September 23, 2011
I can’t believe anyone is talking about politics or the stupid economy when this is hanging over our head. This would completely destroy our understanding of physics. Do you know how many equations in relativity completely break down when you have a velocity greater than the speed of light. This changes everything!
Well, nothing actually changes. Physics is still the same; it would just change what we thought it was. And since most of you aren’t scientists and don’t really care about physics or understood relativity in the first place, it doesn’t change anything for you.
On second thought, forget this; it’s inconsequential.
* So, did everyone watch the FOX News/Google debate last night? It’s starting to look like we’re going to be stuck with that slimy weasel Romney. Intrade has him rocketing ahead now. He has so many vulnerabilities, but no one seems to be able to land a blow on that slippery little rodent. Perry tried an attack on Romney’s flip flopping, and he stumbled over himself so much it was absolutely painful to watch. It made me feel better about my radio appearances it was so bad. Oh, and then there was Perry saying people didn’t have a heart if they didn’t want to subsidize college tuition for illegal immigrants.
I just can’t stand Romney talking about what a “success” Social Security is — the absolute bloated mess that I’m forced to pay into and will receive nothing (and even if I did, it would be a pittance compared to if I were actually able to invest that money). It’s the worst example of the failures of relying on government, and he’s flying its flag. He’s worse than any Democrat on the issue, and I hate the idea he’s going to be the Republican standard bearer for four to eight years. How in the world is he going to do the entitlement reform we need with that attitude?
Of course, he’s probably lying about what he thinks about Social Security — same as everything else. Oh well; he’s electable and should bat around Obama easily.
I’m so dissatisfied with the current crop, I kind of want Palin to enter the race. I think she can win against Obama at this point, and she doesn’t suck as much as anyone else.
Or we could work on elevating Cain. He’s not a politician… which is great but also means he’s a little rough around the edges. But he’s smart; we can work on that if we all get together.
Maybe we could have a Palin/Cain ticket — PAIN!
* Amadinadoddledoodle — the Iran president guy (I’m tried of googling and cutting and pasting his name) — went in front of the U.N. and spouted crazy because that’s what it’s there for. Along with conspiracy theories, he talked about the twelfth imam (the one with three beards, two of them magical and one of them normal) coming to take over the world or something. The twelfth imam is also known as the hidden imam, because I guess he’s like hiding under a box or camouflaged or something. We should probably keep an eye out for him. Check your attics to make sure no imams are hiding there.
Anyway, the U.S. and a bunch of other countries walked out during Amadiddledoober’s speech, probably to look for that hidden imam. It’s like an Easter egg hunt!
* Wisdom of the Day: “Governor Perry losing debate with his own tongue.” -Ann Coulter
* Apparently chimpanzees don’t like to cooperate with each other. They’ll only work together if they get more benefit than working alone; otherwise, they like to be mysterious, loner chimpanzees. This is good news for us because it means there is little chance that monkeys will organize together to rise up against us. Also, since they don’t like to cooperate, we can probably put in seeds of doubt and cause them to fight each other, destroying themselves. So put that under our plans to eliminate monkeys. I hope the government has plans how to make every individual species extinct in case they become nuisances.