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RSS Feeds

RSS – which stands for Really Simple Syndication - is an easy way to view updates of stories on

An RSS feed allows you to view new headlines and videos as they are published. RSS feeds are available for our news, reviews and video sections of the site and can be read in a program called a news reader or aggregator. A quick search of the web will find many free or inexpensive news readers with various capabilities.

Try searching for "RSS newsreader" or visit the Google RSS directory.

Once you have downloaded and installed a reader, getting access to the feeds is easy. Most readers will provide instructions on how to add a feed, it usually involves pressing an 'add' button and then entering the URL of the feed (this can be done by cutting and pasting the URL of the feeds, accessed in the links below).

The links to our feeds are:

Latest News

Latest New and Used Reviews

Latest Videos and Photos

Latest Drive Blogs

Important terms of use:

Please make sure that your reader is configured to look for updates no more frequently than every hour. These feeds update only a few times each day, so looking for changes less frequently is recommended.

These channels are for personal use and only in news reader applications. You may not publish headlines from these channels to a web page.