October 4, 2011


OK, I’ve been aware of the Amanda Knox situation since the beginning. I never really followed it until the appeal. At that point, I thought it was interesting. The Italian prosecution really didn’t have any evidence, and they were trying to save face and their asses. At least, that’s what I think. Maybe she did it, and maybe she didn’t. I don’t know, but her accusers could not prove she did it. They’re throwing her off the bus and under the the the truck for their own gains. Disgusting. Ratings. Fuck them. Take Shepperd Smith from FOX news…calling her Foxy Knoxy. WTF is that loser doing? He needs his ass kicked all up and down 5th ave. I would take studio B and stick it up his ass. Asshole. He is an arrogant dick, and not very smart, at that. All he reports is gossip. The same can be said for the media as a whole.

Then the media started talking about her not being able to leave Italy, after she was acquitted, because her passport might be expired. Give me a break, she’s been in a sleaze bag Italian jail for four years. It’s not like the State Department couldn’t take care of that in a second. The press, all sides, love to report on Schulfreunde, the believe they can sell more of everything on other peoples misfortune. How fucked up is that? Do people really like this? Pisses me off.

Then they starting talking about how much money she will make on book and movie deals…while she was still in the air…had not even landed on U.S. soil, and they’re chomping at the bit. Rats, all of ‘em. The media thrives on the bad, not the good…and the media will do whatever is necessary to turn the good into the bad. It sells, and that says something about many things.

Look, I believe she should be allowed to make some folding money to help her family with four years of legal expenses by blood sucking self serving lawyers. I believe she can do some some good with the money she earns. Start a new life if she wants. The press will force her to do that. Sad.

Bottom line: She is fluent in English, German, French, and Italian. She’ll be fine, but she’ll adapt faster if the press leaves her alone. I realize that’s not gonna happen, but it should.

I realize I spanked Shepperd Smith, but the guy is an arrogant idiot. I can’t believe FOX News is paying him between seven and eight million dollars a year. Don’t get me wrong, I turn him off every time he comes on, he’s well paid, but he ain’t worth it. My dog, Stretch, could do a better job.

If I was Amanda Knox’s father, I would be on the first plane to New York City, and I would kick Shepperd Smith’s ass. Yes I would. All the news anchors do it, but Smith thinks he’s invincible.

Posted in The Present | 4 Comments


Ive been stung by many things in my life, more times than I care to remember. Fortunately, I don’t go into Anaphylactic Shock, or I’d be dead. The Juju Woman is highly allergic, and is never without an epinephrine autoinjector (EpiPen). Keeps one with her at all times. Hell, I keep one with me, just in case hers won’t function. Anaphylaxis is some bad bad juju. It will kill you really fast. I’ve been to the emergency room with her more times than I care to remember.

When I was a young kid, I was stung by just about everything that could sting me. A couple of bee stings was no big deal, but I wrecked my bicycle into a hive of bees, and was stung about forty times. It hurt like like hell, but I didn’t develop an allergic reaction. I was sick for a few days, though. I’ve been stung on multiple occasions by hornets; that hurts like hell. I’ve been stung on multiple occasions by Red Wasps; that also hurts like hell. I been stung by so many Yellow Jackets it’s not even funny. Some Yellow Jackets build their nests underground. A couple of years ago, we had some friends visiting from Austria. Husband, wife, and a ten year old young man. Well, we’re hanging out on the Stretchengetti, and Stretch starts to dig. Doxies are diggers. Anyway, he dug up a Yellow Jacket nest, and they swarmed. Stretch was stung six times, the kid was stung 11 times, and I was stung six times. Stretch and I were even. So, after I removed all the “stingers” barbs from all of us and pressed ‘em with tobacco, I put on long pants and a long sleeved shirt, gloves, and a ski mask…I went outside, poured gasoline down the entrance to the nest, and fired it up. I probably used too much gas because I damn near set the neighborhood on fire. I had to bust out the hose and put a lot of water in the nest hole. In the end I wne, but my yard was burned up pretty good. I’ve also gotten crossed up with Fire Ants. The problem with Fire Ants, is that there are so many of them.

