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Architects and Planners for Justice in Palestine
UK architects, planners and other construction industry professionals campaigning for a just peace in Israel/Palestine.


Petition against the E1 (A1) Plan

APJP is re-launching this petition, in view of the proposal to begin the E1 plan at Mevaseret Adumim

Acting against international law, Israel continues to build illegal settlements on Palestinian territory. Israeli architects and planners have helped build settlements and towns on appropriated Palestinian land. Architects and Planners for Justice in Palestine (APJP) assert that the actions of Israeli architects and planners
working in conjunction with this enterprise, are unethical, and contravene professional codes of conduct and UIA codes. It is time to challenge the IAUA and the Israeli government to end such projects. We have launched a petition to highlight 3 projects that typify the appropriation of Palestinian land aided by Israeli
architects and other design professionals:

The E1 Plan expands the largest illegal settlement, Ma’ale Adumim, to link it with metropolitan Jerusalem; it will dissect the northern and southern West Bank, destroying the possibility of a contiguous Palestinian state.

In Silwan 88 Palestinian homes are under threat of demolition. This is part of a development for ultra-religious Israeli settlers on illegally annexed Palestinian land.

Support the campaign to save Lifta, the ruins of a Palestinian village, from being converted into a development for wealthy American visitors, to the exclusion of the original Palestinian inhabitants, their heritage and memory.

We call on the Israeli Government, the Prime Minister, the Housing Ministry, the Ministry of Defence, the Jerusalem Municipality, and the Mayor of Jerusalem to halt these illegal plans that breach international law, UN resolutions, and the Geneva Conventions, and destroy the possibility of a viable Palestinian state, to which Israel has so often paid lip service, but is doing all it can to ensure never happens.

We call on the Israeli Association of United Architects to adhere to UIA Codes of Conduct, and end the
participation of their members and fellow professionals in creating the ‘facts on the ground’ that obliterate the idea of a viable future Palestinian state.

If you would like to add your name to the petition (if you have not already done so) or see the complete list of signatories, please go to or email