1.) Books : Pugilism Illustrated
Updated by: Pyros
2.) Books : Grognak the... Inside the Cave
Updated by: Pyros
3.) Schematics : fiend stew teaches you how to make fiend stew at the entrance to the fiends territory
Updated by: Pyros
4.) Suits : Space Suit Found while on the Repcon quest. Head down to the undergound bunker where the...
Updated by: Pyros
5.) Mutant : Mutant Master,... Defeat him and take his Super Sledge. Also two Evolved Centaurs, collect thei...
Updated by: Pyros
6.) Outfits : Bright Follower... at the base of the hill tucked next to some boulders. Search the body and get...
Updated by: Pyros

Friday, September 23, 2011 - Planet Fallout News

Gun Runners’ Arsenal News

8:40 AM - - 0 Comments
You can find more details about the Gun Runners’ Arsenal DLC on the Bethblog:
Maybe you’ve just started Lonesome Road, but with Gun Runners’ Arsenal releasing next week, it’s time to start sharing details on the many weapons, weapon mods, and ammo types that will be available on Xbox LIVE, PSN, and Steam.

To assist, we enlisted New Vegas’ project director (and office gun guru) Josh Sawyer to share details on the new ways you’ll be able to create mayhem in the Mojave. Read part 1 after the break…
Mad Bomber (Perk) - Specialized training is now available for wastelanders with a talent for Repair and a love of Explosives. Learn how to get the most of your Powder Charges, Bottlecap Mines, and Time Bombs! Love Mini-Nukes but hate carrying around a Fat Man? Slap on a Sensor Module and make a Fat Mine! Want to find another use for those heavy Microfusion Cells? With a bit of Scrap Electronics and some know-how, you’ll be hurling MFC Grenades and MFC Clusters in no time! Crafting humble Tin Grenades and even devastating Nuka-Grenades are a snap with this handy perk.

Tin Grenade, Fat Mine - Two ends of the Mad Bomber spectrum, similar purposes: blowing things up. A Tin Grenade is one of the simplest recipes we’ve seen. Take some ordinary Pistol Powder, a Tin Can, and some Duct Tape. Wrap them up (you put the Pistol Powder into the can, we’re told) and you’ve got a cheap, low-power grenade. How does it detonate? Don’t ask us. If you like the explosions generated by Mini-Nukes (who doesn’t? we don’t want to know them) but don’t like carrying around a Fat Man, you can use some Scrap Metal, Scrap Electronics, and Sensor Module to turn that Mini-Nuke into a Fat Mine. Same explosion, different detonation technique. Warning: be careful about planting these on folks — for reasons we hope are obvious.
Part 2 of this message is coming soon. J.E. Sawyer also has a message for Lonesome Road players:
attn: fallout lonesome road players: the armor that gives +2 HP doesn't give +2 HP, it heals 2 HP/second.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - Planet Fallout News

Lonesome Road Available Today

8:38 AM - - 0 Comments
The announcement on the Bethblog:
Fallout: New Vegas’ fourth game add-on, Lonesome Road, is now available on Xbox 360. Later today the content will be available on Steam and PS3 (we’ll keep you posted). The content can be purchased on Xbox LIVE for 800 Microsoft Points or $9.99 on PSN/Steam.
It will take some hours to be made available for the Europen fans, and a few more for PSN. In the meanwhile you can read the final Developer's Blog by Chris Avellone:
So this confrontation in Lonesome Road, and the other Courier that claims to know me... did we make a past for your character? Nope. Do you have amnesia? Nope. In fact, when making Lonesome Road, we only knew a few things for certain about your character:

- You've been a Courier.

- You've walked the Long 15.

- You've walked West of the Mojave.

- You've carried packages and messages - and as the Platinum Chip proved, the packages can be far different than what they seem.

It's difficult to predict your character build, your skills and perks, let alone how you'll let things play out depending on your role-playing style. That's all we had to work with, so we did, and we'll leave the rest up to you.

For a change of pace, rather than being cryptic and overly dramatic with trailer speak, I'll end with some concrete facts (if only to focus speculation on the forums, since we're diligent about checking those). If I were your Gamemaster, I'd tell you this before the game session anyway.

- Ulysses is flesh and blood, just like you.

- Ulysses is not related to you, nor do you recall ever meeting a Courier with an Old World flag on his back and a flag pole he uses as a walking staff.

- Ulysses is not affiliated with the Enclave.

- Ulysses has been wounded - and it's reflected in his beliefs and in his voice.

And some minor gameplay advice:

- The weapons in DLC4 are great to use within the DLC, and also without... so check your gear when you get it, and get a feel for everything it can do for you. You won't be disappointed, and it may even save your life a few times.

Lastly, I wanted to thank not only the entire DLC crew, also the narrative designers who contributed to the projects and made the characters what they were.

John Gonzalez for the Happy Trails caravan company and the Survivalist Logs in Honest Hearts, JE Sawyer for the principal characters in Honest Hearts, Travis for all the great work he's done from Honest Hearts companions to the Old World Blues final brain and all the clever Sink appliances, and Rob Lee for a good chunk of the X-13 emails that fleshed out the location. The narrative arc was a team effort, wanted to give credit where credit is due.

