Bruwyn always does his best to be unhelpful during Laundry Day.
So, I gave him an "employee evaluation."
(He's on Kitty Probabtion.)
Bruwyn always does his best to be unhelpful during Laundry Day.
So, I gave him an "employee evaluation."
(He's on Kitty Probabtion.)
I got Google Minused.
Suspended because of my name?
Um... er...
Well, my brother always did say I was adopted.
Time to call Mom and Dad and ask them what my real name.
I really hope it's not Britney Spears. She's, like, a total fucking mess, dude.
This Giant Yoda Pez Dispenser plays the Star Wars theme every time someone tips his head back.
If one more person makes noise with this little bastard, I'm going to issue Order 66 on their ass.
Instead, I'd rather hear ducks honking:
I was heading home yesterday afternoon, and the bus driver missed my stop.
She dropped me off at the next stop, across the street from a duck pond.
Two ducks with their broods were waddling around, foraging.
Any time I got close, the ducks would spread their tails, shake a bit, and honk with their heads low as a warning.
Anyway, that's one of the good things about METRO having oblivious and service-disoriented drivers, I suppose.O
Is telling this dude that I've got to go to work:
The second-worst is when I go into the bathroom, look into the mirror, and tell THAT dude he's going into work.
Saw both of the wild baby panthers and two of their buddies this morning in the park, and I left them a pile of treats as usual.
Get up.
Get out.
Get going.
Whenever I hear that a friend has lost their longtime companion, I hand out treats to ours to remember, and to remind myself that you only get so many good days.
All three are on the bed.
Can't help but watch him, just to be sure.
He's fine.
For now.
Did my usual morning routine of leaving treats out for the wild baby panthers.
And this morning...
Baby panther spotted!
Walking through BOA this morning...
.. and over to Baby Panther Park to give treats to the wild baby panthers (and their scudgy kitty buddies.)
The 9 doesn't run on holidays, so I did a hike to Richmond and waited.
25 involves another wait at the Danger Train station at Wheeler.
53 involves a short stroll from the stop at McKinney through the park.
I lucked out and got a 53.
Checking out the city's flag:
Not many wandering monsters this morning.
The highlight of my day?
Visiting the wild baby panthers in the park.
Took some excedrin this morning, and I'm experimenting with a over-the-ear bluetooth headset instead of the usual earbuds today.
And not moving around much. (Besides the hike to the bus stop and stroll through the park.)
I'm going to be reducing the length of my walks at lunch and walks home this week so I can recover a bit and get ready for one last push to 180.
Might take a month or two to get there, but it's worth it, I think.
(taps ring on desk)