s skippy the bush kangaroo

skippy the bush kangaroo

Thursday, October 06, 2011

thursday's child i want you back

point taken ian! tax increases on the rich are not going to pass

and monkeyfister says of the citi plutonomy memos, "they literally drip contempt for us"

judge who sentensed juveniles to detention centers for kickbacks gets 17 1/2 years

#occupywallst and beyond (including map of protest hot spots
posted by skippy at 4:33 AM | 0 comments

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

introducing the imourn...what, too soon?

the most brilliant man in the world, steve jobs, has died. npr:

former apple ceo steve jobs, father of the macintosh and the brains behind the wild success of the ipod, iphone, and ipad, has passed away, apple has reportedly confirmed to several news outlets, including cbs. he was 56. …

but the legend of steve jobs goes much further—and will live much longer—than any single piece of technology that apple has produced. from stories of jobs firing people in elevators to recollections of him going to a neighborhood pool party with his son, jobs somehow managed to maintain a personal reputation as chilled out buddhist with a type a personality. his high standards, combined with his eye for simplicity, will certainly live on in apple's future creations. but for now, we must say goodbye to the man who worked tirelessly to make it all possible: steve jobs.
steve was a brilliant scientist, engineer, software visionary and all-around renaissance man. he will be missed.

addendum: via boing boing, here's the statement from apple.
posted by skippy at 6:49 PM | 4 comments

The Best Thing Wal-Mart Has Ever Done

(h/t LG&M;)

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posted by Ken Houghton at 4:51 PM | 0 comments

no #occupywallst coverage...at tpm?

maybe our eyes are bad, but how come we can't find any protests mentions by josh marshall's folks?

erratum: our bad! there are three whole posts on tpm muckraker.

don't strain yourselves, guys.

addendum: via the redoubtable doug j @ balloon juice, one commentor has a great idea:
this maybe too militant, but a union cap with a patch with “99” on it could turn into a powerful symbol.
posted by skippy at 1:46 PM | 2 comments

wednesday morning

bottom 50% of americans pay more of their income than the top 1%

#occupywallst blows capitalism's alibi

republicans oppose obama's dinner plans

roller derby names: misogynist or feminist?

dems call for an investigation into justice clarence thomas
posted by skippy at 4:25 AM | 2 comments

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

skippy looks at books - "the detachment"

readers of this space will remember how much we enjoyed barry eisler's works previously.

we are happy to have received an advanced ebook copy of barry's latest opus, "the detachment." tho we are only about a quarter of the way into it, this latest story is full of the sharp writing, breakneck pacing and multi-level intrigue that made barry's earlier work so exciting.

once again ben treven and his mentor/handler larison (from fault line and inside out) are up to their eyeballs in assassinations and counter-espionage, this time working w/another of eisler's long-running characters, john rain, assassin extraordiaire. they are called up to stop a major coup in the united states government, and to "make it look natural." what could possibly go wrong?

the detachment will be available october 18 in paperback, and is available now @ amazon ebooks.
posted by skippy at 11:03 AM | 0 comments

ruby tuesday

the tea party gop is a death cult

those republican audiences just keep on giving

hey rick perry, you're s'pose to carch them by the toe, not the head!

dems call for an investigation into justice clarence thomas

damn you, autocorrect!
posted by skippy at 4:31 AM | 0 comments

Monday, October 03, 2011

how you can help

how you can help #occupywallst
posted by skippy at 11:23 PM | 0 comments

how do republicans honor soldiers overseas?

they bar them from voting.
in a very determined effort by colorado's republican secretary of state, scott gessler, to make sure as few people as possible actually get to vote in colorado, u.s. troops serving overseas won't get to vote. - joan mccarter's diary over at the great orange one's place.

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posted by Cookie Jill at 9:23 PM | 1 comments

the post office isn't broken

don't let the gop tell you that the only way to "save" it is to sell it off to the lowest bidder. it's a manufactured "crisis."

a great interview by ian masters on background briefing.
we speak with historical geographer dr. gray brechin who is a visiting scholar at uc berkeley and is trying to save america’s post offices from a manufactured crisis ginned up by free-market ideologues in congress who want to close 2,500 post offices immediately, and plan to close 16,000 post offices by 2020, in a deliberate effort to destroy the postal service and sell off its valuable real estate in a fire sale.
more great information at http://www.savethepostoffice.com/

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posted by Cookie Jill at 8:01 PM | 0 comments

new moon on monday

saudi women have finally received the right to vote and run for office

get me rick perry, stat!

don't do the crime if you can't go to church (ps, program on hold as legal issues are researched)

who is #occupywallst? we are the 99% (thx to mister mix)
posted by skippy at 4:17 AM | 0 comments

Sunday, October 02, 2011

environmental news stories sunday

#occupyacleanplanet. now that's what it should be all about.

