Support the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal by buying a copy of Flap: the Chook Book 2, by four talented Christchurch poets (including our own Catherine Fitchett), from

The New Zealand Poetry Society is an incorporated non-profit organisation which aims to advance education by promoting, developing and supporting poetry and poets in New Zealand. The NZPS - CC20250 - is a registered charitable entity in terms of the Charities Act 2005. For more information visit the Charities Register at Donations over $5 are tax-deductible in New Zealand and greatly appreciated.

This website is hosted and supported by Signify, a smarter web company (Thanks Tom).

  • Anthology - the 2011 anthology is currently in production, and will be available for sale on the website after the launch in November 2011.

  • a fine line is our bimonthly magazine, with a feature article, poetry book reviews, details of poetry opportunities, and much more. We publish poems submitted by our members only. Submissions to sections other than the poetry page are welcome from non-members. Current deadline: 7 October. See publication guidelines at:

    a fine line is produced with the assistance of Creative New Zealand Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa. 

    You can read past copies by clicking here.

  • Monthly Meetings - find out details of meetings: We gratefully acknowledge the support of our monthly meeting sponsors, the Creative Communities Wellington Local Funding Scheme, and The Thistle Inn.

We are grateful to Community Post for its generous support of postage costs related with administering the Junior sections of our annual poetry competition.

We also acknowledge the invaluable assistance of for e-business consultancy.