National Times

Comments on Fairfax articles and blogs

September 23, 2009


We welcome your comments on articles and blogs on Fairfax websites and appreciate your attention to the following:

-  In making a comment, you agree to be bound by our terms and conditions

- Comments are moderated and published at the Editor's discretion. Any comments which are off-topic, abusive, potentially defamatory or in any way questionable will not be published.

- Only submit your comment once. Comments do not appear instantly. Submitting multiple versions of the same comment will only slow down the process.

- However, you retain responsibility for the comment and we reserve the right not to accede to requests to remove it. 

- HTML tags will be removed.

- Typing directly into the comment box rather than cutting and pasting from a word processor avoids formatting problems with non-standard characters. In some cases, these problems will prevent publication of the comment.

- There is a limit of 300 words (=3000 characters) on a single comment.