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On September 22nd at UC Berkeley, between 100 and 200 students marched from a rally in front of Sproul Hall and entered Tolman Hall to protest austerity measures cutting public education throughout the state of California. Demonstrators entered the lobby of the building only to be met by police batons and pepper spray. Police claim that pepper spray was used in response to someone grabbing a magazine clip from one of the officers, but at least one witness says that these were two separate events, and that the magazine clip was only found later after a police officer dropped it. Students were able to hold room 2308 and other parts of the first floor through the afternoon and into the evening until police evicted them from the building. Two protesters were arrested and remain in jail.
Friday Sep 23rd, 2011 2:01 PM : Over $4.5 million award in Eureka polce beating death of #MartinCotton!!

Redwood Curtain CopWatch writes: Four years ago, Martin was 26 years old, unarmed and living on the streets when he was killed by the Eureka Police when they pummeled his body in broad daylight, in front of a homeless shelter, then brought him to the jail to die.... The case, Siehna Cotton et al v. City of Eureka is being heard before U.S. District Court Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong and a seven person jury.... Marty Cotton, Sr. says, “We want to expose the truth, ideally, so those cops can never wear a badge and weaponry and never do this to anyone else again.” A press conference is scheduled for 2:30pm, September 21st, in front of the Federal Building in Oakland.
Wednesday Sep 21st, 2011 8:16 PM : #TroyDavis executed by the state of Georgia
Wednesday Sep 21st, 2011 8:03 PM : US Supreme Court denies stay for #TroyDavis. Execution rescheduled for 11pm EST/8pm PST tonight
Wednesday Sep 21st, 2011 4:15 PM : Supreme Court issues reprieve, not stay, on #TroyDavis execution. Not known for how long
Tuesday Sep 20th, 2011: Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles has OK'd Troy Davis execution for 7pm EST September 21st. Read more: 1 | 2 | San Francisco Rally/Vigil at 1pm, 9/21

Troy Davis has been on death row in Georgia for twenty years. He is set to executed by the state on Wednesday, September 21st, despite the fact that there was no physical evidence presented against him during his trial and since then seven out of the nine "witnesses" who testified against him have recanted, many claiming that they were pressured by police. On September 16th, supporters rallied in cities across the country. A solidarity rally was held in Oakland in front of the Federal Building. As the courts are no longer an option to establish Troy Davis' innocence, his last hope is the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles which will hold a clemency hearing in Troy’s case on Monday, September 19th, in Atlanta. A "Save Troy Davis - Stop the Death Penalty" event was held at Laney College on September 20th.
In this eleventh installment in the series “Hidden in Plain Sight” Peter M writes about Maureen Gosling. Gosling is a documentary filmmaker who worked for many years with Les Blank of Flower Films. On her own she made the award-winning film Blossoms of Fire, which deals with a community in the Mexican Isthmus were women play a special role. She is currently working on a film about fabric hand-dyed by women in Mali that is becoming a cultural phenomenon.
No Justice No BART called for an action to be held on Thursday, September 8th, at the Powell Street Station in San Francisco. The plan announced was that if enough protesters were mobilized, in order to keep riders moving into and out of the station, BART would have to open the emergency exits and let folks ride for free, just as they have for other large events in the past. On September 8th, protesters gathered at Powell station, chanting and holding signs. No fare gates were ever blocked. Within a half hour, BART riot police kettled dozens of protesters and reporters. BART police handcuffed numerous journalists, requesting that SFPD confiscate their SFPD police press passes. Two Indybay journalists were arrested, along with over 22 protesters, and charged with violating Penal Code 369i, which deals with interfering with train operations.
In San Francisco, members of UNITE HERE Local 2 and their supporters in the labor movement marched on Labor Day, September 5th, to draw attention to Local 2's ongoing struggle with the Hyatt Regency and Grand Hyatt. The march began at Union Square and proceeded to Hotel Frank on Geary, then on to the Grand Hyatt on Stockton Street. Similarly in Santa Clara, hotel service workers of the union UNITE HERE Local 19 marked Labor Day by picketing the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara, which has been the target of a boycott campaign launched by the union six months ago. Hyatt workers, who have been without a contract with the hotel, have been demanding recognition of the union through a card-check/neutrality agreement.
