National Times


A long way from Copenhagen

Tom Arup Just when you thought things couldn’t get worse for the chances of an international climate change agreement by the end of the year the US and EU are now reportedly fighting with each other.

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Market Forces at Copenhagen

Tom Arup A legally binding agreement on climate change will not be signed until late next year, and Australia’s 2020 emissions reduction target will be between 15-19 per cent on 1990 levels — if the markets ..

Copenhagen Glimmer (Update)

Tom Arup It may come as a surprise but Indonesia - once one of the world’s great environmental vandals - could be the glimmer of hope at Copenhagen.

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Coal, carbon and contradictions

Julie Bishop

Julie Bishop Labor's chief carbon tax spruiker is faced with an acute dilemma. Prime Minister Julia Gillard has spent the past five months, since breaking her promise not to introduce a carbon tax, attacking the .

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Where the Kiwis go we should follow


Mark Dreyfus On Wednesday I had the pleasure of meeting New Zealand's new High Commissioner to Australia, Major-General (retired) Martyn Dunne in Canberra.

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What the Government Does Not Tell You (Part 2) - China and Climate Change

Julie Bishop

Julie Bishop One of the principal arguments of the Julia Gillard - Bob Brown government to justify imposing a carbon tax on Australia is that the international effort on climate change will leave us behind and ...

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Climate challenge back on track after Cancun

Mark Dreyfus The international struggle to deal with climate change is back on track. 

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Life Without an ETS: Part Three

Tom Arup Part three of Greenlines four-part series on the world after the Rudd Government shelved it emissions trading scheme.

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Australia Looking Petty on Climate Financing

Tom Arup Tongues are wagging around the diplomatic community in Canberra — why is Australia still missing on international climate change financing?

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Putting the green back into the green and gold

Tim Harcourt Imagine a country that is inward looking and rarely notices the world beyond its own borders. There’s double-digit inflation and unemployment and a poor record of economic growth. Workers and their ..

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CSIRO fights back on climate

Tom Arup Like a punch drunk boxer climate science has been stumbling around for months after a barrage of punches from the climate sceptics.

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Lord Monckton is on the fringe: Barnaby Joyce

Tom Arup Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, the eccentric UK climate sceptic, is proving too hot for some of Australia’s most prominent climate sceptics — including Barnaby Joyce.

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2009: The Year of the Camel

Tom Arup With the failure of the Copenhagen summit and water reform stalling, the biggest environmental advance in Australia this year may belong to the humble camel.

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The strange case of Captain Bligh and Malcolm Turnbull

Michael Epis When I look at Malcolm Turnbull these days, I cannot but think of William Bligh.

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No Money, No Action

Tom Arup While the PM was trying to look important, the G20 was avoiding getting anything done on climate change.

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