Snapped Shot

Always watching the all-seeing eye.


of steam.

I think it's pretty safe to say that, at this point in time, this humble little blog has hit the end of the road. Between everything that's going on over in Real Lifeville, and a general depression I've had at the muttonheaded state of affairs in this country over the past few years, I really just don't have any energy left over to put into this little distraction any more.

(But I'm sure y'all noticed that a while back.)

Anyway, I'm never fond of saying 'goodbye,' so I'll just leave you with my Twitter feed and this site's Facebook page, both of which I'll do my best to update from time to time.

It's truly been a pleasure to hang around with you for these past five years. Don't be a stranger!


If you're looking for fresh content, these people say what I think... and do what Snapped Shot once did:
Protein Wisdom, Ace of Spades, The Jawa ReportMichelle Malkin, Gateway Pundit, The Other McCain, Sad Hill News.

2 Comments 11 October 2011