Hope you enjoy walking the road - we did.
Monday, September 19, 2011 - Planet Fallout News

Chris Avellone Talks Lonesome Road DLC

2:40 PM - - 0 Comments
Less than 24 hours before the release of Lonesome Road, or a bit more if you live in Europe, Chris Avellone is interviewed by CoinUp TV about the New Vegas DLC:

Spotted at NMA.

Lonesome Road Holotape #3

2:34 PM - - 0 Comments
The final Holotape before the release of Lonesome Road is out:
The past can be difficult to escape from. If you’ve played Honest Hearts, not only will you have heard hints of Ulysses’ presence, you will have seen the results of what he’s done in the past that helped shape the White Legs, from their armaments to their rituals. The knowledge your Courier can find in the Divide can help put the tragedies of the past in a larger perspective.

History follows strange roads, and it can follow you no matter how far you walk. This is the third of several holotapes your Courier can discover in Lonesome Road, and helps shed more light on New Canaan, the White Legs, and Graham.

The rest of the holotapes? They are for your Courier to find in the Divide. Perhaps the history within them holds the key to the future.
You can listen to the holotape here.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - Planet Fallout News

Lonesome Road Trailer!

7:12 AM - - 0 Comments

Lonesome Road Holotape #2

3:23 AM - - 0 Comments
The Bethblog released the second Holotape for Lonesome Road, here's what Obsidian's Chris Avellone has to say about it:
The Fallout New Vegas DLCs have been a unique opportunity to do short stories in the Fallout universe, and a rare opportunity to know, for certain, you’re going to be able to do a series of adventures, with a clear ending. As a narrative designer that allows you to do something rare in the game industry – foreshadowing across multiple titles.

As an experiment, we decided to use this opportunity to tell an overarching story in the Fallout universe, and let the player see firsthand the wreckage left behind in the tracks of two couriers, from your Courier, to Elijah, to Christine, to the Sierra Madre, to Graham and the White Legs, to the Old World madness of the Big Empty… and lastly, the road that leads into the heart of the Divide and the player’s past through Ulysses’ eyes.

This is the second holotape your Courier can discover in Lonesome Road, and helps put Ulysses’ journey to Big MT in Old World Blues in perspective. It was another accident sparked by what happened at the Divide, with far-ranging consequences.
So here's Holotape #1, and Holotape #2.
And by the way the Lonesome Road Trailer is coming in a few hours!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - Planet Fallout News

'Fallout: Nuka Break' the series - Episode Two

10:50 AM - - 1 Comment
The Jace Hall Show has an interview with Zack Finfrock, the creative mind behind Fallout: Nuka Break:
JHS: What inspired you and your team to make a Fallout show?

Zack: We originally did the fan film–but for me it started when I first moved out to LA. I always wanted to do a fan film of some kind, because I do want to show my love for the things that inspire me, but all my friends and cohorts wanted to do original content–which is fine! But they didn’t want to do a fan film. But when I brought up the idea to do a Fallout fan film, that seemed to be something everyone was okay with. Some people wanted to do it because they loved the game, others wanted to do it because they wanted to do something Post-Apocalyptic–for me it was just because I’m a nerd, I love Fallout, and I wanted to show my love of it. And that was either doing a comic or a fan film.
And here it is 'Fallout: Nuka Break' the series - Episode Two:

Jason Bergman Talks About The Talking Toaster

10:33 AM - - 0 Comments
If you’ve played Fallout: New Vegas Old World Blues you’ve probably noticed that Jace Hall is the wonderful Talking Toaster, Jason Bergman tell us all about how and why that came to be:
JHS: The episode certainly captures the drama of the “toaster recording session”…were there any unforeseen challenges that arose with having Jace do the voice of the toaster?

There were two, really. One, was that we were cracking up the entire time. Both when we were filming, and when we were doing the “real” recording that we used in-game. Travis Stout was the writer of the Toaster, and it’s a very, very funny script. Jace handled it like a pro.

Which brings up the other problem – Jace’s voice. The voice he does for the toaster is super deep and aggressive. By the end, you could tell he was really straining himself to keep going. Fortunately it wasn’t a very long script, because I don’t know how much longer he could have kept up that level of intensity.

JHS: Why a toaster?

Why not a toaster? Why doesn’t every game in existence have a toaster? What this industry needs right now is more toaster-based gameplay. I eagerly await the first free-to-play toaster-based MMO. On Facebook. With portals. And parallax occlusion mapping. In 3D.

Greatest Game Sidekick

10:28 AM - - 0 Comments
Dogmeat is set against Agro The Horse on Gamespot's All Time Greatest Sidekick Contest, let's vote on the dog!