On August 24th, family and supporters of Raheim Brown Jr. once again gathered at Oakland Unified School District headquarters to demand that OUSD police officers Barhin Bhatt and Jonathan Bellusa, the officers responsible for the murder of Raheim Brown, be fired and charged with the killing. This time, though, the anger was even more intense as it was learned less than a week earlier that the superintendent and school board had not only ignored the repeated previous pleadings of community members, but had promoted Barhin Bhatt to interim chief of the school police upon the previous chief's sudden retirement when racist and threatening comments of his became public. On September 6th, James Williams, a former Oakland Housing Authority police officer, was appointed as the new interim chief to replace Bhatt.
The Bay Area is now the first place in the United States to have had its electronic communications deliberately disabled to preempt a political protest. On August 11th, BART cut power to the underground mobile phone antennas within their system for several hours, denying tens of thousands of evening commuters access to the Internet, telephone service, and even 911 calls. The protest BART claimed as the reason for disrupting mobile service never happened, but Anonymous called for online and offline protests in "remembrance [of] the blood that is on the hands of the BART police" and to "stand up for your rights and those of your fellow citizens." Both the and BART Police Officers' Association websites have been hacked. On August 15th and 22nd, protests were held in San Francisco that shut down downtown BART stations during the evening commutes. Over 40 people were arrested on August 22nd. A third demonstration was called for August 29th and two were arrested. No stations were closed by BART but two people were arrested for speaking out inside of Embarcadero station.
On August 17th, opening night of the 2011 Ringling Brothers Circus in San Jose, nearly a hundred activists gathered to protest and to inform circus-goers about the cruelty involved when wild animals are forced to live in small cages and perform for audiences across the country. Ringling Brothers has a history of maltreating the animals under its care, from physically abusing them as part of their training to failing to adequately meet basic medical needs. Animal activists encourage others to help keep the heat on Ringling to drop the use of animals in their live shows. Demonstrations are planned for Ringling Brothers appearances in San Francisco and Oakland from September 1st through 11th.
“Don’t Sell To Zell!” shouted East Palo Alto tenants and supporters, as they rallied on August 22nd in front of a Wells Fargo branch in downtown Palo Alto. The demonstrators protested Wells Fargo’s pending arrangement with investment group Equity Residential, of which Sam Zell is the founder and chairman. The proposed sale would transfer ownership of more than half of the rent-controlled housing in East Palo Alto.
Charles Hill writes: In solidarity with everyone fighting against police brutality and the police state, molotovs were thrown into the parking lot of the Fresno SW substation where police cars and pigs' personal vehicles are parked. At least two cars burned. This action is done in solidarity especially with those in the East Bay standing up against the murderous BART police.
Save the Knoll writes: As few in Santa Cruz are currently aware, a developer has been in the process of destroying a beautiful wild area in Santa Cruz, locally known as "Market Street Field", which is also the location of a 6,000 year old Native American burial and village site. The project is a 32-unit residential subdivision called "Branciforte Creek - the Comfort of Green Living". A 2006 developer-commissioned archeological study states that despite disturbance from historic house and road construction, "SCR-276 is possibly one of the sites least impacted by existing urban development within the City of Santa Cruz."
On Wednesday, August 10th, family and supporters rallied at the Lake Merritt BART station before marching to Oakland Unified School District's headquarters to call for justice in the police murder of Raheim Brown Jr. Demonstrators packed the monthly board meeting to demand the immediate disbandment of the school police and the firing of officers Barhin Bhatt and Jonathan Bellusa, who shot Brown multiple times on January 22nd, later claiming he brandished a screw driver. The only civilian witness on the scene, Tamisha Stewart, says Bellusa and Bhatt murdered Brown after calling him racist epithets, that Brown was unarmed and not a threat to the police.
Surf City Revolt writes: "There is something deeply troubling about the events in Seattle over the past couple of days. 26 comrades, anarchists of all kinds, were arrested. The first night was in what seems to be a coordinated attack by the police during a social gathering at a private residence. The second in a solidarity noise demonstration in which friends and comrades of those arrested the night before stood strong outside of the jail their friends were stuck in, making noise to show that those locked behind bars were not alone."
The Silicon Valley Independent Living Center (SLIC) drew people from up and down the West Coast to its second annual Disability Parade and Festival in San José on July 23rd. Several hundred parade participants walked and rolled down N. First St. on Saturday morning, many with signs decrying proposed government budget cuts to social services. In the afternoon bellydancers, breakdancers, and inspirational speakers enchanted the audience. Festival attendees wore purple t-shirts with the slogan "Disabled and Proud".
