
Beyond Troy Davis: How Race Colors Death Row 'Justice'

The Latest Stories in Racial Justice

Death Penalty

Death Penalty “Unlikely” for Mississisipi Teen Found Guilty of Running over James Anderson

by Jorge Rivas on September 23 2011, 1:21PM

Hinds County district attorney says he’ll likely grant the victim’s family’s wishes and spare the life of the teen found guilty of running over James Anderson.

Topics: Criminal Justice

Touré Calls Tyler Perry's Work 'Cinematic Malt Liquor for the Masses'

Touré Calls Tyler Perry’s Work ‘Cinematic Malt Liquor for the Masses’

by Jorge Rivas on September 22 2011, 3:55PM

Cultural critic and write Touré is in the news again. This time he’s taking stabs at Tyler Perry.

Topics: Arts & Culture

Half of Latinos in U.S. Live in Country's Most Polluted Cities

Half of Latinos in U.S. Live in Country’s Most Polluted Cities

by Jorge Rivas on September 22 2011, 2:03PM

Latinos face major health risks from delayed implementation of new EPA air pollution rules.

Topics: Health

Wanna Make Troy Davis the Last Death Penalty Victim? Here's How to Start

Wanna Make Troy Davis the Last Death Penalty Victim? Here’s How to Start

by Rinku Sen on September 22 2011, 11:58AM

As people across the globe mourn the death of Troy Davis, it’s time to recognize and support groups that are working to abolish capital punishment.

Topics: Criminal Justice, Movement Notes

Herman Cain, Allen West and the Black GOP's Low Hopes

Herman Cain, Allen West and the Black GOP’s Low Hopes

by Shani O. Hilton on September 22 2011, 10:04AM

As the GOP primary unfolds, the antics of the party’s two leading African Americans seem farcical. But there’s a long history of black conservatism in American politics.

Topics: Politics

A Wrenching Night of Global Solidarity as Georgia Kills Troy Davis Photo

A Wrenching Night of Global Solidarity as Georgia Kills Troy Davis

by Stokely Baksh on September 22 2011, 9:40AM

As the world watched, hundreds gathered outside the prison where Troy Davis was killed last night. They prayed for a more humane and equitable criminal justice system. Now that Davis is slain, the question is how to make that reform real.

Topics: Criminal Justice, Troy Davis

The Long, Murderous Arm of the Law Has Killed Troy Davis

The Long, Murderous Arm of the Law Has Killed Troy Davis

by Kai Wright, Jamilah King on September 21 2011, 11:13PM

Tonight, we mourn not only Davis’s life, but all of those lives that have been destroyed and taken in the name of a criminally unjust system of law and order.

Topics: Criminal Justice, Editor's Blog, Troy Davis

Study Finds Google Uses Racial Profiling to Deliver Ads

Study Finds Google Uses Racial Profiling to Deliver Ads

by Jorge Rivas on September 21 2011, 1:24PM

Study finds your Google and Gmail online experience can change based on your race.

Topics: Technology

The Beatles Refused to Play for Segregated Audiences, Contract Shows

The Beatles Refused to Play for Segregated Audiences, Contract Shows

by Jorge Rivas on September 21 2011, 1:00PM

The recently uncovered contract shows that the band’s stand against racial segregation was much more than an idea.

Topics: Arts & Culture

Kim Kardashian, Big Boi and the Celebrity Outcry to Save Troy Davis

Kim Kardashian, Big Boi and the Celebrity Outcry to Save Troy Davis

by Jorge Rivas on September 21 2011, 12:24PM

Kim Kardashian surprised many by telling her 10 million followers she believes Troy Davis is innocent, joining other high profile figures who’ve added their names to the cause.

Topics: Criminal Justice