myrcenary, @newbelgium La Folie, @DryDockBrewing Double IPA, @Funkwerks Saison
  16. @John_Hendy obviously, i need better editing!