The two worse stings I’ve ever had were:

I was in north coastal Florida and a friend called one morning and asked me to bail him out of jail. I told him I didn’t remember where my car was. It was a hell of a night. He said, no problem, take mine, the keys are in the ignition. I took my boots, threw ‘em in the back seat, and drove to the jail. This particular jail was surrounded by a tall fence, and you had to buzz in and state your business. I put my boots on, laced ‘em up, and rang the buzzer. Then it hit me in the the tender area between the ball and heel on my right foot. It hit me again, and I’m telling you, it hurt like hell. I immediately fell to the ground and starting unlacing my boots, took ‘em off, turned ‘em up upside down, and started shaking ‘em. A fucking Scorpion falls out. I beat that fucker flat. I walk into the jail, carrying my boots, and the dead flat scorpion, and told the jailers this thing just stung me, twice. Almost immediately, I started to get all queasy and dizzy. Passed out for a bit. The next thing I know is I’m in the back of a police crusher, lights and sirens blaring, on the way to the emergency room. I do remember the doctors were concerned, and gave me some shots, and hooked me up to some monitoring shit, and I passed out again. Did I mention, I had a world class hangover when this happened. They kept me about eight hours and discharged me with a bunch of pills, and instructions to my friends to put me to bed, watch him, end ensure he take these pills. I slept straight through for about 48 hours, and I have no recollection of the minor watch party going on in my bedroom. Don’t remember being awakened to take the pills. Don’t remember anything, really. My foot was sore for about two weeks after that, but I needed the sleep. Don’t even remember dreaming.

I’m swimming about thirty or forty yards off the off the coast, and got wrapped up in a Portuguese Man o’ War. Its streamers went over my left shoulder, around my back, under my left arm, and across my chest. I’m talking pain. I was just trying to make it to the beach, while trying to get that fucker off me, and as I was trying to pull it off, it got my arms, legs, and the right side of my face. It hurt so bad I thought I was gonna die. I got to the beach, and it was still stinging me. I finally got it off me, and I had these red welts all over me. HURT.LIKE.HELL. Although the intense pain subsided in a few hours, it took several weeks to recover from the welts.

All said and done, I’ve also been stung by a beautiful, highly intelligent, humanoid female before. That can also be painful. Happens to everybody. Part of living.

Posted in Bad Bad Juju, The Past | 4 Comments

October 3, 2011

Rocking Like A Herman Cain

I am in no way prejudiced against race, color, or creed, but the JuJu Woman say’s I am prejudiced against Ignorance. She’s probably right, and I’m also prejudiced against anyone who wants to kill me because I don’t believe as they do. To some extent, I have an open mind. I have a problem with Islam, I have a problem with the socialization of America, and I have a problem with people who believe the government has your best interests at heart. I also have a problem with anyone who believes they are entitled to anything. I believe the government cannot force anyone to buy anything. I believe in the track the Founding Fathers set us down.

That’s not my point. My point is that Herman Cain is on a Tear. I like him, and this is not an endorsement, but I truly believe he can do more good than harm. Time will tell, and also how far the media throws him off the truck and under the bus will give the people a feel of what’s happening, maybe. The Progressives will pull no punches. Obama and his mob will go after him with everything they have. Polls are bullshit, I know that, but he is in the game…make no mistake. He’s kicking some serious ass. Maybe we would be better off without a career politician. I have no problem with that. The current crop of entitled pussy politicians must be worried, because they probably know Mr. Cain will probably fire their asses.

Below the the fold, I put his resume (credentials), which has been sent to me by many people. I tried to verify it through all the usual sources, and I couldn’t find it disputed anywhere. If I am wrong, send me the backup and I will retract and make the necessary corrections. If his credentials are accurate, they are impressive.

Read More »

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October 1, 2011

Close Call

The Juju Woman and I were sitting outside yesterday reading books on our Nooks and burning some acorns. Lots of acorns this year, which means, a harsh winter. At least, they say it does. Stretch is on patrol, the fire-pot is burning nicely, and the wind starts picking up. Blowing pretty good. There were so many acorns falling, you damn near needed a helmet. I’m serious, the acorns falling looked and felt like we were under attack. Stretch was doing his shaking thing and giving me the look. We all went back inside, and this happened a few seconds later. I’m not certain you can see the heavy iron chair, but the Juju Woman was sitting in it seconds before. She would have taken a direct hit. Joss. Stretch can sense some Juju. Fact.

Here it is after the fact. On the bright side, I’ve some new fire-starter.

I just took the Ax to it this afternoon.