thousands of californians fear the tap. - like many rural families in the san joaquin valley, the alvarados see the snow-capped sierra, but they get tap water tainted from rotting vegetation, fertilizers, manure, septic tanks and decrepit plumbing. the water often is laced with nitrates, a chemical linked to a potentially lethal infant illness as well as cancer - fresno bee

epa rules lejeune water contaminant causes cancer. - an environmental protection agency finding that exposure to the chemical degreaser tce causes cancer means that those who lived and worked at camp lejeune between the 1950s and 1980s, when tce and other solvents contaminated the water supply, may have finally proved what was making them sick - jacksonville daily news

drilling boom sparks rise in water testing. - in pennsylvania, more than 3.5 million people — about 28 percent of the population — get water from more than 1 million wells. about 20,000 new wells are drilled each year. fracking concerns could lead to the state's first regulation of private water well construction - pittsburgh tribune review

how turning worms will save planet. - earthworms have been burrowing their way through the ground for 300 million years, but now they have become the secret weapon in the war against ­climate change london daily express

federal agencies falling short in protecting us food supply. - federal agencies entrusted with the safety of the nation’s food supply routinely fail to prevent bacteria-infected food from reaching grocery stores and restaurants, putting millions of americans at risk. the fda inspects only about 2 percent of all imported food - center for public integrity

low-cost imports from china fuel boom in solar panels. - british homeowners are increasingly able to build greener homes by using cheap solar panels from china, but western workers are paying the price with a wave of corporate collapses and layoffs among green energy firms - london guardian

eu warns italy: clean up trash or face fine. - with six million tonnes of trash piled up in temporary storage sites in the naples area, the european commission is giving italy an ultimatum: clean up your act or face a major fine - afp

peregrine falcon population nursed back from brink of extinction in prairies. - after nearly three decades of trying to save the peregrine falcon from disappearing on the prairies, alberta fish and wildlife biologist gord court and a handful of other biologists are wearing satisfied smiles. ddt in peregrine eggs is down to levels that are no longer harmful - postmedia news

recycled water quenches san antonio's thirst. - texas is in the middle of a historic drought, and the river that tourists are cruising along with ducks, big bass, catfish and perch is actually treated sewage water. the city is using a state-of-the-art water treatment plant to produce high-quality, recycled water to keep the river flowing - weekend edition

down the drain. - the city of toledo has much work to do to upgrade its ancient, decrepit water and sewer system. that work will be expensive. the longer it is deferred, the more it will cost -- and the greater the danger of a catastrophic, budget-busting system failure in the meantime - toledo blade

the interaction between sustainability and defense. - is climate change a significant threat to our future, and already harming us? or a scientific theory not yet supported by real evidence? the army and navy say it's real; and they're working hard to minimize the harm it's doing to our national defense - las cruces sun news

climate change policy could make keystone xl obsolete. - clearly the keystone xl pipeline threatens both surface and ground water that sustains the agricultural economy of nebraska, but the projected profitability of tar sands oil and the pipeline operation are dependent on the future economics of climate change - lincoln journal star

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posted by Cookie Jill at 6:15 PM | 1 comments

gloomy sunday

millions can't get work precisely because they're out of work

koch bros. freaking out over unpublished scandal story

hot off the presses: the occupied wall street journal

10% 36% of wisconsin lives in poverty (link fixed & corrected, thx ken!)

it's gop! the musical!
posted by skippy at 4:59 AM | 1 comments

Saturday, October 01, 2011

saturday night special

no child left behind gets left behind

why herman cain won the straw poll

the american empire is collapsing, and americans will be the last to know

and steve martin wins major bluegrass award
posted by skippy at 4:03 AM | 0 comments

Friday, September 30, 2011

Where's Stimulus?

As with Where's Waldo?, let's play Spot the Stimulus. Sources:


If you can find anything "Kenyesian" about making transfer payments so that there is no local, domestic spending growth, let me know.

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posted by Ken Houghton at 1:28 PM | 0 comments

friday night is killing me

recalled beef was headed for school lunches

help feed #occupywallst

and remember the #occupywallst live feed

did the dc reboot do better creating fully-realized female characters? maybe not

we agree w/the fixer's quote of the day
posted by skippy at 4:55 AM | 0 comments

Thursday, September 29, 2011


six examples of petty homophobia by perry supporter sam brownback

sign the petition: end coporate personhood

people hate congress

diebold voting machines can be hacked w/$10 in parts
posted by skippy at 4:07 AM | 0 comments

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

waiting for wednesday

feds: the drug cartels are here, and they're taking our jobs!

correcting the abysmal ny times coverage of #occupywallst

citizens rise up against citizens united

it's banned books week!
posted by skippy at 4:33 AM | 0 comments

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

tuesday night music club

dirty little red state secret: welfare disguised as defense spending

pepper-spray cop @ #occupywallst accused of civil rights violations during 2004 gop convention

surprise, surprise, joe liberman is screwing the democrats again

why netflix is splitting in two
posted by skippy at 4:33 AM | 4 comments