Santa Cruz Indymedia & SubRosa are pleased to present Ryan Harvey from Baltimore, MD, an engaging folk singer, incredible story teller, organizer and writer. He will be joined by Nomi, a fabulous folk from the Bay. This event is a record/CD release tour for Ryan Harvey's new album "Ordinary Heroes." It starts at 8pm on Wednesday, July 27th at SubRosa in downtown Santa Cruz. Ryan and Nomi are also performing on Thursday in San Francisco at a benefit event called Operation Recovery.
Protests took place over week in Manteca, Sacramento, and Stockton around incidents of police brutality and murder. On July 19th, family, friends, and community members marched on the Manteca City Council, demanding answers concerning the shooting death of Ernesto Duenez Jr. In Sacramento on July 20th, people rallied against Sacramento police who brutality beat one man while responding to a fight. On July 22nd in Stockton, family members, friends, and supporters demonstrated against the brutal shooting death of James Rivera in 2010. Protesters rallied outside of the Stockton Police Department HQ and then proceeded to march through downtown to the DA's office.
On July 23rd, about twenty people rallied and marched in downtown Santa Cruz in solidarity with prisoners at Pelican Bay who have ended their hunger strike and declared it a success. Their act of refusing to eat for four weeks has put the issues of torturous isolation units and California's debriefing program in the international and national media, boosted a growing movement for the rights of prisoners, and is unifying prisoners of different racial groups for a struggle against their real and shared enemies: the unfair policies and practices of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR).
Nineteen year-old Kenneth Harding was approached by San Francisco police officers doing fare inspections on the Muni platform at Third and Palou on Saturday, July 16th, 2011. Within a half block of running from police through a plaza, he was shot down on Oakdale Street and left to bleed to death as police offered no medical assistance and crowd-control police arrived to hold back a growing mass of angry residents well before any emergency paramedics reached the area. Numerous gatherings, marches, rallies, and vigils have challenged SFPDs evolving version of events and protested police who continue to kill with impunity. Bayview activist Debray Carpenter was arrested by SFPD late last week and he was finally released on July 26th with no charges.
Oscar Grant’s best friend, Johntue Caldwell, 25, was shot dead on July 15, 2011. He was the godfather of Oscar Grant’s daughter, Tatiana, and was one of the young men on the Fruitvale BART platform on January 1st, 2009 when Oscar Grant was killed. Johntue Caldwell was unarmed and killed at a Hayward gas station at around 5:35 p.m., when “someone” walked up to his car and fired several times at him. His assailant has not been identified or located yet. He leaves behind two young sons.
On the evening of July 3rd at the Civic Center BART station in San Francisco, two as of yet unidentified BART police officers shot and killed Charles Hill with three rounds to his chest. BART's police chief Kenton Rainey declared that he is "comfortable" with the shooting. On July 11th, at least 150 demonstrators converged at the very same station to protest the killing, to demand that the officers be held accountable and that the BART police department be shut down. Protesters had promised to disrupt the Bay Area Rapid Transit system's business as usual and BART PR spokesman Linton Johnson was forced to concede, "They succeeded."
serf city revolt! writes: News of "Predictive Policing" first surfaced around the new year. Hailed as the next generation of policing, it seeks to direct police resources to "times and places" where there is a greater likelihood of crime being committed. We emphasize the unstated significance of predictive policing and point towards ways to frustrate, antagonize, or just operate within a town that will try to predict your crime before you commit it.
UPDATE 7/12: Hunger Striker’s Health Rapidly Deteriorates | calendar7/14: Vigil to support the Prisoner Hunger Strikers

Thousands of California prisoners have come together in solidarity with the prisoners at Pelican Bay SHU. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s own figures acknowledge 6,600 prisoners participated in the hunger strike across 13 prisons in California this past weekend. The first solidarity actions were held on July 1st on both sides of the SF Bay. Further solidarity actions were held in Oakland on July 8th and San Francisco on July 9th.
Bad Cop writes: "Bad Cop focuses on police accountability, know your rights education, and the dissemination of effective tactics to utilize while documenting police in Santa Cruz County. We seek to document the abuse of authority and highlight the double standard that some grant to those with badges. By documenting police actions – whether they are illegal, immoral or just a waste of time and resources – we encourage transparency and hold police accountable."
A "Welcome to Palestine" campaign scheduled for July 8th through July 16th has begun at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. It is intended to draw attention to the Israeli blockade on the West Bank. As part of the campaign, hundreds plan to arrive in Tel Aviv and openly declare their intentions to travel to the West Bank to support peaceful Palestinian efforts for human rights. Already, dozens of activists and journalists have been denied entry to Israel after having been blacklisted or have been deported once they truthfully state their intentions.
