Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary


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Welcome to the new St. Joseph Foundation Website!

Our website has just undergone a major revision, and hosts many new features. You are invited to register with our website. Once signed in, the "full menu" is activated, which grants you access to a complete array of resources. These resources include downloadable opinions on Canon Law, and recent articles from our newsletter. To learn more about the Foundation, proceed to the "About Us" page, for which no registration is required. Also, you may and send a Contact Form for additional information or assistance.

Thank you for visiting our website.

Charles M. Wilson

Executive Director

Memorare to St. Joseph

Remember, most pure spouse of Mary ever Virgin, my loving protector St. Joseph, that never has it been heard that anyone invoked your protection or besought your aid without being consoled. In this confidence I come before you; I fervently recommend myself to you. Despise not my prayer, foster father of the Redeemer, but graciously deign to hear it. Amen.

The St. Joseph Foundation has been ruled tax exempt by the Internal Revenue Service under provisions of Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It depends solely on voluntary contributions for its support and does not charge for its services.

The St. Joseph Foundation
11107 Wurzbach Suite 601B · San Antonio, Texas 78230-2570
Telephone: (210) 697-0717
· Fax: (210) 699-9439

Website Designed and Maintained by Thomas P. Otten