National Times


You call this a serious debate Tony Abbott?

Mark Dreyfus Let it never be said that Australians don't care about politics.

Comments 123

Save and expand foreign aid

Sarah Hanson-Young This month the world is learning about the ongoing famine in the Horn of Africa, where about 12 million people have been hit by the worst drought in almost 60 years. Australia has pledged more than ..

Comments 32

With new role comes greater responsibility

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young

Sarah Hanson-Young Yesterday was a great day for the Greens. Our team in the Federal Parliament went from six to 10 with Governor-General Quentin Bryce presiding over the swearing-in of 12 senators from around the...

Comments 61

A park is not a paddock

Mark Dreyfus On Easter Saturday I'm looking forward to walking in Victoria's Alpine National Park, around Mount Beauty.  The park is a national treasure, with well deserved National Heritage listing.

Comments 12

Stop scare-mongering and show some leadership

Sarah Hanson-Young The idea of a carbon tax has Tony Abbott's speedos in a knot. The Opposition Leader has been rabidly calling for a people's revolution to bring down the government.

Comments 118

The Assange question

Julian Assange

Mark Dreyfus Global opinion is likely to split again over WikiLeaks found Julian Assange.

Comments 66

Who is the fairest of us all?

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young

Sarah Hanson-Young What is the purpose of the Australian of the Year award? Recognition of past achievements, recognising Australians who uphold our values? Endorsing role models for the rest of the community? Or ...

Comments 36

A matter of trust

Julie Bishop The celebrated psychoanalyst Carl Jung once observed that “The man who promises everything is sure to fulfil nothing.”

Comments 19

The unholy union of nanny and police state

Michael Epis Election years are dreadful things - and doubly bad when there are two elections. We are in the midst of it now and be warned - it’s only going to get worse. Much worse.

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White Anting Australia

Martin Feil I have finally woken up to the fact that the global financial crisis (GFC) has been a distraction for Australians.

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B-plus Barack


Rocco Fazzari One year on and the "Great White Hope" reaches over and prepares to blow out the candle on his cake.

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Ken Henry and the CAD that is good for us

Martin Feil For those who came in late, the current account deficit is the difference between what we pay overseas for intangible goods and services (an intangible good is something which cannot be seen such as .

Comments 2

Labor cannot fix hospitals

Helen Coonan The health system is no longer deteriorating – it has collapsed. At the hands of the bungled and bloated bureaucracies, run by hapless and disgraced ministers, the health system of our once great ...

Comments 14

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