The reality is: I have some old old old huge tall Oak trees that are probably hollow, and they need to come down. Taking down trees of this size is a major production, and expensive, and a pain in the ass. If one of ‘em fell on my house, my house is done. If that happened, I hope I’m not home. I talked to a couple of guys who said they specialize in this sort of thing…but they were dumber than a box of rocks. I asked about how they would handle the power lines, and they replied, what power lines? WTF? I’m gonna have to call someone who knows what the fuck they are doing. Hell if I know who that might be, but I will find out. Also, Mexican crews have been banned from the Stretchengetti for years. Don’t trust ‘em since I caught ‘em stealing peppers out of my garden.

I would like to keep the trees, but they’re on their last leg, so to say.

Damn, if it’s not one thing, it’s another.

Posted in General | 14 Comments

September 30, 2011

A Castorphe

I’ve had some freezer / refrigerator problems of late. My refrigerator died, so I bought another one. Took everything out of my refrigerator freezer, and put it in my standalone freezer. Had a new refrigerator installed and put everything I had in the stand alone freezer back into the refrigerator freezer. The new refrigerator did not refrigerate or freeze. On a side note, I’m pretty cheesy, as I have boo coo refrigerator magnets and stuff. Pain in the ass to move that shit around. I raise hell, and they brought me a new one. Then, the new refrigerator dies…freezer won’t seal…inch of ice in that fucker…we move everything back into the standalone freezer, and call the repair guy, who did not have a fucking clue. Started using a fucking blow dryer like it would work. I’m serious…a fucking blow dryer. I called ‘em back two days later and told them they need to evaluate their repair crew, and to send me a new fucking refrigerator, and to not send me the same guy. They sent me another refrigerator with two different guys to install it. Dumb and Dumber they were. Anyway, the new one didn’t work either. Wouldn’t seal…and these guys did not know how to use a “level”. I leveled it (with my own “level”), but it still wouldn’t seal. I told those motherfuckers to call whomever they need to, but I want a fucking refrigerator that works, now, today. I was pissed. I said you better call your boss before I do. So, after a call to his boss, I was told to go to their store and “pick one out, anything in stock”. I did, and it was delivered that afternoon. I will mention, it was a Sunday. I was all up and on them. Anyway, a different brand. We’ll see, jury is still out.

This brings me to my point. All that stuff I put in my stand alone freezer, defrosted. Freezer door wasn’t shut tight. I blame it on the Juju Woman, and she blames it on me. No problem, but the fact is, we’re cooking everything today. All eyes on the stove going, the charcoal grill is fired up to the max. The wood grill is fired up to the max. We’re cooking everything we have. No choice. We’re making Beef Stew, Chicken Soup, Pork Tenderloins, Sausages, Stakes, Fish, and boo coo vegetables, and everything else you can imagine. Hell, we even broke out the meat grinder so we could build some Juju Meatloaf. We’re cooking everything. Tomorrow, I’ll be taking the firemen at the fire-station down the road a pork tenderloin or two, and a sack of Yabu’s homemade buttermilk biscuits…with all the fixins’. Probably throw in a big pot of white beans, and maybe some Collards. Can’t have too many Collards.

If you’re in my neighborhood…stop by…I swear to the Maker, you’ll be glad you did.

Posted in The Present | 4 Comments

September 29, 2011


I just watched the Juju Woman live, on the local Fox News Station. She knocked the back out of it. She was really really pretty, and on top of her game. She did an excellent job. She knows her stuff. It was a good interview, and she handled it well. I’m impressed.

Anyway, this morning, she was nervous, but she nailed it. She ignored the cameras and lights, and just did what she had to do.

I’m telling you, she spanked it.

She be my woman. Fact!

Posted in General | 11 Comments

I Would Do This In A Second

This is all the way downtown.

via Neptunus Lex

Posted in General | 9 Comments

September 28, 2011

Uncle Ted

In grammar school, my teacher gave us an assignment. She wanted us to explain “moral”.

Oh shit – Well, my uncle Ted was flying over Viet Nam and all he had with him was a .50 caliber machine gun with 50 rounds of ammunition, a bayonet, and a case of beer. He was hit by a surface to air missile and had to bail out.

On the way down – he drank the beer.

When he landed, 150 enemy soldiers surrounded him. He killed the first 50 with his gun, and when he ran out of ammo, he gutted another 50 with his bayonet. When the bayonet broke, he killed the rest with his bare hands.

The teacher asked, “what could possibly be the moral of this story?”

He said: “Don’t Fuck with Uncle Ted when he’s been Drinking”

HAHAHA! Always makes me laugh.