Topics: News
Related Games: Fallout 3 (Xbox 360)
Monday, September 12, 2011 - Planet Fallout News

New poll up

9:22 AM - - 0 Comments

Once more into the breach. Or voting booth. Something like that. What I mean to say - there's a new poll up.
Besides the constant wonder whatever happened to horses and cats I also felt flabbergasted at Fallouts continuing lack of certain projectile weapons - bow and crossbows. When New Caanans Tribals started peppering me with bullets I certainly felt a pang of sadness over another missed opportunity for hearing the satisfying pang of a string slapping a bolt onto it's trajectory of my latest enemy.
I mean, clearly scrounging for ammo in old ruing has to come to an end sometime soon, it's been 200 years and people shoot like the world ends tomorrow. Some good old re-usuable bolts & arrows would go a long way in that regard and modern designs are a far way from the flimsy wood and sinews of ancient times. What gives, devs? Why the hatin'?

On to last weeks poll. I suppose I was right. Biker gangs are a much needed improvement, More Mad Max-y and all. I had put the mutant horses in there for completion, but honestly - after looking at Brahmin - I shudder to think what they'd look like or if riding them was anything anyone sane would ever attempt.

Motorbikes. Cos if Fallout needs one thing to be even better, it's biker gangs. - 64
Mutant horses. I always wondered what happened to them. And cats, come to think of it... - 40
Nuclear powered cars. We know they exist and I desperately need the trunk to store my ill-gotten means, I mean loot. - 31
On foot, as before. - 22
Bicycles! It's not *that* hard to build the things! - 18
On foot & in a pimped out Brahmin cart, like all the high-rollers of 2281+. - 14

Votes: 189

Last but not least: remember - if you got ideas for next weeks poll - write us at fallout@planetfallout.gamespy.com.
Topics: Community
Friday, September 9, 2011 - Planet Fallout News

Golden Joystick Awards

2:12 PM - - 0 Comments
You can vote for Fallout: New Vegas on the RPG and Ultimate Game of the Year ballots for the Golden Joystick Awards, and I sure did!

Fallout Monopoly Board

2:01 PM - - 1 Comment
This fan made and Fallout inspired Monopoly Board deserves all the praise it has been receiving:

Topics: Community
Related Games: Fallout 3 (Xbox 360)

Three Dog

1:49 PM - - 0 Comments
Topics: Community
Related Games: Fallout 3 (Xbox 360)
Tuesday, September 6, 2011 - Planet Fallout News

Lonesome Road Holotape #1

2:04 PM - - 0 Comments
You can now listen to the first Lonesome Road Holotape on the Bethblog:
We’re still three weeks from the release of Lonesome Road. To get you ready, each week we’ll be releasing a new holotape.

To set the stage, here’s Lonesome Road’s project director, Mr. Chris Avellone…

Lonesome Road brings the DLC story arc to a close – events that were first hinted at in New Vegas and Dead Money come to pass, as the last of the DLC cast of characters, Ulysses, reveals himself. For a time, we just introduced him through the perspectives of other characters, a description of another Courier who wore an Old World flag on his back, and in Old World Blues, a mysterious figure who marked his presence through graffiti and holotapes left in the Big Empty.

But those holotapes weren’t the only recordings. Ulysses carried more on his journey back to the Divide, and used them to chronicle his past and yours. As your Courier will discover in Lonesome Road, these recordings of Ulysses are buried in the wreckage and storms of the Divide. As you walk the road, you’ll have a chance to hear the history of the courier who has spent years hunting you down.

This is the first of a series of holotapes your Courier may find in the Divide. While we, as developers only knew a few things for certain about your player character’s history, Ulysses can shed more light on past events – and events to come.

Training the Voices in My Head

1:56 PM - - 3 Comments
Wes Johnson is the voice of several Fallout 3 characters, he shares some notes about his voiceover career for TheGamingLiberty.com:
My time in the Imperial City helped my obsession for immersion when voicing characters for Fallout 3. I had played Fallout and Fallout 2 shortly after Morrowind, and eagerly re-explored them before creating a new, angrier breed of mutants for the East Coast.

I spent so many hours wandering the wastelands with the intelligent Super Mutant Fawkes that my wife almost had me legally declared missing. But I was easy to find, sitting in front of a big screen, yelling at my mutant self to shut the hell up and to stop killing everybody before I could get a chance. Schizophrenic, indeed. For the Fallout 3 expansion Broken Steel, Mark Lampert asked me to play a character named Squire Bigsley. Since I hadn’t really used it on any character so far, he asked me to perform Bigsley closer to my own natural voice. I did, although Bigsley was a very disgruntled, completely lethargic version of me. Yet even from that session, I learned something new to take with me into my next voice acting adventure.
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- posted by rowboogs on Jul 12, 2011 09:19 AM
- last reply by Hardy_94708 on Jun 27, 2011 12:34 AM
- last reply by COMGETSOM1000 on Jun 18, 2011 11:01 PM
- posted by rowboogs on Jun 10, 2011 02:32 PM
- posted by rowboogs on Jun 10, 2011 02:18 PM
- last reply by Slickfallout98 on Jun 07, 2011 03:37 PM
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Yes, always wondered why there aren't any in the game. - 33
Ugh, no. Even tribals know how to make gunpowder. - 16