Danny Yee

Pathologically Polymathic (Blog)

Web pages I've been reading (and some web pages I've created)

Last update: 22 September 2011 (RSS, twitter)

How We Have Transformed the Land, from Prehistory to Today - The Making of the British Landscape [my review]
last night I saw two one-man Dickens plays, acted by Simon Callow - Guardian
Last Rites: The End of the Church of England [my review]
GH Hardy on finding versus proving in mathematics - UniverseDiscourse
for a democratic allocation of public space - GlobalUrbanist [via CycleLondon]
bird flu: beware the Trojan Duck - Guardian
Hans Rosling on "Epidemiology for the Bottom Billion" - JSS [video]
an excellent lecture, spanning epidemiology, demographics + public health
going around the Netherlands on a bike sounds like it'd be good fun - Hembrow
the cycling infrastructure looks really nice
"the usual philosophical story of Bayes as inductive inference is faulty" - Arxiv
psychology helped find HMAS Sydney - ResearchDigest [via PeterMartin]
an article on Blue Mountains canyoning - NationalGeographic
an "it's complicated" option for gender on Australian passports - BBC [via Mertz]
time to move to Diaspora? - FreeSoftwareMag
bicycle helments and thalidomide - WarOnTheMotorist
"The Evolution of Complexity in General Circulation Models" - Colostate [PDF]
how Google Translate works - Independent
New York plans 10,000 bicycle sharing scheme - Observer [via @Grist]
on how to learn about science - Deltoid
Deborah Mayo has a blog! - ErrorStatistics [via Gelman]
how carrots became orange - CarrotMuseum [via RabettRun]
A Brief History of the Normans [my review]
accupuncture is not safe - SBM
did lack of copyright law assist Germany's C19 industrialisation? - Spiegel [via OSWALD]
the euro crisis explained using lego - Reuters [via DangerMouse]
Oxford Skeptics in the Pub: Dogs are not Wolves - OxBlog
John Le Carre on his time in intelligence - NYer [via RW]
a long weekend car touring Wales - Oxford Blog
do the Amish use computers? - AmishAmerica - KK [via MikeGifford]
I spent Saturday showing Mike Gifford and his partner around Oxford - Flickr
the India-Pakistan border from space - WSJ [vis RW]
we just got a Sony Bravia TV - AmazonUK
nice features, but a terrible user interface - no wonder Apple is beating Sony up
the Coalition wants to gut the UK's planning laws - Monbiot
reflections of a Republican insider - TruthOut [via Heidi]
"The Pirate Party was right on every detail" - the US has been dictating Swedish info-policy - FalkVinge
gender differences in spatial reasoning appear to be cultural - Wired
geoengineering follies - Monbiot
it's as if half the Australian media were run by flat-earthers - Conversation
the new anti-porn movement - Meanjin [via Hornblower]
the reinsurance industry - BusinessWeek
Australian High Court stops refugees being sent to Malaysia - Guardian


old diary
2002: Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2003: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2004: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2005: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2006: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2007: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2008: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2009: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2010: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2011: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep


Feedback to entity(AT)danny.id.au.

I have separate pages for news sources, blogs, static personal sites, and book review sites & sources.

You can support this blog by buying books through Amazon.

I have a policy of not linking to pages that require subscription or any kind of registration. I also try not to link to pages that have popups or excessive advertising, but my web browser blocks most of that for me, so I may not realise there's a problem. Please let me know of anything really objectionable.

The format of this blog is based on that of Robot Wisdom - why reinvent the wheel?

Danny Yee