Homes Not Jails took over the former Hotel Sierra at 20th and Mission streets in San Francisco on July 4th. The Hotel Sierra has been vacant for nearly 20 years. Almost 50 rooms have been empty on the building’s second floor. The action began in the afternoon with a rally in Dolores Park, then a march right into the Hotel Sierra, which had its doors wide open. There was music, food, sunbathing on the roof, and dancing in the streets. Police reportedly assaulted and hauled away one man without provocation.
UPDATE July 19th: The MV Juliano was detained in Crete by Greek authorities who refuse to let the boat sail. The last remaining Flotilla II boat, the French boat Dignite/Al Karama, was stopped by the Israeli navy about 40 miles off of the coast of Gaza.

The 2011 Stay Human Freedom Flotilla has faced repeated threats and admonishments from the U.S. and Israeli governments, the pullout of the Turkish contingent, meddling from Zionist law firms, sabotage to the propellers of the Greek and Irish boats by underwater divers, and an order from the Greek government banning the flotilla from embarking on the journey to Gaza from Greece. At this point, it remains uncertain how many boats will be able to set sail for Gaza.
Prisoners in the Security Housing Unit (SHU) at Pelican Bay State Prison in Crescent City, California announced that they are beginning an indefinite hunger strike on July 1st to protest the conditions of their imprisonment, which they say are cruel and inhumane. An online petition has been started by supporters of the strikers. Key demands include the elimination of group punishments, modification of active/inactive gang status criteria, and the provision of adequate food.
The City of Orlando, Florida is being sued in court over a city law that has effectively made it illegal for any group to feed more than 25 people at a time in downtown parks without a permit. Over the past month, more than 20 members of Food Not Bombs, including Keith McHenry who helped found the organization, have been arrested for providing free meals to the poor and homeless. Acting in defense of First Amendment rights, in solidarity with Keith McHenry, and to end the criminalization of poverty, Food Not Bombs-Santa Cruz organized a free meal and overnight vigil on June 30th outside Santa Cruz City Hall.
Three San José Council Members and Mayor Chuck Reed are pushing for a bill that would strip city workers of benefits and take away their collective bargaining rights. Activists say the proposed bill is similar to the attacks on workers' rights that were recently rammed through Wisconsin’s legislature by an anti-labor governor. On June 23rd, they called for an end to the city's union-busting tactics in a loud rally in front of City Hall.

09/23/11 UC Police Use Batons, Pepper Spray, Chokehold, Arrest Two at Berkeley "Day of Action"     education
09/20/11 Civil Rights Trial Over Fatal Eureka Police Beating of Martin Cotton Concludes This Week     police | northcoast
09/18/11 Fate of Troy Davis To Be Decided by Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles Sept. 19th     police | race
09/11/11 Hidden in Plain Sight: Media Workers for Social Change, Chapter 11     indymedia | americas
09/08/11 Community Can Claim Victory in Removing Raheim Brown's Killer as Chief of OUSD Police     police | race
09/07/11 Labor Day March and Rallies Show Solidarity with Struggle for Fair Contract at Hyatt     labor | southbay
09/07/11 No Justice No BART and Allies Call for "Spare the Fare" Protest in Powell Street BART     police | race
09/01/11 Demonstrators Converge on City Council Meeting to Demand Respect for Sacredness     race | santacruz
08/28/11 Circus Protests and Leafleting to Continue in SF and Oakland in Early September     southbay | animalliberation
08/28/11 Wells Fargo Breaks Promise to East Palo Alto Tenants     poverty | peninsula
08/22/11 Molotov Cocktails Hurled at Fresno Police Substation in Solidarity Action     police | centralvalley
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UC Berkeley Republicans to hold racist, sexist 'bake sale' Black Bear Chronicles
Friday Sep 23rd 12:28 PM
UC Berkeley Tolman Hall Occupied Occupy California
Friday Sep 23rd 12:04 PM
Friday Sep 23rd 4:47 AM
UC Berkeley Tolman Hall Protest: Student In Choke Hold Oaks4Peace (3 comments)
Thursday Sep 22nd 11:13 PM
A Different Commemoration of the 9/11 Tragedy - 4 Bill Carpenter (1 comment)
Wednesday Sep 21st 4:57 AM
First Things First: Stop The Execution Of Troy Davis! Curt (3 comments)
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