Posted in Humor | 2 Comments

September 27, 2011

This Just In Again

With regards to this post, we just found out the interview will not be taped…it will be Live. No wiggle room. Damn! It would be nice if she could get a list of the questions beforehand to avert an ambush…so she could be prepared. I’m looking in to that. Nobody ambushes the Juju Woman on my watch. Anyway, she’ll do fine, it’s the interviewer I’m worried about. Big difference between Taped and Live. Like I said before, she will never tell anyone what she believes they want to hear. Cannot put words in her mouth. Ain’t gonna happen. I’m certain being in front of all the cameras and lights can be intimidating, so I think I’m gonna send Stretch with her. Nobody fucks with Stretch.

Posted in General | 4 Comments

September 26, 2011

Road Trip

This was one of the most physically demanding excursions I’ve ever attempted.

In 1973, four friends and I decided to drive to Alaska. We had three months of time so we decided to crisscross the U.S. on the way. We did the southern route outbound, and the northern route inbound. We started in Tennessee. We had two vans, all of us had our shit packed in individual foot lockers, and had the vans tricked out for the road. Many more stories on this trip. We did not have a gun, which I’ll talk about later.

We were all in pretty good shape, I’d been doing years of Moo Duk Kwan, Tang Soo Do, and Fujian White Crane (hand techniques and fighting mostly at close range) I was in good shape, I thought. We arrived at the southern rim of the Grand Canyon late in the afternoon. I’ve got to tell you, that is one big ass ditch. We decided to take the Bright Angel Trail down to the Colorado River.

It was August, and it was double-fucking hot. We decided to descend that night, and ascend the following day. About 20 miles round trip, no problem. This was a bad decision.

How we made it to the river, I’ll never know. We were drinking beer all the way down, and hiking down in the dark is dangerous. You are history if you stumble over the edge of a switchback. At the bottom, we had some more warm beverages, did some stargazing, went skinny-dipping, and made breakfast. We never considered it would be in the 110-125 degree range when we to climb out of that motherfucker. Stupid. We were just exploring, and did not even consider doing a little research.

At about mid morning, after no sleep, we headed back for the rim, and it was Hot, and we were tired. Really really Hot. About half way up, we were all in pretty bad shape. We’d already discarded most of our supplies (canned food) due to weight, refilled the wine sacks with water, and bummed salt tablets from passing hikers. Yeap, we never considered that one. And I’ll tell you, water is heavy.

At about the two-thirds mark, we were becoming delirious and I thought I was dying, I’m serious. To save distance, we decided to climb the switchbacks instead of hiking them. We just wanted out as soon as possible. The first one I climbed, I came face to face with about twenty rattlesnakes, sunning themselves on a big rock, and I busted my ass making my escape. I rolled about 30 yards down an almost vertical incline, grabbing every rock I could grab to prevent free fall. I was scraped and bleeding…all I was wearing was a pair of shorts and some hiking boots. We had no bandages, so all I could do was let it bleed. Probably could have used some stitches. I was pretty bashed up. We kept walking the trail.

One of my friends was in really bad shape. Actually, he was in good physical condition, but was suffering from heat exhaustion and could not stand, and was saying some shit that didn’t make sense. We tried to carry him, but we were all pretty weak. Seriously, we thought he might die, and there was no shade to speak of. He was cooking.

At about the three quarters mark we happened upon a Park Ranger with a donkey. My buddy couldn’t stand, and needed to be evacuated. The Ranger agreed, and asked if he needed a helicopter, of if he could make it up and out on a donkey. So we strapped his ass on the donkey, and off they went. We later collected him at the Ranger Station, and headed for Las Vegas.

The rest of us continued on, discovered a pool with a waterfall, and immediately dove in. This resulted in all of us developing some mysterious skin rash that lasted for a year or more. We all had white spots, and to this day, we never knew what they were, but they did “go away”.

We made it up and out, but after I took the last step over the rim, all of the muscles in both my legs (calf and thigh) cramped, and I collapsed. That hurt (BAD), and I couldn’t walk “right” for the rest of the trip, and we were just getting started.

When it’s 120+ degrees – never, ever, hike ten miles uphill.

That was stupid, but I’ve never seen so many stars.

Would I do it again? Probably, but I would make my decent during the day, and accent at night. We had it backwards.

This is a fairly good picture

Another one

Posted in The Past, Trips | 4 Comments