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  1. My life is exactly like this because I am a journalist.
  2. @PhilVillarreal Unlikely.
  3. I am going to invest in superior wall hanging devices and a studier bookshelf. That's what I get for being cheap and lazy. #earthquake #nyc
  4. @martintsang Or I have crappy walls.
  5. @kevinmeyers Sigh, really.
  6. Well, all my pictures are smashed and there is glass everywhere. Thanks #earthquake #nyc
  7. RT @TheEconomist: Obama has annoyed America's travel agents by suggesting they're obsolete
  8. Human Nature.
  9. @lnorthrup Amen.
  10. @lnorthrup mink punch.
  11. Oh my god, the weasel that was a marten was actually a mink. I will never stop laughing.
  12. @lnorthrup @hrm @samglover Can we all agree that "weasel punch" is now a thing? And that when you are weasel punched, you yell, "MARTEN"
  13. @lnorthrup Yes, that set me off all over again.
  14. @lnorthrup The greatest sentence ever penned.
  15. @samglover The last sentence sent me into laughing fits all over again.
  16. I am laughing so hard at the 2nd paragraph, I am crying. "Man with dead weasel accused of assault"
  17. @GitEmSteveDave Yes?
  18. RT @TheEconomist: Some cameras leave unique traces every time a photo uploads, helping to track stolen devices